It Came From the Lounge: November 2006
Summary:Jenni and Heldrad work together to take care of Avitus. Jenni finally gets to meet Heldrad's baby and, after frankly expressing her concerns about his ability to be a parent to a human child on his own, agrees to move into the castle with him and be Abigail's nanny, at least until someone more suitable can be found.
Timeline:November, 2006.
Players: Neshomeh (OC: Jennifer Robinson | Canon: Erik)
Nightsail (OCs: Heldrad, baby Abigail, runaway-kid Avitus)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.


Jenni: *smiles* Of course. I'll be right back. *goes into the kitchen, finds Heldrad* Ah, it's you making all the noise in here. *teasing him* What are you l—more to the point, who and what do you have there? *now what?*

Heldrad: *looks back at her from kneeling on the counter... not like he needed a chair to get up there, heh. just more comfy than leaning against the counter to see back into the recesses of the cupboards* ....I'm a dad.... this is Abigail... and she's hungry. *eyes the baby... still cooing, gives the itty newborn a kiss and looks back into the cupboard* wouldn't happen to have anything around that I could give her....?

baby: *fuss!*

Jenni: *brain breaks, complete with tinkling glass sound effects in her mind* *shakes her head* Okay, I'm going to be very, very confused. But before that... it's possible there's something leftover from when Ginger had Henna with her. How old is she? *shakes her head again*

Heldrad: I've only had her for about three days now, actually.... *can't help smiling just thinking about it, still cooing uninterrupted by his speech somehow.... one thing's abundantly clear; he's a proud daddy and that kid's never gonna suffer neglect!* ....but I had to give back that.... thing... that makes the milk for her, because it was clogged with something, and the Rahabim were going to fix it... but she's hungry -now-. *sighs* ....where would it be, if it's still here?

Jenni: *both hands on her face—doesn't know if she believes this, but thinking there really should be legal procedure for becoming a parent* Um... knowing Ginger... well, that doesn't actually tell me anything. Please tell me there's a life-or-death reason she's not with her mother. *starts looking*

Heldrad: *looks over at her at that, not sure how to take that last comment* that her mother's dead?

Jenni: *looks up at that, all in earnest* Yes. Yes, that is a very good reason. I'm, I'm sorry. *is also relieved, but never mind*

Heldrad: *shakes his head, looking through cabinets more himself again* ....don't worry about it. It's awkward enough as it is to admit I don't remember about my human life enough to even remember her mother or being involved with anyone to begin with.... *peeks down at the fussy baby* ....but I know she must've been -very- pretty.... *trying not to smile again, goes back to looking through the cabinet, moving stuff around... proud daddy indeed!*

Jenni: *poor silly burd* *stops looking after a moment* ... I've got a hunch, but it involves going out there and you should probably stay here. There's a bit of a delicate situation in my lap, and I have to deal with that. This'll only take a few minutes. *goes about putting together meadowsweet and peppermint with hot water for the kid—not exactly the miracle cure, but fluid by itself is a good thing*

Heldrad: *nods, still looking himself here* ....all right... *probably manages to find at least a bottle, though?*

Jenni: *the only criterion for what's in the kitchen is its plotworthiness* *once there is tea, takes a big mug on out there and hands it over to the young fellow* Here you go. It's hot, so be careful, but this should help you to feel better.

kid: *nods, trying to be careful with taking it, but ends up having to make the arm of the couch there help him keep it up and level while he has some... he's still plenty unsteady. one must wonder just how much they -did- give him to drink. :S*

Jenni: *one does wonder* *waits til he's had a bit, then speaks again* You should know that a friend of mine is here, in the kitchen. He might be alarming to you, but I can promise he won't hurt you. Can you trust me about that?

kid: *nods, wipes his eyes again... the hiccups are pretty much done with by now, and he's trying to get some more of that tea to drink*

Jenni: Good. *wonders if it's necessary to actually say what Heldrad is* *thinking on the vamp that came after the kid, and knowing something about their evolution, is beginning to wonder about things* I've got to look for something, then maybe we'll all sit down. *knowing Ginger, the logical place to look for anything of hers is under the bar, even though she was sober while Henna was around, and lo and behold, there is formula at the back and it seems okay* *carries it triumphantly into the kitchen*

Heldrad: *got the baby sucking on the bottle with water in it... kiddo's still a little fussy, but quieted down some now, and the hen's busy again with cooing to her and giving her little kisses, trying to make her feel better... peeks up when he hears her coming back* ....?

Jenni: *quietly* Ta-da! This might be useful. *puts the can on the counter* Now... the situation I mentioned is a boozed-up and terrorized kid from your world. You've got to just take care of Abigail and let him alone. That's all. Understand?

Heldrad: *little nod, but he looks worried about the description... reaches for the formula and looks for the directions on it* ...from -my- world, you say?

Jenni: *leans her elbow on the countertop* Or a parallel universe, or alternate time, or whatever. As near as I can figure, though, yes.

Heldrad: *lil nod, wondering about that* ....and what was it that happened to him?

Jenni: In a word, vampires. Which is why you'll just keep your instincts to yourself this time. *wonders how well this won't go over*

Heldrad: *looks back at her* ....instincts to do what, get him even more drunk and scared? *somewhat offended look* ....what vampires were they, anyway? Vorador's?

Jenni: I didn't mean that, Heldrad. *mildly upset that he'd assume that* Anyway, I don't know. The one I saw was fairly humanoid and I sent him on his way pretty quick.

Heldrad: *didn't mean -that-... more like, he can't see how -his- instincts could make a kid-involved situation worse somehow, really* huh.... could be anyone, then. *takes the bottle of water away from the baby so he can dump it out, careful not to get any on himself, and replaces it with the formula, mixing it according to directions and all* ....but if they didn't look like I do....

Jenni: *allowances must be made for the brain-dead typist, too* I thought of that and didn't tell him you're a vampire. I'm just saying keep a little distance until he can see you're all fluff. *little smile, trying to lighten the mood*

Heldrad: .... *finally nods, capping the bottle and giving it back to the baby, who quits fussing at him in favor of sucking on the milk* ....all right... I can do that....

Jenni: Okay. *bigger smile, stands straight* I'm glad to see you, you know. It's just awkward timing, as usual.

Heldrad: ...yeah... I know. *another lil kiss on the baby, just can't seem to get enough of loving on that itty newborn* ....things happen. *can't quit cooing at her, either, heh.*

Jenni: They certainly do. *bemused sort of sigh at them—babies are among things that seem not to happen to her for some reason* Well, I'll be out there, whenever you want to come. *goes back out to check on the kid*

kid: *set the mug down on the floor near him, and has his shirt off, revealing that he's actually pretty thin, as his weight suggests... he's trying to suck the tea out of the shirt, since it looks like he must've spilled a small amount on it, and he's all worried about it now, wiping his eyes* ....

Heldrad: *itty peek out of the kitchen behind her, and an odd look at the kid, just curious... keeping his distance and all, attention still mostly on the baby, but a glance won't hurt, right? :D*

Jenni: *confused* Hey there... that little bit's not going to make a difference. It's okay. *sits by him*

kid: *wipes his eyes, pulling his knees more up to him, tucking his feet under, and shakes his head* ....'m not supposed to get it dirty...

Jenni: I'm sure it can be cleaned. *puts a hand at the top of his back, pets a bit* *kid's probably wound tighter than a violin, yeah?*

kid: *oh yes... he's had a very stressful time. :S* ....they're not going to like if I don't. *trying to relax a little at the touch, but it seems like he's not sure if he's bothered or reassured by it or what. he's had a very tough time.*

Jenni: *is especially gentle* Then there's nothing to worry about, 'cos it'll be taken care of. Just not before you've had some time to recover, I think. Sleep would be favorite. *will be surprised if that happens, though*

kid: *wipes his eyes again, nods... finally leans over to her, burying his face on her shoulder... needs hugs.*

Jenni: *obliges, settling back into the couch so she can be a long-term pillow, too*

kid: *hugs back some more, keeping his legs curled up against him the best he can.... and it seems that the alcohol in him has finally proven to have an upside, as he does start falling asleep there on her after a few*

Heldrad: *still cuddling the baby, finally steps in more, taking a seat on the edge of the couch there, beside Jenni* ... *very quiet, giving the kid an odd look, like he's trying to remember something* ...he didn't happen to say what his name was, did he?

Jenni: *is suitably surprised and pleased* *looks over at Heldrad, catching that odd expression, also very quiet* Yes, but only mumbled. -Tus, something -tus. *nothing like a T to stand in the memory* ... Why?

Heldrad: *reaches over very carefully, gently putting a claw under the kid's hair to tuck it back behind his ears for him, getting it out of his face without waking him, silent for a good moment.... eyes the shirt and takes it, opening it up to look over the embroidery over its deep red fabric, and catches sight of that bracelet the kid's got on, looking over that too* ...which Door did he come through, again? *eyeing the kid's face again, his coos having quieted down by this point, all distracted now*

Jenni: *beginning to be freaked, wondering what's up* *lifts a hand just enough to point* That one, if it makes a difference.

Heldrad: *peeks over at it, managing to be pretty well pokerfaced here, and nods... back to inspecting the kid's jewelry, the gold hoop-ish earrings and that odd bracelet again, quiet* ....and did he say why he was so afraid that I can smell it on him....?

Jenni: *paraphrasing* He doesn't want to be dinner anymore. *end paraphrasing, kinda wry* And being skunked out of your skull makes any bad day worse.

Heldrad: *silent another longish minute, nods.... ends up putting the baby in her lap too, so he can get a better look at the boy* ...well... I think I can tell a good few things about just what's going on here, then.

Jenni: *good thing she wasn't really using that arm to support the kid... curls it protectively around the baby* *after a few moments making sure everyone is stable...* All right, do tell.

Heldrad: *seems comfy enough with letting her hold his baby girl there. the kid's lying on her other shoulder, so it's a stable enough arrangement.* ....well, for starters, he belongs to one of the clans. So he'd be considered a slave, servant at best.... and probably a clan lord's personal one. *eyeing over that bracelet more* ...furthermore, they've got plans on making him part of the clan at some point. *itty gesture at the bracelet's clasp... if it can be called that* This isn't designed to come off in his human lifetime.

Jenni: *nodding* Ah, that's what he meant by "marked." The vamp. He—*indicates the kid*—mentioned lieutenants, now that I'm thinking about it. He couldn't be for "him," but maybe could be for them. *really should sign up for Nosgoth Culture 101 someday*

Heldrad: *looks up at her again, all sorts of curious now* .....what? ....what was it he'd said, exactly?

Jenni: *rabbit-in-headlights blink* Um. Give me a minute. *closes her eyes and thinks over it... not that long ago, but a tense moment and words that didn't line up with preconceived ideas of things* Okay, I think I'm quoting... "They were going to make me be dinner again, for the lieutenants... didn't want them to... he said they shouldn't pick me for him, but... don't know if they couldn't pick me for them." *opens her eyes again, holds the kid a little tighter* He was very distraught.

Heldrad: *no trace of a smile* ....I see. *pets through the kid's hair again* the clan lord would be "him", and didn't want to make him be dinner.... but his lieutenants wanted the boy for themselves, and he thinks that there wasn't anything specifically disallowing -that-... which would be why they tried to get him too drunk to resist. *not happy, and I'm sure she can tell* ....they don't pull out the good wines for no reason. Stingy bastards. *not specifically accusing on the last point, just a "hmph" kind of statement, heh*

kid: *makes some lil face at all this talk, buries himself on her a tad more* ....

Jenni: *gently to both parties* Hush. *leans her cheek against the boy's head and switches over to telepathy* ~Who needs speech, anyway? ... So, I know I can't keep him here forever, but what happens when he goes back? *carries the sense that this is the big worry—would like to know so she can accept it and move on*~

Heldrad: *even quieter, barely above a whisper* Well, we -could- always hand him over directly to the highest-up, and hope he actually -does- something about his lieutenants being pompous, greedy bastards... *stands back up, pausing to take the baby-spit cloth off his shoulder, and place it on the couch where it won't be in the way* .....or I could go and.... "have a word with them" about it myself to make the point -transparently- clear. *apparently already decided to do just that, stands up more and heads toward the boy's Door* ....-no one- has the right to touch him, if he doesn't want them to. I don't care if they're the damned second in command, no one's going to lay a -finger- on him. *refolds his wings, feathers not cooperating with staying down flat any more, and goes for the Door handle there, upset*

Jenni: *ack* ~Hold on! They don't know he's here yet and I'd prefer to keep it that way for a while. If you go charging in there, who will come charging out?~

Heldrad: *looks right back at her.... yeah, and she's stuck on the couch holding not only the sleeping boy, but the infant.* No one I can't handle, I can assure you of that.

Jenni: *mild glare* ~You have no idea who you're going to run into. Just suppose it's way back up the timeline.~

Heldrad: *snort* which case, I can stop this right now, and my -brother- won't be so timid and neurotic later on in his life. *holds his wings around him more, eyeing her with a look that says he knows exactly what he's walking into here...*

Jenni: *groans quietly—just got played for the ignoramus she is right there, not appreciating it* ~Fine, I give up. You know best.~

Heldrad: *small sigh, giving her that "don't look at me like that" sort of look* ....I'll be right back. *heads through that Door, closing it behind him*

kid: *some small sound, not really sleeping all that well right now...*

Jenni: *fortunately, isn't completely helpless here, even immobile* *will sit tight and see what happens and, meanwhile, see if it's just the talking getting to him or if there's something else*

kid: *it's something else.... uncomfy memories he's been trying hard to put out of mind and get rid of, but it seems that being drunk again is threatening to bring them right back on him. Mostly, it's the threat of Bad Experiences while in such a state, and he doesn't want to deal with that.*

Jenni: *under normal circumstances, would encourage him to try and deal with this stuff* *however, has had damn-all luck reasoning with most Nosgothic people she's met and doesn't have the proper amount of time anyway, so just cheats and smoothes those patterns away for the time being*

kid: *probably for the best... whatever it was must've been fairly traumatizing to the poor boy. he manages to relax again after a min, and goes back to sleeping a little easier for now* ....

Jenni: *is grateful for small mercies*

kid: *just staying asleep for a while more*

Heldrad: *finally comes back through the Door there, closing it behind him again, looking satisfied... and a bit like he's probably exerted himself some; his hair's mussed up, and clothes shifted slightly, but he's straightening those out now* ....well. That was easy.

Jenni: *lacklustre* Good. ... *oh, all right, is curious* What happened?

Heldrad: *steps back to the couch there, faintly cooing again, and picks up the baby from her lap, if she'll let him* ....I scared the crap out of them. ^_^ *peeks up at her at that, all innocent grins here now* ....I told them I was an angel, and they were in deep shit for needlessly forcing a human against their will, especially one that's off-limits.... and that vengeance would be mine if they dared try it again. *pets on the baby's fuzzy hair* they attacked me.

Jenni: *tries really hard not to laugh, as she's still a bit steamed, but just has to (quietly!) at the presentation there* Oh sure... you had them shaking... *gigglesnort*

Heldrad: *grins more at her, all sorts of pleased* Oh, I did. After I threw them all to the walls and held them there a few feet above the ground, just by raising my hand..... and I think my true height might have added to their sudden change of heart a bit.... maybe my wings, too. They're only what.... twenty five feet wide? *in other words, put on the all-out Do Not Disobey The Deities act for them*

Jenni: Right, you're the whole nine yards of macho fighting cockerel. With pinfeathers. *snicker*

Heldrad: *looks back at her, mock-offended* Oh, but I -was-! *stands back up off the couch, at his real height, and holds out his wings again, hanging them half-extended from his sides.... well, he -does- look pretty darn intimidating on the size count now.... if only the baby he's cuddling to him didn't turn the impression into one of a total HEN. XD* I had those worthless dregs of the clan -shaking-!

Jenni: *slow nodding up at him* Well, don't let it get to you. It's not your fault. *and the impish grin*

Heldrad: ..... *the grin pauses, looking more uncertain as that registers* .....-hey-!

Jenni: *shakes her head and waves her now-free hand as though clearing fog—she's serious now* I'm sure you were brilliant, I'm sure your brother appreciates it, or will. I just wish you hadn't taken quite so much advantage of me not knowing what the hell I was talking about the whole time. My mind's all I've got.

Heldrad: ....and you'd have refused to tell me, if I hadn't.... *folding his wings in again, standing back down to a more human height, and sitting back on the couch next to her as he talks* ....on the grounds that I'd do something rash and impulsive and mess things up further, once you knew that I -did- have a clue about who he is. Wouldn't you. *lil kiss on the baby again, not too terribly upset about it all any more — it's over with anyway.*

Jenni: Probably. *shifts a little, uncomfortable about it* But I'm getting the idea that that's just how things work over there. In the future, I might just shut up altogether and save myself the headache. *yeah, right... come on, she doesn't believe herself* *is just annoyed because she's used to having some kind of grip on things and doesn't*

Heldrad: *small snort* ...well, you could've also saved yourself the frustration and simply taken a look at his markings.... they're quite prominent on his shirt and that bracelet. ...and the hem of his skirt... *trying not to snigger* ...and the -color- of his shirt.... *failing somewhat... Raz's symbol is indeed in those spots mentioned.*

Jenni: *continuing* —which meant doodley-squat to me, seeing as I haven't exactly been steeped in the minutiae of vampiric heraldry. I'm not blind, just stone ignorant. I don't know what matters and what doesn't. *not flustered at this point, just stating facts*

Heldrad: Well.... *reaches over to pull the kid's wrist to where she can see the bracelet... and points out the symbol in question* ....this shape right here is on all those red banners in my clan's castle. He's Raziel's own pet, it looks like.


Jenni: *nods absently* Look... I'm interested to learn, but not right this minute. I need to get over myself. *deep breath, sigh* You people confuse me. That's a good thing. It just isn't easy, learning to think all over again.

Heldrad: ....why would you need to do that? *an odd look at her, not getting the last part there.... and sits against her, sort of, putting a wing around her and the kid to hug them closer*

Jenni: *yay for cuddles* I deal in large part with humans. I deal in large part -as- a human. It's no surprise that I should be entrenched in human ways of thinking—or, at least, ways of dealing with human thinking. It's also no real surprise that those strategies don't work otherwise, but I've become complacent. *makes a face at herself*

Heldrad: *has to smile some at that, and shakes his head... and catches the bottle to put it back in the baby's mouth for her*, it isn't a race difference here so much as a cultural one. You know, I spent a few minutes at Rahab's? ....I was -so- lost. 0_o; ....I think it's one of those places you have to have grown up in to understand it.... but there's humans there too. So you're not the only one, trust me. It's just that you're used to -your- world. Worlds. You know what I mean.

Jenni: Yeah... I mean, I know it's a cultural difference. And it isn't just that. Along with getting complacent, I've gotten conservative. Humans tend to react badly to power and I can't really afford to throw it around like I used to, but maybe there are times when it's more necessary than I'd like to think.

Heldrad: If you can't do something, why berate yourself for not doing it? *putting the baby more on both of their laps, starts playing with her hair too*

Jenni: There's no real reason I can't. I just decided I wouldn't. *sighs as she relaxes some, petting the baby's head with her free hand*

baby: *cute and tiny. and getting sleepy. she really does -look- like Heldrad, too.*

Heldrad: Oh... *shifts a little again, still cuddling against her there.... gonna play with the kid's hair a little too, though still more with Jenni's* ....something come up recently to bring that to mind?

Jenni: *also shifts, working out the best way to be* Nothing in particular. Just, things. Wondering if I'm as effective as I could be.

Heldrad: And what would give you any reason to doubt it? *quiet cooing*

Jenni: *hesitates, but decides what the hell* It's a little-known fact that I'm very insecure. I quite literally don't belong anywhere, so I earn my keep being as useful as possible. There's a word for me, and it's "co-dependent."

Heldrad: ....would it help any if I said you could come visit me whenever you wanted? ....and "spend the night" for however long you want? ^_^ *cooing a tad louder at the thought*

Jenni: *smiles at him* You're a good friend, Heldrad. I should do that sometime—get really wild and visit just because I feel like it, dammit. *silliness*

Heldrad: *still cooing, but has to think about that one* ....if you get -too- wild, I'll probably end up putting you to sleep for your own good, you realize? *kidding right back!*

Jenni: *grin* Oh, I'll be careful. Otherwise we might even have fun. At no one's expense at all. Imagine!

Heldrad: Not even my brother Richter's? .....then what fun would -that- be? *sniggers*

Jenni: We-e-ell, it doesn't hurt people to be shaken up every now and then, so that doesn't count. ^_^

Heldrad: *just sniggers more, starts braiding her hair for her* ....wonderful. We'll be the scourge of the Citadel -together-!

Jenni: *laughs quietly* You'd think people wouldn't be prone to pranking after however many hundreds of years. I mean, how many pranks can there be?

Heldrad: Oh, don't worry. I lost count of -that- ages ago. *actually sounds quite proud about that* But you'd be surprised how many times certain ones can be played and -still- be absolutely perfectly entertaining. ^_^ Besides, the more things change, the more opportunities arise. Did you hear about one I played on Vedast just after one of my changestates? I think it ranks as one of my very favorites of all time.... *cooing louder, puts a tie in the braid he gave her... nicely done french braid!*

Jenni: If you haven't told me, probably not. Go ahead. *perfectly happy to sit and listen*

Heldrad: I'm not sure I'd remember.... I've been a little distracted lately. *moves the baby's bottle back up to her mouth again; she keeps dropping it, sleepy* ....well.... we started out nearly human in form, and with each changestate, we became less so, but you probably already know that part, right?

Jenni: Same here, and yes. But let me interrupt you for a second—did anyone think to tell you about burping babies? *and just knows he's going to misinterpret that if no one did...*

Heldrad: *silent for a good second, an odd look on his face — the image obviously -did- cross his mind there. XD* ..... *eyes the baby* ....she's full, then, you think?

Jenni: *amused at that look, but covers it* Yeah. You don't want to let her go to sleep without putting her up on your shoulder for a bit first. If she's swallowed air, which happens, it'll make her very uncomfortable. So you pat her on the back to help it come up.

Heldrad: Oh. *leaves his wing there around the other two and picks up the baby, sinking down a few inches until he's more lying against her and the couch... pulls out a small washcloth-looking rag he must've had hidden somewhere, and puts that over his chest so he can put the baby there and pat on her back lightly... pauses to think about it, and sits back up a little and starts patting on her butt instead* this?

Jenni: *nods* Yep, that's good. *shifts a bit and lightly rubs the kid's arm and shoulder, just to be doing something*

kid: *some small sound, his hand on her lap closing some on the fabric of her pants... wants to hold her back, apparently*

Heldrad: *cooing, gives the baby's little head some more kisses* where was I? *yeah, he got distracted already. hen. XD*

Jenni: *gets a weird flash of them as parents with a brood of kids, blinks it off* You were going to tell me what you did to Vedast after a changestate.

Heldrad: Oh yes, that.... *grins more again* ....well... back when we first got our wings, they didn't have any feathers... and you know what they look like without them, right? Somewhat like Elsiar's? ...well, we hadn't any idea if we were becoming more batlike or birdlike back then.

Jenni: Ye-e-es... *encouraging smile*

Heldrad: ....well... each changestate kept apparently confirming that we'd be less and less human... color changes, foot length, changes to our wings, including feathers.... and... it was sort of one of those quiet fears that we'd get to be -very- inhuman eventually. ...especially after seeing what was becoming of some of the other clans. One of the bigger worries was about getting beaks, or even tails.... *a little quieter, a slight frown* I'm still hoping we'll stay as we are, though it seems to me that a few of those smaller feathers down over my rear end -are- stiffer than others... *shakes his head, not sure what to make of that*

Jenni: *shrugs—she doesn't know, either* I should think a beak would be counterproductive, anyway.

Heldrad: I know... it probably wouldn't look all that wonderful, either. *another little absent kiss on the baby, and she gives a lil burp, putting a fist up to her face and moving slightly on him as he keeps patting* Vedast had been fretting about that again, since there was some other minor change in wing structure or something again, for Jether.... so when I came out of my own changestate, I went into his office.... and handed him a couple fresh-laid eggs. Just set them down there on his desk, looked right at him, and left. *grins, cooing louder*

Jenni: *quietly laughs* Okay, I'd heard of that, but I don't think I quite understood the anxiety before. *grin*

Heldrad: ....does it really matter? I mean.... we're all -male-, see. *grins more* Oh, he was -pissed- when he figured out that they were only chicken eggs.... but it was so very, very worth it.

Jenni: *chuckles* It matters -because- you're all male. Without that worry about extreme changes, it didn't make sense to me that he would buy into the hoax. Now I get it. ^_^

Heldrad: Oh.... *sniggers* ...well, it isn't like I -led- him to believe I, or anyone in the clan, laid those. I just... put them on his desk and left. The rest was up to his own paranoias. ^_^

Jenni: Exactly. *grin* ... I've never actually been a prankster, but there are other ways to drive someone up the wall. Words are excellent when properly employed.

Heldrad: I do that on a regular basis. ^_^ ...with words, I mean. ....if you want to call them that.... see, some of the clan don't like to use our.... um... "natural" language.

Jenni: So you've mentioned. {= )

Heldrad: *nods, hardly solemn about it* ....they don't like it so well when I address them with nothing -but- that. ^_^

Jenni: *chuckles, then breaks into a yawn* ... Meh. I've been sitting still too long.

Heldrad: Oh.... *peeks over at the kiddo* ...should I take him so you can stretch out...?

Jenni: *thinks about it, then nods* Sure, if he doesn't wake up. Let's see... *working out how to get out from under him being the trick... works to loosen his grip on her pants so she can move*

kid: *realizing he's getting moved here, starts to wake up again... a yawn, and sits back up, rubbing his eyes and looking at them... spots Heldrad and just -stares- for a sec before getting up off the couch, tripping up on his own skirt, and landing on the floor, on his face. He tries to get back up or at least crawl away, scared again... what was THAT? 0_o;*

Heldrad: .... *wings sink, hurt.... what, he's not that scary right now, is he....? 0_o he's still got the itty baby on him and everything!*

Nightsail: ((kid: *light sleeper, more's the pity. poor burd later on.... everything keeps him up in the day!*))

Neshomeh: (( Aww. ))

Jenni: *oh, snap* *gets off the couch, down on the floor with her hands at his shoulders* Hey, it's okay. It's all right. My friend, remember? I told you? You're safe.

kid: But— *eyes wide, scaredycat as all else here, tries to hug onto her* ....what -is- that? *dares an itty peek over her shoulder at the hen there, trying to calm down some*

Jenni: *hugs right back* *fortunately, can be completely obscure and completely truthful at the same time* Sort of an overgrown bird. Hen, really. Got a little chick and everything. *g* He sings, too.

kid: *just staring at the guy.... never seen anything like that before!*

Heldrad: *smiles a lil again, nods... and gives a quiet twittery sound* ....I can imitate just about any natural bird's calls.

kid: *well, at least he's not entirely freaking out here still.... just staring at him now, really* ..... *not a clue -what- to think* ....not a demon....? *rubs his eyes, hiccups.... he gets those easy when still all drunk, heh*

Jenni: *nothing like confusion to defuse panic* *rubbing his back* Nope, not at all. Do demons do French braids? *some probably do, but not going there*

kid: ....huh? *no kidding. confusion reigns supreme!*

Jenni: Exactly. *gives him a little squeeze* Come back to the couch?

kid: *still eyeing Heldrad somewhat warily, but nods.... he's willing to get led back, but he'll need some help with the whole not tripping over his own clothes thing.*

Jenni: *can handle that, and does* ... I was just going to get up and stretch a bit, but I guess I've done that now. *just chattering 'til he's situated*

kid: Oh... *wipes his eyes, and another of those hiccups, letting her take him to the couch again to sit down... and can't help but stare at Heldrad, not that the burd minds* ....and those guys are still gone...? *glances at Jenni again*

Jenni: Yep, still gone and not likely to come back. *settles between Heldrad and the kid again*

kid: *nods... pulls his feet up to him to hug his knees as he leans against her again, feeling safer like that* .... *quiet* My head hurts....

Jenni: I know. *kisses his head* It will go away. I can get you some water, if you want to stay awake. That will help.

kid: *nods, rubs his eyes again* ...all right...

Heldrad: ....might I ask how much of what they gave you....?

kid: *eyes him again, quiet a sec* .....I don't remember.... it was that stuff in the bottle with the blue label.... I don't know how much of it -they- had, though....

Heldrad: *wings sinking* ....they made you finish the -bottle-....?

kid: ..... *not sure how to answer that one, just tries to get his hair out of his face* ....

Jenni: *suddenly wondering whether Heldrad didn't mess with them enough as she gets a nice big glass of water with a straw* *gonna be one sick kiddo for a while*

Heldrad: *peeks over at her in the kitchen there* Jenni? ...could you also bring back that little garbage can I saw over there...?

kid: *curled up on the couch more, hugging his knees to him... doesn't look like he feels so great*

Jenni: *grabs can and a hand towel while she's at it and comes back* *puts the can on the floor in front of the kid and sits next to him with the water* Here you go, sweetheart.

kid: *some itty sound, trying to focus, and nods* ...thank you.... *carefully takes the water... takes him just a sec to figure out about the straw, but starts drinking it through that, cause why not?*

Heldrad: *sighs, shaking his head* ....what in the world were they -thinking-?

Jenni: Nothing monumental, certainly.

Heldrad: Someone that size, -half- a bottle would've done what they wanted, I'm sure... I mean, if they'd been paying attention as to— *pauses, quickly taking the water from the kid, who's stopped drinking it, and sets it down before he gets any on him... reaches over to grab the kid's hair while he leans over the can... too much is too much, poor kiddo...* .... *sighs* Well, at least it won't be in there long....

Jenni: *nodnod* *talking to the kid, one hand on his back as she offers the towel* You'll be okay. It'll be over soon.

kid: *little whimper, deciding he's done for the moment, takes the towel... looks like he might go back to crying* ...I hate that stuff....

Heldrad: *quiet, looks like he's thinking about something else right now... some pets on the kid's hair, combing it back with his fingers again, the baby in the blanket on his lap* ....

Jenni: I hear you. Shouldn't happen to anybody. *especially the forcing part, but really doesn't approve of getting drunk in general*

kid: *wipes his eyes more, curls up there on the couch again, letting the hen play with his hair — hen's braiding it. somehow. with those odd few-fingered hands of his that you'd think braiding is impossible with....* ....I hope I don't get in trouble....

Jenni: So do I. But, I think it will work out all right in the long run. Things often do. *slowly rubbing his back*

kid: But if they're mad I ran away..... *all worried about it*

Jenni: They don't have the right to be mad at you. *glances at Heldrad, not really sure of what else to say*

Heldrad: *biting his lip, trying not to smile* ....they'll be too embarassed about the whole ordeal, I think.... and trying not to have to explain why they need to wash their pants....

kid: ....? *so lost.*

Heldrad: If anyone says a word to you about it, just get Raziel to ask them about the bird demon that caused them to need to.

kid: ....? *looks at Jenni... he's not getting it.*

Jenni: *chuckles* You have a good friend here. *doesn't want to break the prime directive and mess with causality more than can't be avoided*

Heldrad: ....I told them off. Quite effectively, I think.... ^_^ *cooing again, all sorts of pleased*

kid: ....... *finally getting it, eyes going wide again* ....can they even -do- that?

Heldrad: *snrrrrk* ....apparently so. ^_^

Jenni: *amused* I suppose the rule of "what goes in must come out" applies.

Heldrad: You know..... I don't think I ever remember having to do that. 0_o

kid: ....? *just looks at him... hasn't seen the hen's teeth yet*

Jenni: *blink* Really? *totally distracted by what Heldrad said*

Heldrad: *distracted now too, still cooing to the boy and playing with his hair, rubbing his shoulders... pulls the baby more up against him* ...really.... I don't remember ever having to do the -other- thing, either....

kid: *is that a slight blush? TMI!*

Jenni: That just doesn't make sense. Where there is a metabolic process, there is waste. Maybe a function of changestate?

Heldrad: ....every handful of centuries? *odd look at her*

Jenni: *hands up* Hey, don't ask me. I'm just thinking out loud. If you've a better notion, I'm all ears.

Heldrad: ....I think I ought to ask Vedast about that.... *all curious now*

kid: *trying -not- to think about it* ....

Heldrad: I'll be sure to let you know what he says. ^_^

Jenni: *grin* That ought to be an interesting conversation. Maybe we can both ask when I'm there. *is definitely visiting some time in the near future, 'cos it just sounds better and better* *pats the kid's back*

Heldrad: I'll wait, then.... ^_^ *cooing still, peeks over at the kid's face* ....?

kid: *disturbed. :/*

Jenni: *also looks at him* ... Yeah, no holds barred here. Not when it comes to biology, anyway. You can't do my job and be repressed. *smile*

kid:'s.... weird. *well, probably hasn't heard these sorts of discussions before about the vamps, so...*

Jenni: Sure. That's why it's interesting. ^_^

Heldrad: You'll hear worse in time, trust me. *still cooing to him, rubs the kid's back a bit some more*


Jenni: *chuckles* Is that comment with respect to me, or just in general? *brushes over Heldrad's hand more or less deliberately, since they both happen to have one on the kid's back*

Heldrad: *small grin, peeking over at her, keeping up on that little massage on the kid* ....both. Besides, I have a feeling he'll end up talking to a doctor about vampire anatomy issues later anyway. *puts that wing more around her.... that's not entirely all he's thinking of here, in other words.*

kid: *quiet again, eyeing that bucket... still wine in him that he's guessing will get back out one way or another, and probably sooner than not...*

Jenni: *smiles back at Heldrad, but turns her attention to the kid, pulling his hair back ahead of time*

kid: *waiting a sec, but does end up pulling that bucket back over and getting rid of more of it.... which is probably for the best; it doesn't seem that he was -fed- all that well before getting the alcohol forced on him like that.... but at least it's getting out of him now, right?*

Heldrad: *less of a smile, waiting for the kid to finish up there before he offers him the towel again... boy wipes up and curls up on the couch to try to sleep once again there* ....I hope this passes quickly. *sighs*

Jenni: *nods in agreement* *reaches over for the glass of water, which wasn't finished as the typist recalls, and holds it for the kid* See if you can keep some water down, okay? It will help the headache pass sooner.

kid: *peeks back up and nods, carefully taking it and drinking some more, not really bothering with the straw yet.... and passes the finally empty glass back to Jenni to curl up again, eyes closed*

Heldrad: *back to cooing quietly to him, not sure what else to do at this point* ....

Jenni: *puts the glass down and pets his head, doing a little low-grade energy therapy until he goes to sleep*

Heldrad: *peeks down again after a sec, when the baby starts fussing to get picked up off his lap, and does just that, hugging her up to him and kissing on her again, still cooing quietly.... and then peeks over at Jenni* ....can I ask something?

baby: *itty yawn, snuggling on him there, going back to sleep too, no more fussing*

Jenni: Hm? *looks up* Sure. *a little wary, wondering where this is gonna go*

Heldrad: *a little pause, eyeing the baby as she does that, not sure how to ask, it looks like* ....why is it that just about everyone seems to think I shouldn't have kids? *still trying to figure that one out. haha.*

Jenni: *kinda relieved the question wasn't about her* *thinks about it a bit before replying* Well... I can only speak for myself, mind. I don't doubt your good nature, but... well, first of all, how much contact do you have with children and their parents?

Heldrad: *has to think about that* ...more than the others in my clan, I'd suspect. They're not the ones that spend a few hours every now and then just visiting with the humans.....

Jenni: Sure. But the thing is, humans have their memories of being raised and the experience and examples of their peers to go by when bringing up their own children. You just don't have that knowledge base. Your child will never want for love and affection, but... well, what about potty training, since we were on that subject? And what about when she's old enough to take an interest in boys?

Heldrad: *quiet, considering that* ...I'm sure others would be willing to help... I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to do, get help when you need it? ....because if inexperience is the main count against me.... *not sure how to argue with that, but oh how he wants to... seems silly, to him*

Jenni: Yes, a support system is important. What I worry about are the moments when you have only your wits to fall back on. Like when she decides to spit baby food at you, or won't hold still to be changed, or takes it into her head to go climbing the balconies whenever you're not looking. What do you do when you're at the end of your rope and hugs and kisses don't fix it?

Heldrad: *thinking about that again, cooing quietly at the baby still* ...well, what is it that humans do?

Jenni: ... That's my point. You don't know, you don't have the memory of your parents' behavior to draw on, and no one can teach you the right responses. What works for one kid doesn't work for another, and you won't have the exact same troubles as anyone else. I mean, everyone has problems that catch them completely off-guard, but I worry that almost everything will be like that for you.

Heldrad: *not answering for a good min, thinking that over* ....what about on the count of the hatchlings, then? Few seem to think I should have a hand in taking care of them either....

Jenni: *little shrug* I can't answer to that. Maybe they just think you're too soft with them—which is possible for Abigail, too. I can tell you that a certain amount of hardness and even neglect is important to a child's development.

Heldrad: *odd look* ...neglect? ....I don't know.... They keep saying something about being a "bad influence" or something... *sighs*

Jenni: *that shrug again* I don't know your culture. But, yes, neglect. She has to know she can count on you, but she has to know she can count on herself, too. For that, she needs to be left to work things out for herself sometimes, even if it's difficult to watch.

Heldrad: what?

Jenni: Well, simple things, at first. As an example, walking. You can't swoop in and smother her every time she falls and bumps herself—she has to know that she'll survive to get up and try again without you putting her on her feet.

Heldrad: ....I think I can manage that.... *lil kiss on the baby again, watching her sleep for a sec* ....honestly, I think I -can- figure out what to do, when the time comes to do it... it'd more likely be the specifics of -humans- I don't know all that much about. Things they need that my clan doesn't....

Jenni: Other humans, for a start. Other kids to play with. I imagine you can arrange playdates, though. *looks at her, pondering* Have you thought about a nanny?

Heldrad: *looks back, lost* ....why would I need one, exactly?

Jenni: *oy vey* *bluntly* You're not a woman. She *meaning Abigail* will be.

Heldrad: *after a sec, getting that* That'll be years from now, though...

Jenni: She'll need someone she knows and trusts to talk to, someone who can relate. Her mother is gone, so...

Heldrad: *wanting to protest this... doesn't want to share the taking care of the baby stuff yet* ...I'll look into it....

Jenni: *figured as much* You really should. ... Ideally, I'd say she should be placed with a foster family, but I think I know how you feel about that. *in a nutshell, hell no!*

Heldrad: *bullseye.* ....why? *almost hurt look at her* am I ever going to learn if I don't ever get to try?

Jenni: *meeting his look, sort of a "hate to have to be the one to tell you, -but-" expression* Because it's not about you. It's about her.

Heldrad: .... *wings sinking down, looking back at the baby again while that sinks in too.... silent for a good min* really think that'd be much better for her?

Jenni: In an ideal situation. But it would have to be the right family. *puts a hand on his wing* You are her father and I wouldn't want either of you being treated unfairly because of it. How hard it would be to come up with that situation, I don't know.

Heldrad: *small nod, quiet another bit* ....maybe you could help me reason with some of my siblings, then? ...seems the only reason I've been allowed to keep her even as long as I have is because of that little fact... and that I threw Richter into the wall when he tried to touch her.... *almost a hint of a smile at that... but hey, the burd might've tried taking her away!*

Jenni: *gets a funny look on her face and almost stops listening at "help me"—has half-wondered whether he'd simply ask her to move in and more than half-wondered whether she'd do it* *but, tunes in again when he mentions throwing Richter into a wall, raising an eyebrow at that* Not the best example to set, that...

Nightsail: ((haha. would she, if he did?))

Heldrad: *snorts* I wouldn't do it in front of her.... *near silent* ...often.... *because Richter needs to be kept in line, in his mind!*

Neshomeh: (( After ennumerating the reasons it could work, very probably yes. ))

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: *grins* You said she needed a nanny....))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: Cultural ignoramus here! ... but learns fast... >.> ))

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: *bigger grin* ...))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: 'S not like I'd have to quit here, either, I guess... just specify hours... commute by portal... Or get on a divergent timeline... ))

Jenni: *anyway!* Well, good. *smile*

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: Or we could "bookmark" one of those floating Doors, and have it connect your room here with your room at the castle.))

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: *this is why he's the Citadel's top advisor, and one of the highest ranking members of his clan.*))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: Heck, if other worlds are an accepted thing on yours, the issue doesn't even exist. ^_^ ))

Neshomeh: (( I must say, the idea intrigues me. ))

Nightsail: ((and she'd get to meet Zeno.... who's fun to play, but seldom travels anywhere. :D))

Neshomeh: (( ^_^ ))

Heldrad: *eyes the baby again... and some itty sniff* .... *peeks up at her, sheepish* ....this is one of those moments where I could see why some would -want- another person involved with having a baby.

Jenni: *catches the drift* *grin* Oh, no, you don't. I've got my hands full. *makes a show of cuddling the kid, with a care not to disturb him*

Heldrad: *snrrrk* ....-he'll- be fine. He's what... *peeks at the kid again* ...fourteen? Fifteen? He can sleep on his own for a few minutes... or we could trade... *just trying to get out of having to do it himself, is all. XD*

Jenni: *quietly laughing at him* Yeah, right. You want to be a dad, be a dad. Do you have a diaper bag, or what?

Heldrad: Um... *looking at his sides, shifts the bundle of baby and blanket so he can reach down to his sash... he's got a small pouch tied to it with a cloth diaper stuffed in it... not very big, but he doesn't plan on being far from home with her anyway.* ...If that's what you call it. *looking around, takes his wing back from around her so he can push himself up off the sofa with it... time to find a spot to change the baby! ...and looks like that beanbag there is it! ....after grabbing another towel to put down below her...*

Jenni: *shakes her head* You want her on a flat surface. More managable that way. And you've got something to wipe with, right? *is pretty much assuming he hasn't done this before...*

Heldrad: *peeks back at her* isn't -that-. It's the easy one. *smoothing out the beanbag nicely, though, puts the baby down on it sans blankets and starts on that diaper*

Jenni: *trying not to snicker at that* Still, a clean baby is a happy baby. —And what exactly were you planning to do about baths, anyway?

Heldrad: *thinking about that* ...I can always put on gloves and wipe her off, for the most part... when she spills something on herself, or... *balling up the old diaper, sets it aside... nice lil cloth ones. :D* That -will- be a problem, won't it.

Jenni: Yes. Another reason you need someone else there.

Heldrad: .... *yeah, he's getting that idea!* .... *peeks back at her, giving her one of those micheviously plotting smiles of his* ..........

Jenni: ... ? *eyebrow, head tilt, trepidation/anticipation*

Heldrad: *small grin, a mock-innocent look* .....Jenni? Sweetheart...? *trying not to snigger at his methods of goofily asking her*

Jenni: *can't help it—he looks so silly!—has gigglefit* ... Oh, stars. *facepalm, grin, blush*

Heldrad: *ends up giggling anyway* that a yes? *starts putting the clean diaper on the baby*

Jenni: *losing it here {X D * I—you—one of us—is crazy. I mean—what's the question? I gotta hear this exactly.

Heldrad: *snrrrrk. XD* *has to set the pins down on the beanbag, bites his lip... gonna calm down before saying anything* I don't know.... um.... *peeks back at her* ....define "crazy"?

Jenni: *follows suit, works on calming down* ... Probably me. You're definitely sane, because this is a natural progression. It's just... I mean, I really, really don't know anything. I'd have to... learn. *shrug—that was lame* *is just a bit gobsmacked because it's a foregone conclusion and she knows it*

Heldrad: Is there anyone who wouldn't? *still can't quite get the sniggers out... but at least he's able to continue diapering the baby again*

Jenni: Someone who grew up there would have a distinct advantage. ^_^; And I have to think about... call them continuity issues, between here and there. ... I've never had a direct invitation to a different continuum, to stay. That -is- where this is going...?

Heldrad: Well, I don't see why not... *grins to her* Do you?

Jenni: *mouths a bit, but eventually shrugs* There's no reason it wouldn't work. *embarrassed grin* I'm... honored.

Heldrad: *sniggers, wrapping the baby back up in the blanket to hug her up to him* ....well then, it's settled. I'll have the room next to mine cleaned out. ^_^

Jenni: *a little overwhelmed—liking the idea, but still* This is... um... well. Your clan will certainly have something to talk about, won't they?

Heldrad: Probably. ^_^ *cooing more, cleaning up the last bits around the beanbag, making sure he's got everything* ....but then, when don't they? know, this means we'll have to teach Elsiar to knock before he comes into your room?

Jenni: *chuckles* Yes.

Heldrad: ...unless you don't -mind- him stumbling over his blanket at ten in the morning through your doorway because he wants to sleep in your bed instead of his own once in a while...? *grins... to him, it's one of those cute things that just... happens in the course of daily life there, it seems*

Jenni: ... {X D Well, I usually wake up before then. Y'know, when there's a sun to regulate my sleep cycle. ^_^; *usually a dawn riser, actually*

Heldrad: Well, there's a sun... it's not the brightest, but there's a sun. *kissing on the baby again, heading back to the couch with her... he can't seem to get over -having- the ittykiddo, just totally in love here.* Anything you'd like to have in there? ...any sort of bed in particular? Because you know if you leave it up to me, you'll probably end up with something not too dissimilar from mine, but meant for humans... *mischevious grin — he'll end up spoiling her rotten if she lets him.*

Jenni: Well... do you have things in storage I could look through?

Heldrad: Well, yes... what kind of things? *sitting on the couch again, reaching over with his wing's wrist to pet on the boy's back with that feathery appendage*

Jenni: Just a basic bed is fine... a chest for clothes, maybe a chair. I'll know better when I see everything. ... You realize I can't be there all the time... I don't think I could quit here... but you'll be the stay-at-home dad, so that's all right.

Heldrad: *nods* ...I'll go find one of those Doors, too... ought to make things easier, right? *means later, apparently, since he's still busy loving on the baby for now* ....I don't think the furniture will prove to be a problem. If nothing else, I can always have someone make something for you...

Jenni: I can set up a permanent portal, no problem. More reliable than floating plotholes. ... *chuckles at herself* You know, I'm working really hard not to interpret this as you asking me to move in on a personal basis. That is, more personal.

Heldrad: *sideways glance at her, biting his lip a little, trying hard not to smile any more at that than he already is* ....well, consider it a vacation. And you're always helping everyone else, so shouldn't you have one?

Jenni: *shrug* It's not something I can stop doing, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just nice to -get- attention once in a while, too. In that respect, knowing you, I suppose it will be like having a vacation. *grins at Heldrad, hen that he is*

Heldrad: *so very much is, yes.... and cooing enough that the baby starts to wake up a little, peeking up at him.... and ends up getting kisses for it* ....glad you like the idea. ^_^ *eyes his Door* ... *eyes the kid she's still holding there* ...I suppose we should wait for him to wake up first....?

Jenni: *nods* I wouldn't want him to wake alone. *pets him*

kid: *not sleeping too happily... he still feels like crud.*

Heldrad: *nods... scoots over so he can have the kid on his lap too* ....maybe we should just take him with us for a while... at least, long enough for him to get over it without being picked on more...?

Jenni: *thinks about it* What if... you said he's your brother, right? Isn't there a paradox issue?

Heldrad: *eyes the kid over* ....why would there be? *not getting this*

Jenni: Well, what if he happened to see himself? Obviously we'd try to prevent it, but just suppose.

Heldrad: He wouldn't recognize him. *not getting the issue*

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: Paradox? ....I have no idea... where -would- I get two dox?))

Neshomeh: (( {X D ))

Nightsail: ((I'm sorry, I had to. XD))

Jenni: *stares for a moment* ... Maybe there isn't an issue. I understand your world has a history riddled with time-travel incidents...?

Heldrad: .... *nods... oh yes.* saw, he didn't have any idea what I was.... *peeks down at the kid again*

Jenni: It's just that many continua have a manifold such that a person meeting his future self would cause the whole thing to collapse.

Heldrad: .... *odd look at her* .....why would they have -that-?

Nightsail: ((Kain: Oh, hell, Raziel's met himself enough times now to prove -that- one false....))

Neshomeh: (( Hee. ))

Jenni: Because the concept of the same person being in two places at once defies certain laws of physics, and physics often takes the place of magic. The two aren't mutually exclusive, but cohabitation is tricky.

Heldrad: ...... *just giving her a funny look at that* .....right.... *thinking that there was something about this that he must've read somewhere, while poking around on one of the comps sometime... but it isn't exactly coming to mind yet.* ....well, we'll see.

Jenni: ... Yeah. *not worth breaking brains over, since it really is quite clear that Nosgoth has a very flexible manifold*

Heldrad: Then let's put him somewhere he won't be disturbed as much... *tries offering her the baby to hold for a moment so he can pick up the kid himself... he can carry him easier. he'll let Jenni tote around the six-pound newborn for the moment. ;)*

Jenni: *nods, seeing the plan, and takes the baby, putting her up on her shoulder so as to be out of the way as much as possible*

baby: *some itty peep-ish sound... keeps getting passed around and cuddled on! trying to sleep here!*

Heldrad: *starts collecting the other kid, being careful about moving him too much as he does, and takes him back to his own Door, peeking up at the ceiling rafters as he opens it* You know... I wonder if anyone would want to go sneak off to the library in my world, while the Door's open and all...? *actually, waiting for Erik — he did say about their sheet music, earlier.*

Erik: *has actually been wondering whether or not he ought to follow Jenni just to give her hell about ditching him*

Jenni: *whoop—colors up something fierce at the reminder* *gets up, holding the baby—she ought to be able to sleep a bit better without the hen kissing on her constantly!* Well... that one would be welcome by me... *sounding contrite there? something like that*

Heldrad: *props the Door open there, stepping into his quarters... it's actually three rooms, the bedroom on the left, the study/libraryish room on the right, and this one in the middle with a sofa and table and such, not to mention the door to the hallway... and big windows on the wall across from it, which lead to his balcony over the courtyard... he heads into the study to go put the kid down on the couch in there* I'm sure he couldn't cause -too- much trouble here, if all he's after are some books...

baby: *would, I'm sure.*

Jenni: *falls to rocking rather naturally once she gets in the room, looking around at everything* *quietly* I wonder what he thinks about this. Nothing good, I imagine.

Erik: *not a bit of it* *will probably slip in and harrass them at some less obvious point in time*

Heldrad: ...for what, you helping me with her? *putting the kid in a blanket, setting up another, cleaner bucket nearby just in case*

Jenni: *keeping one eye on the Door, just in case* Erik has abandonment issues. *frowns* On the other hand, this should come as no big surprise, and it isn't as though he was letting me near him anyway. *huffy*

Heldrad: Well, we could always set up a room in the castle for him too.... ^_^ *cooing again, combing out the kid's hair... starts rebraiding it*

Jenni: *slow grin* Sure... if you don't mind the series of secret passages and trapdoors that would come with it. They were there all along, of course. Didn't you know? *mock serious there*

Heldrad: He'd have to consult with Avitus first... He's got the master blueprints up in his work rooms. *grins right back* But harmful traps are... rather against policy. He'd have to be on good behavior here.

Jenni: *shrug—serious now* Erik alterations are not made to be discovered. Anyway, the point to all that was only the ability to get around undetected. If anyone happened to stumble in, that's when they had problems. He just wanted to be left alone.

Heldrad: *shrugs* I'd like to see him -try- to alter a castle made of solid marble like that. *pulls out a hairtie, ties the kid's hair in that braid for him* He wouldn't be bothered anyway, I suspect...

Jenni: Probably not. *finds a chair to sit on, still gently swaying with the baby*

Heldrad: *cooing more to the kid* long do you think he'll sleep for...? *back to rubbing on the kid's back, trying to make him feel better*

Jenni: Until he has to pee, I suppose. No telling when that will be.

Heldrad: *silent for a good minute at that, grin disappearing as he thinks about that one more seriously* ....Jenni? ....I just realized something.....

Jenni: *concerned* What?

Heldrad: remember how I said we didn't need to?

Jenni: Ye-e-es...

Heldrad: *funny look at her* ....I don't think we have any bathrooms in the castle....

Jenni: *thought that might be it* *smiles* That problem can be solved by a chamberpot. ... Not the most sanitary thing, but perhaps a more long-term solution can be found later.

Heldrad: *nods* .....all right.... I'll see if maybe Avitus can help there too. I guess for now, that might have to do...? *lil nod at the bucket thing he pulled over... he's thinking of when the kid wakes up*

Jenni: Yeah, that'll do. ... *thinks of portals, but doesn't suppose anyone would appreciate having one of those right outside the bathroom—lines are always long enough as is, especially in the Ladies'!*

Heldrad: *still trying to figure something out, though* ...I know there're a lot of human buildings around here.... I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you use theirs until we can get something more permanent worked out either...

Jenni: *still kind of amused by the problem* Sure, but how fast do I have to run to make it? That is, how far from here are they?

Heldrad: ....the closest is just right across the street.... *looks back at her — has she seen the Citadel yet?*

Jenni: *blankish look back—nope, not beyond a few rooms and corridors in here*

Heldrad: *glances at the door* Did you want me to show you? ....we're on the second floor, and the stairs aren't far. You'd have a lot more luck with them than I would, I'm sure, so they shouldn't take you too long... *well, one flight of stairs...?*

Jenni: ... I guess so. Do you have a crib for her...? *looking around as she asks*

Heldrad: Actually, I've been just keeping her on me.... *thinking about that, peeks through the doorway over to where his bedroom must be, its door hidden under a clan banner, like the one to this room was* ...does she really -need- a separate bed already? *not fond of that idea*

Nightsail: ((Heldrad: *has heard the protests from Richter already that the girl will be a teenager before she learns to walk.*))

Jenni: Yes. It's part of that independence thing. But you can keep her in the same room until she can walk and talk.

Heldrad: But... *wants to argue SO bad.* ...but she's only a few days old!

Jenni: Imagine how she'll scream if she isn't used to it when she grows more self-aware. Don't worry, she'll be awake every few hours for feeding and changing anyway.

Heldrad: *wings sink a bit... she has a point.* .....well, I don't have one for her yet....

Jenni: *usually does* Fair enough. Let's take a walk. *rises* *hanging onto this kid so she can keep sleeping in relative peace, though*

Heldrad: *reluctant to leave the boy all alone on the couch like that, but figures it shouldn't be too bad... finally gets up and leads out* ...anywhere in particular?

Jenni: You were going to show me the stairs. *doesn't want to be away too long, either, but glad for the chance to move around and eager to explore later*

Heldrad: ....right.... *heads out of his quarters, absently playing with his hair, for lack of something better to do with his hands right now... and down the hall just a room or two, really, and there it is, a nice spiral staircase... he ends up grabbing onto the railing and standing much lower, just to be a little more sure of his footing... burd feet were -not- meant for going down stairs with!* ....and the streets outside?

Jenni: Maybe I'll just have a short look. I can investigate another time. *fine with taking her time on the stairs—spirals are all well and good, but they play havoc with anyone's equilibrium*

Heldrad: *nods, leads down... they're nice wide stairs, on the bright side, that pause halfway down to allow for a full-length stained glass window, which, like a good few of them in this castle, is actually a door that leads to a balcony... it's not the worst stairway. The whole castle's quite nice, actually... and if that kid up in his room is the one who'll eventually design this all....? 0_o*

Jenni: *yay for tortured artists?* *follows along, good secure hold on Abigail, but looking around, too*

Heldrad: *past that little balcony spot, down to the ground floor... more stained glass on the wall across from them, just like on the level they were just on.... and the main doors aren't too far. They're heavy, but well oiled, and swing open fairly easily... two sets of double doors, actually. And then they're outside, with the fairly obviously electric lamps lining the street, almost anachronistic-looking in this place... and some humans out and about, going about their business at... what is it, 5am here? Early risers, or the late shift, either way... some obviously guards, on their way to wherever, others just civillians... and a good few hunter burds coming in from their hunts, some even still preening the red stains off their claws as they go... you know how those guys usually dress, right?*

Nightsail: ((no shirt... black leather pants that are arguably a kind of armor... gloves of some sort half the time, and often something that isn't quite a shinguard and isn't quite a boot.))

Jenni: *fascinated, really, big smile on her face—looking forward to meeting people and really digging into the place*

Heldrad: *glances around... and points out the building just across the street, as promised... most of the buildings around here are built of gray bricks of some sort, large ones... and not -quite- as pretty as the castle, but it's fairly obvious that their architect burd must've had a hand in it, or at least the humans that designed their buildings were thinking of his designs or something... so it isn't -quite- like from the game, but it's not too very far from that, either.* There's the one I was thinking about... it's actually... erm... a residential building, I believe, last time I asked....? *which would make it... maybe a two-minute trip at most to the bathroom, from her proposed quarters, next to the hen's? not bad, in a world like this one.*

Jenni: *looks up at him* What do you mean, residential? *totally hangs around in inns—wants one*

Heldrad: One of the buildings where humans live. My clan just lives here in our castle... but there're other buildings set aside for different reasons... there're schools, the library, the arena, various workshops and diners, stores... oh, there's a -large- marketplace over that way... *points off to the left, east-ish* ....not sure about how it would compare to other worlds, but it's considered large -here-, anyway. Vedast's clinic is just down there... *points south* And over a block or so, if you needed anything at all... he's a doctor. Zeno's office is off that way, if you wanted to rant about me driving you nuts... *points just to the right of Vedast's, maybe a block or two west of it* ...the main administration buildings are that way... *points again* And that's where Gabriel spends all his time... and Richter's usually either there, or with Armandus, who's going to be either at the arena, *pointing left of the hospital* Or out on a hunt again. The greenhouses aren't far from the library, *another gesture, northeast* ...and there're fields over that way that actually have some living trees, and grass and flowers and the like... they're trying to farm some of that land, so just be careful you don't trample anything too badly if you go out there, but it's actually pretty well protected from the other clans by the walls, like the Citadel itself is. don't want to go outside without an escort, just trust me on that one.

Nightsail: ((it might be funny to note that Heldrad tends to "shop like a girl" when he goes out... he spends more time talking with the tailoress ladies and letting them play with his hair and such than he does in any of the other shops.... and always manages to leave with clothes that fit their wearers -quite- well... the other burds tend to crack jokes about the measurement-taking sessions, and they're not sure if they should be suspicious about what really goes on, or just glad that they have clothes that allow perfectly for those wings of theirs. XD))

Jenni: *nodding; will try to remember all this* *and it randomly occurs to her that she's a walking anachronism, unless denim pants have been invented here, so, takes a look at the clothes women are wearing for future reference*

Heldrad: *absently cooing quietly to himself — there's a group of very young burds coming back from the arena on foot... they might be wearing the usual pants-"outfit" kinds of stuff the hunters are wearing, but their wings make it more obvious, with the softer-looking feathers on the arms and the lack of bigger, stiffer "primary" kinds of feathers below those.... feather covering seems to translate into rank and age, and Heldrad's are totally covered, so... yeah. XD* *and she'd probably see just a few of the human females... dresses, nice older-style ones, though seems that it's more the victorian kinds of stuff than it is Romeo and Juliette fashions. you've seen caps of the Citadel, right? Though she could probably get away with jeans if she really wanted to...*

Jenni: *has no problem with dresses, though the less complicated, the better—just doesn't want to stick out too badly* *after another minute or so just looking, shakes out of her thoughts* Well. I guess we should go back up. I expect the grand tour sooner than later, though. *grin*

Heldrad: Oh, but of course.... ^_^ *will be all too happy to give it to her, too* for now, I work on cleaning out that other room? Or did you want to go through it first, see if there's anything in it you want to leave in there?

Jenni: *starting back* I'll have a look, if you don't mind—out of curiosity as much as anything else. *will pick his brain clean, if she gets a chance*

Heldrad: Of course... *going back with her.... pick it clean how?* ...It's mostly just being used to hold spare curtains and the like anyway, so no one really goes in there.... so I've been using it for storing presents for my brothers. *sniggers* I don't think they've thought to look in there yet... they're always plenty surprised when they get them.

Jenni: *chuckles* I think people are born with a blind spot for hidden presents. You can find some of the presents some of the time, but you can't find all of the presents all the time. *shameless paraphrasing! and, just about general stuff—hey, what's that for? what's the story here? etc.*

Erik: *is no doubt at large somewhere in the castle by this time, just for the record*

Heldrad: *gonna be all too happy to answer all those questions, too. This place is actually fairly well developed, rp-wise.... it was the main site for it for a good three years or so now, between about three different people and me, in many rps...* You know, I don't think they've -ever- found them in there.... 0_o wouldn't mind hiding a box of shirts and the like under your bed for a while, would you? I mean, I sincerely doubt they'd ever search -your- room... -my- room, Richter would probably find his present early while he raids it, and think it's just yet another thing I've borrowed from him. *rolls his eyes*

Jenni: Of course. *that's to all of it, including the storage of shirts and things* Say, what kinds of celebrations do you have around here? I mean the big ones everyone gets in on.

Heldrad: Holidays, you mean? Festivals and the like?

Jenni: Yeah.

Heldrad: Um... *thinking, going back up those stairs carefully* ....solstices, mostly... the day we took down Dumah, the days Raziel came back, the spring trade... festival... thing... *not sure the name of it, apparently, heh* ...the fall harvest days, the library's rebuilding day — it got wrecked in an earthquake a long time ago, and since then, it's supposed to be sort of a not-quite-holiday to commemorate the arts and teachings that've managed to survive despite all the war that goes on with the clans... *shrugs* And we only celebrate -our- birthdays every ten years, really. If it were -every- year, it'd get very old very quickly.

Jenni: *supposes a library would be more of a curiosity if history can be rewritten at a whim... but art is immortal* Makes sense. I enjoy big gatherings, though. Everybody all decked out, music, dancing, hijinx... ^_^ *pets on the baby just a little*

Heldrad: *sniggers at that last word, grinning to himself... apparently, it brings something amusing to mind. XD* .... *bites his lip, though, doesn't explain for her... yet...*, yes... Well, I'm sure you'll have fun at some of those... *peeks off down past his own quarters — there's the sound of Elsiar singing again coming from that way, more chirps and happy peeps... it's his "I love my puppy" song. again.* .... *heads for the other room he was talking about, next to his... boxes, shelves, more boxes stacked in the middle... quite organized, actually, some of it even labelled, though it's that old runic glyph set — furthark? — if she can read it... it's common enough in most fantasy worlds, and was real on rl-earth, besides.* Well... this one's only two rooms, but they're not the smallest. *lil nod to the door off to the side there* ....the other one there is where I hid things. ^_^; We can have Avitus make you new windows, if you want anything in particular... these were just sort of put in here for lack of better plans.

baby: *sound asleep! ...and prolly some itty baby smile, too...*


Jenni: *can probably read the script, though not the language* *nods, looking around at stuff, and peeks into the next room*

Nightsail: ((well, it's just English, far as anyone knows. They even wrote — I swear this is canon in the game itself, and can point to a page on a site that has translated screencaps of the text, lmao — "here lies Kain" in his tomb!))

Neshomeh: (( Haha! Well then. ))

Nightsail: ((well, it was -spelled- differently since the glyphs are more phonetic than ours, but the translation was clear.))

Neshomeh: (( *nodnod* I never really gave much thought to Jenni and language, but I suppose she's got a built-in universal translator. ))

Neshomeh: (( Unless she was being very strictly human, that is, which she's not doing here. ))

*and the next room's got more of the same, though it seems there's some old hides in there too, carefully preserved — rugs, perhaps? Turelim ones, it looks like...*

Heldrad: *looking around some himself, opening up a box to peek in* .... *checks another, mumbles something about where the drapes are, and peeks in a third*

Jenni: *turns back to Heldrad* So what are you going to do with this stuff? Just relocate it? *wondering if they know about rummage sales*

Heldrad: I don't know. Some of it, yes... Others, I think there were plans for. *scratches his head a little, looking around — where -are- those drapes?* ....might have to ask my brothers to be sure. I don't know what of this stuff Avitus wanted, and what of it was Vedast's and... whomever else's it was.

Nightsail: (( :D))

Jenni: *chuckles* Piles up, doesn't it? Though I'm impressed that there isn't more, I think. Some people just don't get rid of things.

Heldrad: Mmm.... talk to Elsiar about -that-. *trying not to smile too much about it* ...that child can't seem to part with any sparkly item, no matter how busted and used up it becomes.

Jenni: *grin* Shiny fixation? I'll be careful what I leave lying around, shall I? *takes a seat on a closed box and shifts Abigail to her arms—getting tired in the other position*

Heldrad: Wise idea. *pulls one of the boxes off the shelf halfway to look inside it* ....ah, here's something you might be interested in.... *pulls it out the rest of the way and sets it down where she can see.... and starts pulling out all sorts of pretty cloths* Window curtains. I had some of these ones up in my own room, before I redecorated some while back. *nice solid colors, some with very nice embroidery and even some beads on... hen's got good taste, even if he does like to wear loud colors.*

Jenni: *looks on, quite interested—likes colors, her personal ones being green, warm brown, silver, and dark blue* Hmm. What is your favorite color? I don't recall if you've mentioned, or if I've asked before.

Heldrad: *silent there, having to actually think about the answer to that one, and gets an odd frown on his face as he does* know.... I don't think I've ever really thought about it.

Nightsail: ((that and he won't tell me specific colors. XD All I know is, he loves to wear red and purple robes... but then, he insists that it looks good against his blue skin, and that humans can get away with wearing a whole wider range of colors because -their- skin is a neutral color. and then mutters something about lucky humans. XD))

Jenni: *looks up at him, half intrigued and half amused* Really? Well, what about what suits you best?

Heldrad: Personally? I go for the stronger colors.... less dull and washed ones, and ones that just.... go together. *lil gesture at his clothes — bright red and bright purple. Not eye-bleeding, just solid.* Like this. Avitus gets away with pastels, though... *frowns, trying to figure that one out or something* ....but his skin's paler, too.... he can do that. *snuff* He couldn't, if he were out in the sun more often.

Nightsail: ((burd "tan" = deeper blue. *finds that endlessly amusing for some reason*))

Jenni: *'hmms' again, thinking colors and giving him a look that goes beyond matter* Well, I'll give you a strong purple and you can't escape the blue, but a softer, lighter shade. Copper, definitely copper. That's you. *nods, smiles, meets his eyes*

Heldrad: *tilts his head a bit, eyeing her* Copper? *curious now*

Jenni: *grin—speaking her native language now, such as it is* Copper, the conductor. Copper is bright, quick, playful. Silver gets all the credit, but copper is more inventive and less cerebral.

Heldrad: ....huh. 0_o *definitely having to think more about that one* ....but you think it'd look all right with what I wear?

Jenni: *laughs lightly—is completely on another plane here* Well, not with red, no. That would be overkill. But that's not quite what I meant.

Heldrad: Oh... *wasn't quite going on those terms.* ....then....? *wants this more explained!*

Jenni: *shrugs* It's like shorthand for one's non-physical make-up. I could say someone is very passionate and energetic, or I could say they're red and yellow. With an entire spectrum and endless combinations of each, it's possible to be very precise.

Heldrad: *nods, starting to get it* ....what would you say Elsiar is? *curious about that too*

Jenni: Well, mind I don't know him as well, but... *tilts her head, thinking about it* Light colors. White, pale yellow, a bit of spring green in there, like grass coming up through the snow.

Heldrad: *nods, trying to picture that* ...any particular reason for the light colors?

Jenni: *nods* A few. It's a little hard to explain—this isn't a science. He has a bright nature, extroverted. Youthful—there's the metaphor of the blank page. It's more like clear glass. Not 'saturated;' you could say uncomplicated, inexperienced. But there's potential. It goes as far as it goes.

Heldrad: *nods, getting that* ....I see.... *eyeing her again, wondering* ....what color would you be?

Jenni: *smile* Mostly green, but also chestnut, gray-blue, and silver. On a good day.

Heldrad: And what does the green stand for? *hanging the pulled-out curtains on one of the shelves, and pulling out others for her to see, while he listens*

Jenni: Green is for renewal, for things coming full circle and starting again. In a word, for healing. *looks at them, occasionally frees a hand to touch the fabric*

Heldrad: *well, they're hanging up close enough. -nice- cloth they're made of... must've cost a good deal. or a good many massages and shed feathers, either way. ;)* Makes sense... *pulls out the last one, a nice thin dark black silky cloth with teeny tiny holes through it here and there at random, each of them filled by having a faceted clear crystal sewn into the spot... he frowns, though he looks almost pleased to see it, just... amused at the discovery, like it's some sort of funny thing? and stretches it out... it's got very pretty black embroidery at the bottom, and more hanging, clear beads, like the ones in the fabric itself* -that's- where this one was hiding... 0_o *offers it over to her* You might like this one... I actually had it made for Zeno's birthday present a long time ago, but I couldn't find it, so I had another made.... it's gorgeous in the daytime. ^_^ *well, logically.... the only real light that'd get through those would be in the form of little rainbows all over the room....*

Jenni: I'll believe that. It's beautiful now, like stars. *seems to get the idea, imagining all the colors everywhere* Must've taken ages to put together...

Heldrad: *drapes an end of it over a wing's wrist, so he can hold it out better.... it's huge, actually two curtains folded up together... they'd cover the windows in this room very nicely, with a little bit of fabric to spare, even* want these in here, maybe? *just curious*

Jenni: Maybe. I'm not going to decide anything right away. *shifts Abigail again, looks around, comes back to Heldrad* Out of curiosity, what's on your agenda today? I mean, what were your plans before we bumped into each other in the kitchen?

Heldrad: *folding up the starry curtains again, setting them aside on the shelf for ease of finding again* know, I don't think I really -planned- anything. It's already just about morning... I probably would've just stayed in bed with her until I managed to fall asleep. *little smile* I don't exactly sleep much, though.

Jenni: *head tilt* By design or choice? *as opposed to neither* *has lost track of what time of day it is in her schedule, but probably not morning—hasn't slept in a while, herself, but isn't quite ready to do so, either*

Heldrad: Both. *shrugs, putting the other curtains away* I just.... don't need a lot of sleep. *funny grin* Vedast's still trying to figure out how I can go on two hours a day and be perfectly fine. ^_^

Jenni: You're just amazing. *grin* ... I function on whatever I can get, but I like at least six hours' sleep. Any more than eight feels like a waste of time.

Heldrad: *sniggers* I find four to be just fine for me most of the time....