It Came From the Lounge: October 2006
Summary:Jenni comforts a runaway from Heldrad's world while the hen searches the kitchen for baby formula. Ilraen is introduced to the Lounge and his future partner and acquires a human morph. Leof returns in her Esemeli form, Rumor comes to collect her trunk from Somewhere Upwards, and Lupe, Ginger, and Erik have a knife-throwing contest with Andras as the target.
Timeline:October, 2006.
Players: Neshomeh (OCs: Jennifer Robinson, Supernumerary, Ilraen | Canons: Henry Jekyll, Erik)
Hawkelf (OCs: Remedy, Aimee, Jai, Mas, Rumor, Kit | Canon: Jubilee)
Blayze (OC: Lupeias | Canon: Leofric)
Nueva Paz (OCs: Maera, Andras)
Oracle (OCs: Ginger, Nick)
Nightsail (OCs: Heldrad, baby Abigail, runaway-kid Avitus, vampire)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.


Heldrad: *wanders into the Room/Lounge again, cuddling that little bundle of baby blankie with the baby still in it, cooing at it with little kisses, all distracted and obviously happy... and plenty of bits of burdysong too. think Erik'd hear? ;)*

Erik: *up in the rafters, bored, bored, bored, and, oh yes, bored—probably flicking a knife and the nearest beam, humming to himself, lost in music and boredom*

Heldrad: *little burdysong and cooing at the baby.... in human terms, it's something of a lullabye, and in burdysong language, it actually does have some meaning to it.* *takes a seat on the couch, curling his wings around them... that baby's gonna be -spoiled-.*

Erik: *duh nuh nuh, doo de doo, bah ba—bwuh? something happening?* *peers over the edge of his rafter... oh, that guy. And a baby. Huh. Odd. Better not get near it.*

Nightsail: ((better not get near which? ;)))

Nightsail: ((and would he respond much at all to one of those "damsel in distress" scenarios, you think?))

Neshomeh: (( Hehe. The baby. And, it would depend on who's in distress. ))

Nightsail: ((lol. the theory of not getting between a hen and its chick, huh?))

Neshomeh: (( More the theory of not getting involved with people at all, since it only ends in tears... ))

Heldrad: *busy singing to the baby like that, who's starting to make babysounds back at him, getting a tad fussy... and gets kisses for the fusses, though the hen finally takes a clue when the baby manages to lick his chin while getting kissed on.... oooh, hungry baby!* *looks around and heads for the kitchen quickly, gonna hunt up something in there!*

Door: *meanwhile, a thump on one of them, that Heldrad doesn't catch since he's busy making some noise himself, looking through the cabinets and all... and the handle trying to turn*

Nightsail: ((oh?))

Neshomeh: (( Erik is not a happy person. His life sucked. He has little hope of this ever changing, particularly since the Maera incident. ))

Nightsail: ((the Maera incident?))

Jenni: *is going to bother her typist all night unless she's finally allowed to see the baby, so wanders into the main room at this time* *first notices the noise in the kitchen, then the rattle at the Door* *not particularly bothered by either, but keeps an eye on the Door*

Neshomeh: (( RP history. Erik was beginning to get along with the people of the Lounge—actually bothering to talk to them sometimes, for example—but then Maera took it into her head to have a fangirl obsession with him. She snuck up and hugged him one too many times. He reamed her up one side and down the other, smacked her so she'd remember it, and promptly left. The other Lounge people threw her out for it, though she's back now. Erik has barely left the rafters since. ))

Nightsail: ((how long ago was that one?))

Neshomeh: (( I'm not sure. Several months, though. ))

Nightsail: ((after or before the beach party where Heldrad roasted marshmallows...?))

Neshomeh: (( He wasn't even in the room at all for a while... I think you may remember that. They were going to sing to him. ))

Nightsail: ((oooh, -that's- why he was sulking and Jenni and Heldrad did that?))

Neshomeh: (( Yep. ))

Heldrad: *still trying to sing to the baby to distract her, giving kisses and all, being a total hen... and still searching for baby milk or something in the cabinets, but he can't read half the types of writing in there, so he's sniffing around too... hen could use some help, am sure! bebe's gettin' fussy on him...*

Door: *finally opens... and a kid hurries through, slamming the Door again behind them, closing off the castle they'd come out of... first glance says it's a very pretty curly-haired goldilocks of a teenage girl, red tunic-tee sort of top and a long black skirt that's made to fan out -wide- when twirled, it looks like... couldn't be more than what, fourteen? entirely flat-chested, no makeup... just a lot of tears, and managed to close that skirt in the Door, so tries to yank it out without tripping, only to land butt-first on the floor anyway, sniffling a hiccup and wiping those eyes*

Jenni: *blink* Wuh-oh. *glance at the kitchen—does she hear a baby in there? will have to make an excuse to drag this kid in there and find out* *speaks gently to the alleged girl* Hey there. Where'd you come from? *goes over to lend a hand*

Erik: *ugh, crying girls. No, thanks!*

kid: *trying to push that hair out of the mess of tears that's making it stick, and hiccups again... Jenni might pick up a smell of alcohol, too. kid's kinda drunk...* Don't make me go back... I don't wanna be dinner again... *doesn't see the offered hand, though, starts scooting back to the wall and away from the Door*

Jenni: It's all right. You're safe here. *glances around at that—none of the dangerous people seem to be about, except Erik, who probably won't bother himself to do anything but watch* I'm not going to hurt you. Come on. *again with the hand*

kid: *looks up at her... and about to take it when there's another sound at the Door and it opens, letting in an LoK-style vamp... guy's fairly human-looking, but for his hands and feet, and coloration... very pale, the usual black hair and claws and yellow eyes... he's wearing black leather pants and a red shirt, himself, unarmed at the moment, but annoyed, and looks around, the kid out of his view behind the Door for the moment* .... *realizes that this isn't part of his castle, and looks behind him before looking back into the Lounge/Room again... um.* .....

Erik: *ooh, excitement*

Jenni: *probably nearly smacked by the Door there, yelps ("Hey!"), stands up and looks around at the newcomer*

vamp: *blinks, looks over at her too* ...sorry about that.... you.... um.... *a glance back at the castle behind him, and back to her again — easy enough to tell that he's not at all sure right now of where this is* wouldn't happen to have seen one of our humans run past here, would you....?

kid: *shaking that curly head quickly, eyes wide, trying to keep any hiccups from sounding by covering that mouth and scooting more toward the wall... poor kid's terrified here*

Jenni: *yeah, got the picture pretty well* I wouldn't think so. We get plenty of weirdness around here—case in point *gestures at him*—but not runaways. *and that's the truth*

vamp: *odd look at her, and sniffs.... uhoh, he's picked up on the alcohol-smell. :S* ..... *starts to peek around that Door*

Jenni: *meep—thinks fast!* *puts a hand on his arm* You don't wanna see that. Weirdness includes drunks. I was about to take care of the mess.

vamp: *odd look at her, steps back a little, effectively put off by that... yay!* ....well, if you see him, send him back. He's marked.... *and takes the Door handle to close it after him*

kid: *wiping those eyes again, still barely daring to breathe here* ....

Jenni: *probably can't keep that Door open without arousing suspicion... wonderful* *once it's closed, sighs and leans against it* You're probably going to be stuck here for a while. Might as well get comfortable. *looks over at the kid again, curious* What's your name?

kid: *still wiping all those tears off, another hiccup... peeks up at her* ....-'vitus.... *and trying to quit with the scared crying so proper speech is possible, sounds like*

Jenni: *that rings some bells in her head, but not enough to put a finger on* I'm Jenni. You're in the Lounge, which means you're nowhere in particular. However, we have good furniture and a kitchen, and you're welcome to them. Don't mind the man in the rafters. He mostly stays up there.

Erik: *oh, thank you so much for calling attention to me...*

kid: *glances up, but still wiping those eyes, so doesn't see anything anyway.... a sniffle* ....they made me drink more of that wine, and I didn't want to... they were going to make me be dinner again, for the lieutenants... and I didn't want them to... *tries getting up, but poor kid's all unsteady on those feet, and trips up on the skirt anyway, nearly pulling it down over those thin hips... fortunately, the waist's too small, and the kid just ends up on the floor again.... gonna have a sore butt when this is over with.*

Jenni: *reaches down to pick the kid up outright—can probably carry this skinny little guy as far as the couch* They're not big on the democratic process. I know.

kid: *prolly weighs eighty, maybe ninety at most... semi tallish, but very lean.* *hugs right back on, burying his face on her shoulder there* ....they had girls that -wanted- to, but they said they wanted -me-.... *a hiccup, all upset about it still* .....and I even got marked, too, see? *some indication to a thin gold bracelet on his wrist... it's not the chain kind, more like the band kind, and solid... it's latched somehow, and doesn't look like it was meant to come off; it certainly isn't loose enough that he can take it off himself* ...and — and he said they shouldn't pick me for him, but... but I don't know if he said they couldn't pick me for -them-.... *hugs tighter again* ...I don't wanna be dinner any more, I don't like it....

Heldrad: *meanwhile, cooing from in the kitchen still, trying to keep the baby happy while he hunts down the proper milk or formula or whatnot*

Jenni: *yeah, with some effort, walks over and puts him down on the couch, sits there next to him and wipes his eyes with the cuff of her sleeve* Well, as long as you're here, you don't have to. *catches the sounds from the kitchen* ... I should tell you that anyone can come here—anyone—but the rule is that no one bothers anyone who wants to be left alone. *neglects to mention that this rule may be ignored on the grounds of entertainment...* Listen, why don't you just sit here and I'll go get you something to drink. Something warm? What would you like?

kid: *still trying to make those hiccups go away* ....anything but more wine...?

[Continues in November....]


Remedy: *slips in quietly and sits*

Ginger: *sits on the couch in one corner, taking up as little space as humanly possible*

Jubilee: *messing around in the kitchen*

Nume: *is there, sitting in his usual place [at the bar], but looking much more attentive than usual*

Aimee: *wanders in, about ten-ish years old*

Jai: *male, and seven, and following Aimee*

Aimee: *carrying baby brother Mas*

Ginger: *lights up! kids!*

Aimee: Hello! Rumor's my sister and she said that we should come here 'cause she's married to Hale now and said we should tell people. More like the adults want to talk about adult stuff and ditched us.

Ginger: They got married?

Jai: Scary, isn't it?

Nume: Adults are annoying like that. *watches the door*

Ginger: Terrifying.

Jai: Kit says 'they have to move out if they spawn.'

Ginger: *can't blame her*

Aimee: Wanna hold my brother? He's cute.

Ginger: Please.

Aimee: *hands him over*

Ginger: *holds, looking down at him tenderly*

Mas: *gurgles adorably*

Jenni: *gets to the point of the RP and walks in, leading an Andalite by the hand up until actually going through the door, because that wouldn't work* Hello! I'd like to—

Nume: *cuts her off, getting to his feet and smiling* That's him?

Jenni: —er. Yes?

Ilraen: *should be assumed to be using thought-speak at all times, 'cos the typist doesn't want to deal with it* *looks at the room* ... I am Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill. I'm supposed to meet other agents for my training.

Ginger: *blinks, rubs her head* Came to the wrong place. We're the anti-social ones. *gurgles back at Mas*

Mas: *giggles and possibly drools a bit*

Jai: *looks at the Andalite* Dude. So cool.

Ginger: *beams, wipes the drool off*

Jenni: *looks at the kids* Where'd all these come from?

Nume: *goes over and has a good look at Ilraen* This is excellent. I'm Agent Supernumerary—I'll be working with you.

Ilraen: Oh. *swivels his stalk eyes* Are you all human? You would appear to be small humans, but I've been told that appearances are deceiving, especially here.

Ginger: I'm secretly a tentacle monster. Nobody knows. *bounces Mas*

Jai: Da says I'm a demon.

Aimee: *to Jenni* Rumor's my sister. Shoved us here so the adults could talk about adult stuff.

Mas: *happy baby!*

Jenni: *to Aimee* I see. *has met Rumor maybe once?*

Nume: *to Ilraen* Yes, they are. But that wasn't a stupid question. I'm pleased.

Ilraen: That is good. I am also hoping to acquire a human morph. I would like to practice.

Ginger: A human morph?

Aimee: She's the annoyingly hyper one. Blond. Loud. Short. The originator of Essence of Mary Sue. At least, first one to distill it.

Ginger: She's terribly irritating. To know her is to want her dead—at least occasionally.

Ilraen: *to Ginger* Yes. My physiology is such that eating on missions could become a problem, so it may be useful to have a human form.

Jenni: Ah. Maybe I haven't met her. But hey, everyone's welcome unless they do something incredibly stupid.

Aimee: Everything Rumor does is incredibly stupid. Except maybe marrying the young one.

Ginger: She's prone to that. *to Ilraen* And yes, I can see where that would be useful.

Jenni: Well, I meant you lot. *smiles at the kids*

Jai: *to Ilraen* Can you ooze?

Ilraen: *blink* Ooze?

Aimee: Oh. That. We're the smart... okay, I'm the smarter one. Jai's just weird.

Jai: Like... puss! Or maybe acid. That would be so cool! And I am not weird. I'm strange.

Remedy: *amused* That's any better?

Ilraen: Er. No.

Ginger: *snorts, bounces Mas some more*

Nume: *to Jai* You want to see what he can do?

Jai: Aw. That would've been totally awesome.

Mas: *chortles*

Jai: Totally! What can he do?

Nume: Come here. Give him your hand.

Ilraen: *blink. again*

Jai: *does so, slightly wary* Hope you don't mind the rest of me being attached to it. Hard to take it off.

Aimee: His brain's easier to remove.

Ilraen: You can do that? O.o

Nume: No. Just go ahead and acquire him. *to Aimee* You can go next, if you like.

Ilraen: *takes the boy's hand in a light grip and does his thing* *this takes longer than one might expect, but then, Ilraen hasn't even existed a full year*

Aimee: *shrugs* Sure. Mas is my half brother... if that's any help. *knows a little about Andalites, yay!*

Nume: Variety is good.

Ginger: What are you talking about?

Aimee: He wants to suck our brains.

Ginger: Pleasant.

Jenni: *bursts out laughing*

Nume: No. *to Ginger* Andalites have a technology that allows them to absorb a DNA sample from any animal they can touch. Once this sample is acquired, the Andalite can then replace their own form with one dictated by the sample DNA, in effect morphing into that animal. They can also take several samples from the same species to create a unique phenotype.

Jai: *makes zombie noises* Braaaaaiiiiiiins.

Ilraen: I believe it is done. Thank you.

Ginger: Ah. Fascinating.

Nume: Isn't it? *grin*

Remedy: Think it's a bad idea if he gets mutants?

Jenni: I wouldn't advise it. He's... new.

Remedy: All right. Lucky him.

Ginger: I'd offer to help, but I won't.

Ilraen: *looks around* Who else offered to help me?

Aimee: Me and the baby. He bites, but that's okay, 'cause he doesn't have all his teeth in yet.

Ilraen: Oh. Very well.

Jenni: Ginger, how 'bout I volunteer you? ^_^

Ginger: I'm sure he doesn't want to lose his arm.

Jenni: Oh, come on. You won't even notice anything.

Ginger: Heee'll be touching meee. I don't like that.

Jai: ... I can go get the girls an' Da. If that'd help any.

Nume: I'm volunteering, of course.

Ilraen: *acquires Aimee and Mas, if that wasn't implied*

Ginger: *sighs* I'll try.

Mas: *only tries to gnaw on him a little bit*

Ilraen: *is slobbered on?* Er. Thank you. *goes over to Ginger* I understand the process has a sedative effect. *extends his thin, seven-fingered hand*

Ginger: *reaches out her hand, grits her teeth*

Jai: So do I get the terrible trio and token male?

Nume: You're male, unless I'm very much mistaken, and so am I.

Ilraen: *is gentle by nature, and it's rare that the acquiring process isn't relaxing*

Jai: The group of them. There's Kit and Hawk and Rumor. That's the terrible trio. And there's Da. Their token male.

Remedy: *to Nume* You sure you're male?

Ginger: *is humming with tension at the best of times and being touched just makes it worse. so is a little relaxed, but it's not noticeable*

Nume: *gives Remedy the Vulcan Eyebrow Look* Yes.

Ilraen: *getting better at this every time* *lets go* Finished. I thank you.

Ginger: You're welcome. *flash of a smile*

Neshomeh: (( Say, what do these kids look like? ))

Remedy: *raises own eyebrow back*

Hawkelf: ((Aimee and Mas can be found at In the icon. Jai's a darker kid, tall for his age. Green eyes.))

Nume: *goes over and lets Ilraen acquire him*

Hawkelf: ((Aimee looks like a malnutrition/anerexia poster child, but it's genetic.))

Ginger: *offers Mas to someone else, needs to be untouched for a while*

Neshomeh: (( So I'm looking at thin, green-eyed... dunno if I want to do black or red hair... ))

Jenni: *was acquired earlier—this works because she has DNA and it is human*

Jai: *ended up holding Mas* *pokes Mas's nose*

Jenni: *and would gladly hold the baby, now that her typist is paying attention*

Ginger: *heads for the bar*

Jai: *gladly hands him over*

Ginger: *and returns to her couch and curls up*

Jenni: ^_^ *talks nonsense to the kid, plays with him, and generally enjoys herself*

Nume: *once he's done...* *to Jai* Now! Ilraen will show you what he can do. *turns to the Andalite*

Ilraen: *contrives to look embarrassed* I must tell you I have not done this before. I really don't know how it will go, but I'll do my best. *closes all four eyes and concentrates really hard* ...

Ginger: *drinks and watches*

Jai: *watches, wide-eyed*

Aimee: *keeps one eye on Mas, but watches*

Ilraen: *for a while, nothing happens, but then things get really weird, because Ilraen sucks at this* *mild alarm as the forelegs go away and he falls over, only to lose the tail and grow the beginnings of a mouth, losing the fur—at which point he's interrupted*

Jenni: *glances over at the fall, decides he's okay, then does a double-take* Whoa! Hold it! Lack of clothes not okay!

Nume: ... Oops?

Ilraen: What? What's wrong?

Aimee: ... My eyes would be broken, but I shared a room with my sister over the summer. Ow.

Ginger: *eyebrow* Why? Clothes not necessarily necessary.

Remedy: Clothes are overrated. Unless large amounts of very high-strung people are around. Then everyone should be wrapped in rugs.

Ginger: I'm high-strung.

Remedy: ... Rugs for everyone!

Nume: *finds a blanket and throws it over the prone Ilraen* There. Go ahead.

Ilraen: *freaked out* Perhaps this was a bad idea. *reverses the morph*

Jai: Aaaaaw.

Remedy: Keep going. It's all right. Humans are freaks. And I say this with all the love and respect that I can muster for my closest neighboring genetic relatives.

Jenni: *gently bouncing the baby* Don't stop. You can do it.

Nume: *to Remedy* Thank you. So much.

Ilraen: ... Well... all right... *goes for it*

Remedy: *grins* Any time.

Ilraen: *turns into a tall skinny guy with green eyes, Nume's thin mouth, and red hair, at least this time, because the typist figures he can change the mix if he ever wants to* *is still freaked* *only just got used to being an Andalite, and now he isn't* *not speaking aloud, because it wouldn't occur to him* Is this right?

Ginger: You look very nice.

Aimee: ... Yeah, but your nose is on the wrong side of your head.

Jubilee: *comes out of the kitchen carrying a tray of drinks* I've got bubble teas!

Ilraen: It is? *reaches up and, being uncoordinated, smacks himself in the face* @.@

Jenni: Oh boy. ^_^; *someone take the baby so I can rescue the full-grown baby*

Jai: *has the kid again* *great*

Ginger: *drinks* Thanks, Jubes, got a drink.

Jubilee: Naked man! You look like you need a drink.

Jenni: *goes and tucks the blanket around Ilraen, then helps him up* There ya go! You're just fine.

Ilraen: I'm half-blind and I don't have enough legs and there is a hole in my head. O.o;

Jubilee: *looks at Ilraen* Riiiight... *takes his hand* *puts the cup in it* See the straw? Put it in the hole in your head and suck on it.

Ginger: *snickers*

Remedy: *smirks*

Ilraen: What?

Jenni: Whoa there. Let's not start with food items so soon, all right? First things first.

Nume: *a sort of mixed expression* ... Oh dear. You did include human eating in the culture implant, didn't you? Say you did.

Jenni: *elusive* I didn't do it. Freedenberg did.

Ilraen: Is there something I should know?

Ginger: What's up? *amused eyebrow*

Nume: My partner might have a psychotic enthusiasm for taste. Andalites don't have it, you see.

Ginger: Fun.

Jenni: Even so, it probably won't be as bad as Ax, say.

Ilraen: ... I'm not psychotic.

Ginger: No idea who Ax is. And you will be soon.

Nume: A prominent Andalite figure in the Animorphs series. Nigh-uncontrollable around Cinnabons in human morph.

Jenni: But Ax was an Andalite all his life. Ilraen will be learning both at the same time.

Ilraen: I think I would like to change back now.

Ginger: What was he before?

Jenni: *helps Ilraen to his knees for the de-morphing* He was rescued from a badfic—no name, no description, nothing except a line or two and the role of giving morphing powers to the Sue. He's only just out of FicPsych.

Ginger: Ouch!

Jenni: *nodnod*

Ilraen: *de-morphs, not at all a pretty sight* *very much relieved when it's over*

Nume: On the upside, my newbie is an Andalite. ^_^

Ginger: *toasts him* Lucky you. *drinks*

Nume: *terribly smug* There's only one other in the whole place, as far as I know.

Ginger: Hurray! We should have a party. Or hugs. But I don't do hugs. *drinks*

Ilraen: *after picking himself up and making sure all his limbs are in place* I am honored that you think so highly of my people. I only hope I may live up to expectations.

Jenni: You'll be fine. Nume will teach you everything you need to know.

Ginger: After all, Nume knows everything.

Jenni: Or near enough. *g*

Nume: Well. I know a lot more than many people, that's certain. Most of it is worthless...

Ginger: No such thing. It's worth something somewhere.

Jenni: Exactly.


Jenni: *exists* *which makes her the winner so far*

Ginger: *exists, yay for second*

Leof: *finally getting played again!*

Jenni: *yays!*

Rumor: *spontaneous cameo!*

Ilraen: *is an Andalite who exists!*

Nick: *is... here because his author keeps typing 'Nick:'*

Erik: *is another -ick, woo*

Rumor: *looks for known people*

Ginger: *glares at Rumor. On general principle*

Jenni: *doesn't know Rumor* *wants to know what her favorite Power has been up to*

Rumor: *sees Ginger* Ginger!

Ginger: Rumor.

Andras: *lounges*

Ginger: Did you get married or something?

Leof: *waves*

Jenni: *waves back, smiles* Greetings, oh long-time absent one.

Nick: Where am I?

Rumor: Yep! It was pretty and fun and had stuff and... *is fuzzy on the details because the auths decided not to actually RP it*

Ginger: I didn't get invited. I think I might be hurt.

Leof: I've been stuck on a planet for a little while.

Nick: *is skinny blond guy with a weird mark on his forehead, for the record*

Nume: *also exists* *to Nick* It's the Lounge.

Rumor: I'm sorry. We didn't even get to invite Gwen or /anybody/ 'cause... something.

Nick: The Lounge? Would that be anything like the Nexus?

Ginger: Ah, all right.

Lupe: *lounges on a rafter* Sort of.

Nume: I think the two overlap, yes.

Jenni: Sounds fun. */sarcasm*

Nick: Ah. Wonderful.

Ginger: *gets up to look for a drink*

Leof: Thrill a minute.

Rumor: *looks up at the rafters* Um... Is there still a way into Somewhere Upwards up there? 'Cause it looks different!

Lupe: Probably.

Ginger: Why wouldn't there be?

Rumor: *shrugs* Kit said something 'bout closing it.

Erik: *is in the rafters, but doesn't go Up There*

Lupe: *we're not allowed Up There*

Erik: *no* *Something doesn't allow it*

Maera: *doesn't know what the hell people are talking about*

Rumor: *hee* *goes Somewhere Upwards*

Jenni: I feel awkward for no very good reason.

Nick: *sits on a couch and is absolutely clueless*

Lupe: *but they get full access, of course*

Erik: *bah*

Rumor: *comes back with a heavily locked chest that probably Lupe and Ginger recognize*

Leof: Do you have a bad reason?

Lupe: *..blinks* O_o

Ginger: *warily* What have you got there, Rumor? Is it something that will make me kick your ass?

Jenni: Oh yeah. Completely irrational.

Rumor: Probably! We're moving again, so we get to take stuff out o' storage!

Ginger: Don't open it.

Rumor: But I'm thirsty...

Erik: *eyes the chest*

Ginger: *glare*

Lupe: No, Rumor, no drinking that.

Leof: What is it?

Rumor: *begging eyes that work at home* *to Leof* Drinks!

Ginger: *Glare*

Jenni: Do I get to answer, too?

Leof: Of course! *not paying any attention to Rumor, silly*

Rumor: *this is probably good, because she will wander in and out of everyone's conversations at whim* *she's rude like that*

Andras: Shouldn't we have some introductions here?

Lupe: Intros are for n00bs.

Jenni: Okay. I missed you.

Ginger: That's the general idea, Lupe.

Rumor: And so are drinks!

Nick: I am rather thirsty.

Nume: *taking his new partner and hiding in the corner*

Leof: I'm just that amazing. *smirks*

Rumor: *happily starts unlocking the chest*

Andras: Fine. What kind of drinks?

Lupe: Drinks are for nobody.

Ginger: For god's sake, someone stop her. I'm tired. *drinks*

Andras: I'm nobody!

Rumor: Good ones! I've got water, diet water, sugar free water, sugar water, water with lemon, carb free water, peanut-oil free water, glucos free water...

Jenni: *grin* Yeah, it's a talent.

Lupe: Oh, it's just the water.

Ginger: Thank god.

Erik: ... Why is that in a locked chest?

Andras: Water's not a drink....

Rumor: Caffinated water, decaffinated water, water that makes you float, water that makes you sleep, water that gives you the hiccups, water that kills vampires... water that makes you drunk...

Leof: I have many talents.

Rumor: And the Essence. Which isn't for drinking. It's for throwing at people.

Ginger: Keep the Essence in there or I will use your entrails as stockings.

Jenni: Including getting stuck on a planet?

Leof: ...Yes.

Rumor: ...that'd probably hurt, huh?

Ginger: Badly.

Jenni: But that's okay, because you got off it.

Leof: Exxactly.

Andras: Yeah, being stuck on planets sucks, but it happens to a lot of people..

Leof: Not exactly. And I wasn't talking to you.

Rumor: Oh well! *cheerfully sorting through bottles* *hands one that's probably safe to Andras*

Jenni: Right. ... Look, I'm gonna hug you. Can I do it without giving up a limb or something?

Leof: Of course.

Andras: No, really, there's about 6 billion people stuck on this one planet.... *is handed a drink* Er?

Leof: It's not exactly the same, Feathers.

Jenni: Oh, good. *hug!*

Ginger: *watches Rumor like a hawk*

Leof: *endures*

Andras: Whatever you say. What is this? *sniffs drink*

Jenni: *the just-stands-there kind of enduring?*

Leof: *pretty much*

Jenni: *'kay, just making sure* *lets up after a bit* I feel better.

Leof: *deadpan* Joy of joys.

Erik: *did Andras drink the water? is he still in the same shape and in one piece?*

Rumor: *perfectly willing to pass out waters to /everyone/!*

Andras: *didn't drink anything yet* *asked what it is*

Nick: *is quite thirstly*

Jenni: Yeah, I know you don't care. Well, I don't care that you don't care. So.

Rumor: It's... Um... *squints at the label* Harmless!

Nume: *pipes up* Harmless, or Mostly Harmless?

Leof: So we all don't care. *to reiterate, is a she* *just so we're all on the same book*

Rumor: ...probably harmless.

Ginger: Don't drink it.

Andras: Well, jeeze, what's the point then?

Rumor: I don't know what the stuff does when it's been sitting a year!

Jenni: *her typist missed that part* *'sall good* Right! Or something.

Ginger: Whyyy would you bring it out?

Rumor: ...'cause I'm gonna take it with me when I leave?

Ginger: Lovely.

Andras: *is tempted to try it, just because Ginger told him not to, but his typist doesn't have time for stuff to happen*

Rumor: *shrugs* *looks around* ...anyone know where my sister went?

Ginger: Nope.

Rumor: Huh. *shrugs*

Ginger: *shrug*

Andras: Sister, huh? Would that be a twin sister? What was your name again?

Rumor: I'm Rumor... And she's like... ten. Ish. I think.

Andras: Oh. Crap. Never mind.

Rumor: Whyyyy?

Andras: No particular reason.

Rumor: No. Why? Really? Please?

Jenni: *now distracted by weird people* *to Rumor* Andras is a letch.

Rumor: Oooooooh. Hello, letch!

Andras: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Nick: *snickers*

Jenni: No, I didn't. Simple statement of fact.

Rumor: I like letches. They make funny noises while they bleed all over the sidewalk!

Jenni: *opens her mouth* *stops* ... Are you thinking of leeches?


Lupe: No, no, letches do that too.

Jenni: I see.

Rumor: *nods* They do! Especially when Kitty's having fun!

Ginger: *snickers*

Andras: Who is this Kitty that you speak of?

Erik: I like the way this is going.

Rumor: Kitty's Kit. She's not the god. Um... She's a berzerker type person!

Ginger: Votes for making Andras bleed?

Erik: Aye!

Rumor: *going with the general motion of things* Sure!

Lupe: Aye!

Andras: Yay! Blood!

Jenni: *stares at Andras* ... You DO realize they're talking about you?

Andras: Yes. *grin*

Ginger: have problems.

Erik: ... Damn. That takes all the fun out.

Ginger: Hey, if I threw a knife at you, could you dodge it?

Andras: With my eyes closed.

Ginger: Damn. So unfair.

Rumor: ...betcha couldn't dodge a flying Kitty.

Andras: .....I don't have eyes. Anyway, my reflexes are probably better than they were when I did.

Ginger: It's not that hard. *idly pulls a knife out of her belt*

Erik: *pulls out his own knife* *ambush, whee!*

Rumor: *has... water of the holy sort!*

Jenni: *is probably in the middle of this* *moves*

Lupe: *knife!*

Leof: *eyeroll, steps aside*

Ginger: *throws the knife* So, how has everyone's week been?

Rumor: Hee!

Lupe: *throws* Peachy.

Erik: *also throws knife, not in the direction of Lupe or Ginger's*

Andras: *flies*

Rumor: *tosses the bottle into the mix*

Erik: *answering Ginger, OMG* Boring.

Andras: *dammit, is bound to catch one in the wing* Hey!

Ginger: Tragedy.

Erik: *score!*

Kit: *walks in* ...looks like I'm missing the fun.

Ginger: Yes! I win!

Rumor: *woot!*

Lupe: Woo-hoo.

Andras: *lands* Well that's just not fair, ganging up on me like that. But then, who am I to talk about fair? *pulls it out*

Ginger: Poor Andy.

Erik: I'll be wanting my knife back, by the way.

Andras: *the blood blends in with his red feathers* How d'you know it's yours?

Kit: *rolls eyes, joins the peanut gallery on the sidelines*

Ginger: I think it's mine.

Erik: I didn't say it was mine. But mine's down there and I want it back.

Rumor: *goes and gets Erik's knife* This one?

Erik: Oui.

Ginger: Get mine from Andy.

Rumor: It's shiny!

Lupe: And mine is here somewhere.

Erik: Yes.

Kit: Losing things again, Lupe?

Lupe: Always.

Rumor: *looks around, grabs Lupe's knife*

Erik: She lost the part that would enable her to find things, more's the pity. *g*

Rumor: Excuse me, Mr. Letch Person, but I'm kinda wondering if I could please have that knife?

Lupe: *sticks tongue out* What, my eyesight?

Erik: *shock!* That, as well? My, my.

Andras: Here, I don't want it. *hands it over*

Lupe: Oh, shut it, dedboy. *asking for it now*

Rumor: *has three knives, for the price of one bottle of holy water - by the way, puddle in the corner - is doing good!*

Ginger: Knife please, Rumor.

Rumor: *has pocketed them away* What knife?

Nueva Paz: ((Okay now I really must be going.))

Lupe: Ruumooor...

Oracle: ((Night!))

Ginger: *growls* The knife I threw at Andras that you have on your person somewhere.

Nueva Paz: ((Goodnight everyone.))

Neshomeh: (( G'night. ))

Rumor: I've no idea what you're talking about!

Ginger: I'll beat it out of you.

Kit: *growls*

Nueva Paz has left the conversation.

Erik: Come on. I don't like attacking women as a general rule, but...

Rumor: Um... I'd be willing to sell you knives! Got lotsa them!

Ginger: Not interested. Just hand it over and I won't damage you.

Lupe: Rumor, just give us the knives.

Kit: *to Ginger* Damage her, I damage you. *to Rumor* Hand 'em over, pipsqueak.

Rumor: *pouts*

Ginger: You can try.

Kit: You can stop me?

Erik: *readies the Punjab lasso*

Ginger: More than likely.

Kit: Seriously doubt it. Rumor, give.

Rumor: *sullenly produces the daggers* *looks at them*

Erik: ... *who's gonna get it?*

Rumor: You sure you want 'em back? Awful dull...

Lupe: Yes please.

Erik: Irrevocably sure.

Ginger: Give them back.

Rumor: *hands them back, slowly*

Lupe: *slips it into a pocket*

Erik: *veh* *Punjabs his knife and puts both away*

Kit: *eyeroll*

Jenni: ... Tea?

Ginger: *wipes it clean and sheathes it*

Kit: Depends. Has Rumor been giving you things?

Jenni: Nope. My stash.

Kit: Yes, please, then.

Ilraen: *should be assumed to be using thought-speak unless otherwise indicated* What is tea?

Rumor: Tea is what you get when you rob a freight train!

Jenni: *grin* I'll put some in a bowl for you. I'm sure you'll like it. ... *gives Rumor a strange look*

Kit: I'd say that in some universe that makes sense, but... previous experience says that that's not likely at all. Rumor, sit down, shut up, and calm down.

Rumor: *does the above commanded things*

Ilraen: *likely to be completely confuzzled for a long time, it seems*

Jenni: *goes to make lots of tea, because she knows other people will drink it, too*

Oracle: I am currently away from the computer.

Rumor: *pokes around in the box*

Kit: So what's new around here?

Lupe: *shrugs* People. Furniture. Layout.

Kit: *nods*

Erik: Were you responsible for the previous design, if it can be called that?

Kit: ...previous design?

Erik: Loosely speaking.

Kit: ...not quite sure what you're meaning.

Erik: I mean the horrible paint job and decor.

Kit: Wrong Kit.

Erik: Because it really was horrid. I changed it in self-defense.

Kit: Good for you. You're thinking of the 'god', though. Term loosely applied. Blame him for the previous looks.

Erik: Fine.

Rumor: I liked them!

Erik: You're an idiot. And a kleptomaniac.

Kit: ...pretty sure you're off on the idiot part. Hard as it is to believe.

Rumor: *thibbits*

Erik: Wonderful.

Kit: ...I swear we have her house trained. She's just acting up because all the people got her excited.

Erik: Well, if she leaves a mess on the floor, you're cleaning it up.

Kit: Not my job. I'm her friend, not her maid.