It Came From the Lounge: October 2005
Summary:Jenni, Henry, and Rhianna care for Lupe and Sang, who came back to the Lounge in bad shape after a mission. Maera gets on Pralaya!Leofric's bad side, but then engages in a philosophical discussion with him and Jenni about fear, death, and the end of the universe. This is derailed when Jenni and Leof start bantering about fruit.
Timeline:October 23ish, 2005.
Players: Neshomeh (OC: Jennifer Robinson | Canons: Henry Jekyll, Erik)
Hawkelf (OC: Gwen)
Blayze (OCs: Lupeias, Sanguine, Nosferatu | Canons: Leofric, Riddick)
Nueva Paz (OCs: Maera, Rhianna)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.


You have just entered room "yayppcloungeness."

Blayze has entered the room.

Hawkelf has entered the room.

Nueva Paz: ((*koff*))

Neshomeh: (( *waves* ))

Hawkelf: ((Yo.))

Blayze: ((*dances*))

Lupe: *should probably be moved to a better place than the floor*

Rhianna: *was gonna suggest that*

Jenni: *yeah, probably* *had to make certain of a lack of spinal cord injury, though*

Lupe: *probably fine* *and that blood should probably be cleaned up*

Sang: *still asleep*

Jenni: *dislikes the probably, but okay* *looks around* There's a room with a bed free, right?

Rhianna: *no clue* Well maybe we can wake him up...*nods to Sang*

Maera: *doesn't know or care* *oh wait she's not there anyway*

Jenni: Nah, let him rest. *checks the side rooms*

Sang: *snrrf* *curls into a comfier position*

Gwen: *is in hawk form, and rather agitated*

Lupe: *should probably be watched. Has a tendency to violent nightmares when unconcious and may tear stitches. Muy bad.* *or you could sedate her. ooh, fun*

Rhianna: I can watch over them. Unless you'd rather...

Jenni: *probably finds a free place* *comes back* Okay... Rhianna, if you'll support her back, and Henry the legs... *takes the shoulders* I'm not completely sure of that back injury, so keep her as still as possible.

Rhianna: Umm...*bites lip* *holds on as gently as possible*

Henry: *does as told*

Lupe: *grunts*

Fer: *would pay to see that*

Jenni: *directs the relocation of Lupe* Gently, now... *they lower her to the bed*

Lupe: *growl*

Rhianna: *yes. gentle* *pretty good at that actually*

Gwen: *flies over to perch on the bedpost*

Henry: *gentle and coordinated with the others* *brows furrow slightly at the growl*

Jenni: *peers at Lupe*

Rhianna: *blinks at the hawk*

Gwen: *bates*

Lupe: *sniffs the air* *calms down a little, as 'bird' is there*

Erik: *...can't see anymore, dammit* *has mysteriously appeared in the rafters, btw*

Neshomeh: (( Bates? ))

Hawkelf: ((Flaps agitatedly, basically. But stays perched.))

Neshomeh: (( Okay. ))

Nueva Paz: ((ah *was also wondering*))

Blayze: ((Hawky's all special with her vocabulary...))

Nueva Paz: ((*couldn't help but recall a certain comic "what am I master of?" "bating" *))

Hawkelf: ((:P Just obsessive about hawks.))

Riddick: *is curious* What are you doing, then?

Erik: *blink* Hm?

Riddick: You weren't here a minute ago.

Erik: Ah. So I wasn't. *shrug*

Riddick: Fine. Avoid the topic.

Erik: For preference. *is pleased with self*

Riddick: *huffs* *peers down at Sang*

Gwen: *watches Lupe*

Rhianna: So...?

Jenni: *indeedy* Hmm, should probably get Sang, too... *is also watching Lupe*

Lupe: *resting, but is dreaming* *dreams are Not Fun*

Rhianna: .....

Jenni: *has a sort of grudge against nightmares, if that's possible* Hrm.

Rhianna: Is, uh... Gwen has her covered, or should we have someone else to watch her as well?

Gwen: *is not returning to human form any time soon, for any reason*

Jenni: I'll want to keep an eye on her, I think. Better get Sang, though. *heads out to do just that and is followed by Henry*

Rhianna: *follows as well*

Jenni: *they move him to another room*

Sang: *is much heavier than Lupe, y'know. Like, a hundred pounds heavier*

Jenni: *yeah, so all three are needed to move him at all, let alone with any caution*

Sang: *probably will end up drug along the floor, that way*

Rhianna: >.

Jenni: *guh* *looks around for mules—er, HELPERS*

Rhianna: I think we need more help.

Riddick: *still watching*

Henry: Indeed. *knows he isn't the strongest guy around, but jeeze*

Fer: Wan' me t'help? *tilts head*

Erik: *is being shadowy and mysterious* *missing the idiom today, or something*

Jenni: Help would be appreciated, yes.

Fer: *walks over*

Rhianna: *well, isn't anywhere near strong actually*

Jenni: *hmm, if they each take a limb...?*

Rhianna: *smallish=lightweight, and such*

Fer: *could probably carry him herself, really*

Jenni: *yayness*

Fer: *picks him up, a little awkwardly because of body shape differences*

Jenni: *helps correct the awkwardness*

Henry: *ditto, if necessary*

Fer: *sure, all help appreciated* Gah, what does this boy eat?

Jenni: Heck if I know.

Rhianna: *decides to let them handle it* *her back is already aching just from carrying Lupe*

Henry: *shuffleshuffleshuffle* *is taller than the other two, so has to bend awkwardly to make it less awkward for everyone else*

Fer: *poor Henry*

Henry: *doesn't mind* *likes being useful*

Rhianna: *follows though*

Gwen: *watches*

Jenni: *so the revised "they" move Sang to another room*

Fer: *probably best to put him near Lupe*

Jenni: *follows her lead* *enjoys spaces that conform to characters' needs*

Fer: *yay!*

Henry: *hurrah!*

Fer: Poor guys. *frowns* Wonder what happened...

Rhianna: *fidgety*

Gwen: *bates irritably*

Jenni: *shakes head* I don't know. Reria said she had a job for them, and then she started talking—and just quit, and then disappeared. *is discomfited by the whole thing*

Rhianna: ......

Fer: Weird. Maybe the job was tough?

Jenni: Something. She mentioned mindflaying, but I don't think Illithids are likely to be involved.

Gwen: *wants to know why she was left behind, dangit*

Fer: Huh...

Jenni: I wonder where Reria is, anyway.

Lupe: *you weren't there... you're hurting. Not going to make you hurt more from a mission*

Fer: I'm not sure... you never know with 'Ria.

Rhianna: *just stands and listens, not knowing what to do*

Jenni: *nodnod*

Gwen: *wants to rip, tear, kill, shred, feast...* *possibly going feral*

Erik: *idly wonders if the other rooms have rafters or other spaces he can get into*

Jenni: *would pet Gwen if she didn't fear for her fingers*

Lupe: *would pet Gwen, but is unconscious*

Riddick: *has found that the HQ operates with a 'ask and ye shall receive' basis for canons*

Erik: *muahahaha* *The Lover of Trapdoors returns!*

Riddick: *oh lord...*

Neshomeh: (( *would love to know what the actual Persian for that would be* ))

Gwen: *will quite possibly attack anything coming out of the floors*

Erik: *who says trapdoors have to be in the floor?* *mirrors are lovely, y'know* *anyway, the point is to prowl around without being seen by insane fangirls*

Riddick: *is mildly obscure, ha*

Erik: *shaddap, cueball*

Maera: *returneth* *apparently gone back to the leather-and-black-makeup look*

Riddick: *ah, fork it* You realize few agents actually have mirrors? Mirrors are not a cot or a console. Mirrors don't come standard. Mirrors are unnecessary here.

Maera: *blinks and stares around the emptyish room* *also blinks at the unfamiliar voice*

Erik: *blink* *so didn't say that aloud*

Maera: *glances up curiously at Riddick* *pretends not to notice Erik*

Riddick: *gets tired of conversing in thought asterisks*

Maera: *looks at the spot where Lupe and Sang were*

Gwen: *possibly losing it* *hunt, kill, blood, mouse, good, kill, tear, shred, hunt*

Erik: *fine, be that way* I wasn't being serious. In fact, that's one good thing about this place.

Henry: *notices* Er, Gwen?

Gwen: *hunt, kill, blood, meat*

Riddick: I suppose. *blinks* *doesn't often joke. Has a distinctly morbid sense of humor, if that*

Lupe: *murmurs* *moves slightly in her sleep*

Maera: *well, good, that's taken care of* *now to wait for people to come back* *darn waiting...*

Erik: *has also noted a penchant for sarcastic one-liners, but never mind* *shrugs* In any case, it's not your concern.

Riddick: Everything is my concern. *turns away to watch those remaining in the lounge*

Gwen: *death, shred, tear, meat*

Nueva Paz: ((speaking of, who is present anyway?))

Rhianna: *looks nervously at Gwen*

Jenni: *attention drawn to Gwen, yes* *blink* It'll be all right, you know. We'll figure out what happened, and I'm sure major ass will be kicked.

Blayze: ((Erm..Maera. And. Uhm. Maera. And...))

Gwen: *kill, mine, hunt, food, blood*

Lupe: *moves more violently* *growls*

Rhianna: Well...I...I guess if anyone needs me, let me know...*rather uncomfortable just standing here*

Nueva Paz: ((no Mike or Leof?))

Blayze: ((Erm..Maybe, yes. ^_^;. Leof, probably.))

Nueva Paz: ((or Kip?))

Erik: *thinks Riddick has a stupid attitude*

Blayze: ((Gah. I have too many characters. And Kip has to work a lot anyway. He's in and out.))

Nueva Paz: ((ah))

Riddick: *Survives, doesn't he?*

Neshomeh: (( Were we moving on to fluffy otter-ness, by any chance? ))

Blayze: ((I believe we were.))

Neshomeh: (( Yee! ))

Rhianna: *er, since no one is answering, just moves out to the lounge to sit on one of the couches*

Nueva Paz: ((*needs to get around to reading*))

Leof: *fluffy gold six-limbed otter.* *booyah.*

Riddick: O_o *tilts head*

Jenni: *and now totally missing it! damn typists!*

Gwen: *bates* *death, kill*

Erik: *blink* O.o;

Lupe: *snarl*

Rhianna: ...???

Leof: *...squeak*

Maera: >.o Where'd that thing come from? *stares at otter-thing*

Jenni: *looks between Gwen and Lupe* Don't make me get the leather gloves...

Leof: What? *italics=Speech. Speech sounds like the native language of whoever hears it*

Gwen: *bates wildly* *might the typist suggest some jesses and a hood for Gwen?*

Rhianna: *blink* *was thinking about petting it until now* o-o;

Lupe: *eyes snap open, unseeing* Nononno... *somehow focuses on Gwen and just Gwen* Bird!

Jenni: *yar, but doesn't know where to find such things* *er* ... Lupe?

Gwen: *stares at Lupe*

Maera: *blink*

Erik: *... yay French!*

Maera: way

Rhianna: *can't decide if she hears Common or Elvish*

Lupe: *whistles lowly* Shhh, Bird. *doesn't notice Jenni* *has leader-ing of the Bird stamped into her subconscious*

Gwen: *stops bating, just stares at Lupe with her wings half open*

Leof: ...What are you staring at? What's so... *ah.* ...Never seen an otter before?

Maera: Otters don't have six legs.

Erik: *... snicker* *it may have an unusual number of limbs, but it's cute and fluffy and therefore extremely amusing*

Lupe: S'righ', Bird. Calm down. Y'r..goin' crazy. Quiet. *drifting back to a doze*

Gwen: *calms down, bringing wings in fully* *stares*

Maera: *would be shocked if she could hear Erik's thoughts at that moment*

Leof: *scampers up to Maera and stand on its back two legs* Got a problem with six-legged things? *is about five feet tall this way*

Erik: *well, it's amusing that this individual is in such a form*

Lupe: *strokes Gwen's head* G'to sleep. Y'need it, ya? *winces at the pain in her hand*

Maera: *looks down at him* Well, most of them are insects. Which usually are quite bothersome.

Gwen: *chirps*

Jenni: *the hand is splinted and bandaged thoroughly* *watches*

Leof: *stretches a little taller* Do I LOOK like an insect, girl?

Jenni: *moderately distracted by hearing colors, but meh*

Lupe: *frowns blearily* Y'look like shit. Moulter. Get rest. Better tomorrow.

Maera: *smirks* *pats him on the head* Calm down, Leof.

Henry: *probably hovering near the door at this point*

Gwen: *warbles and settles down for sleep*

Erik: *oooh, does he get to see Maera smited?*

Leof: *glares* Oh, you're going to get it, girl. *hates being patronized*

Rhianna: *wants to pet cute fluffy animal* *but afraid of it now*

Henry: *glances out* *blink* O.o Erm...

Maera: What? Sorry, but you're not very impressive in this form. Seems an odd one to take.

Rhianna: *y'know, kinda like having the urge to pet a tiger....*

Henry: *yeah, otters are carnivores and have very sharp teeth*

Leof: *can't smite right now, but petty revenge...*

Henry: *kinda like cats... and is a dog person*

Leof: *right. Nasty oozing itchy rash and puke green and hot pink hair, coming up*

Maera: Look, calm down, really. What are you so upset for?

Leof: *glares* I hate being patronized.

Erik: *don't let her talk you out of it!* *was considering pranks, yes, but this will be fun, too*

Maera: Well then don't take on such diminutive forms.

Leof: *hey, is a diety. Does these things. a few quick phrases and...*

Maera: Didn't mean to insult you or anything, but you get all puffed up for nothing. *argh, couldn't think of a better word*

Leof: *c'mon, aaaaand...* I'm a deity. It's what I do.

Maera: What, get pissed off at nothing? *isn't noticing anything yet* *no mirrors, you know*

Leof: Yep. Nice hair.

Erik: *mad grin*

Henry: O.o;

Maera: *runs a hand through her hair* *can't see much as it's rather short*

Leof: Seems to clash juuust a little, however...

Maera: ......

Leof: Green isn't your color. Neither is pink, really.

Jenni: *could probably hear the colors in question in the spell* *must look* *pokes head out door* ... Guh?

Maera: *scratches her neck* Mmm? *pulls some of her long bangs down to look*

Lupe: *falls back asleep*

Maera: *shrug*

Leof: *wanders away*

Gwen: *dozes*

Maera: Well. I dunno. Just a few more piercings, some bright colors...I could get the whole punk thing going.

Rhianna: * thing*

Jenni: ... What did I miss this time?

Leof: *scratches an ear idly* Goes well with the oozing sores.

Maera: *scratches some more*

Leof: *pettily amused* *ponders turning her into a chinchilla*

Jenni: -_-;

Maera: Well Leof is a six-legged otter for some reason and got pissed at me for...well...might as well have been for talking to him. *is rather glad Erik doesn't have these powers*

Leof: *glares* *ooh, you are so a chinchilla, girl*

Erik: *rather wishes he did*

Gwen: *still nervous and twitchy, though*

Maera: All I did was make an innocent comment.

Lupe: *is here, whee*

Leof: >.> Liar.

Hawkelf: ((*doing research* Jesses were apparently just strips of leather or silk tied to the hawk's ankles. Huh.))

Jenni: *waits*

Maera: What, I wasn't saying you were an insect. *scratch*

Erik: ... *facepalm* *girl doesn't get it, again*

Gwen: *suddenly wakes up, flies into the lounge*

Leof: You were insinuating. And calling me small. It's a body that has it's uses, all right? It's a set species I needed to influence, dammit...

Jenni: *is in doorway* *ducks belatedly* ACK!

Lupe: *starts awake*

Maera: Well, jeeze, you coulda said that in the first place. I just thought it was kinda odd for you.

Gwen: *sees Leof* *prey* *dives at him*

Leof: *stasis*

Maera: *scratching* *urgh*

Jenni: *checks to make sure her scalp is still intact*

Leof: You could have decided that maybe you should have used tact when dealing with a Power.

Gwen: *screeches*

Leof: Oh, shhh, bird. Calm down or I'll hood you.

Maera: I've never had tact. I'm sure you've noticed that. Not that I haven't tried, but it never comes out right.

Leof: Work on it, ay? It's a valuable skill. Damn mortals...

Jenni: *doesn't seem to be bleeding* *looks at Maera, then Leof* That's temporary, right? *indicates scratching Maera*

Gwen: *strangled cry*

Jenni: ... And that. *Gwen*

Leof: ...Maaaaaaybe. The hawk's free as soon as I release the spell. I'd hood her and put jesses on her, though.

Henry: *collects Gwen* o.o

Maera: Yeah, problem is, I haven't had much time for practicing. You know how I was when I first got here, that's the way I've been most of my life. As long as I can remember. There's a lot of things I'm not used to.

Jenni: ... Meh. It's just that I'll really have to do something about the skin thing.

Gwen: *bates*

Leof: Good for you. Start. *stretches* *pouts* *sigh* Iiiiiit's temporary...

Maera: *scratch* >.o Doesn't bother me that much, really. You know what's really bothersome? Being impaled in several places all at once. Yeah. That really sucks.

Jenni: *to Maera* 'S not the point. *tilts head at Leof* Temporary like how?

Henry: *attempts to soothe the bird*

Leof: It'll wear off... in a week or so.

Lupe: *attempts to get up* *right, bad idea*

Jenni: >.< ... I'll be getting the ointments, then.

Gwen: *would probably calm down if hooded, but as is no luck*

Henry: *can cover her eyes with a hand until one is found*

Maera: Anyway, I never had anything like respect for anyone, regardless of who it was. It's a rather new thing, so I kinda have a hard time not just going back to being a regular bitch.

Lupe: *growls* *lays back down*

Gwen: *calms down a bit when can't see anything*

Leof: Mhm. *not listening in a pointed but polite way*

Jenni: *digs through jars of stuff* *grumblemutter*

Henry: *sets about finding something better for a hood*

Maera: You're really not any better yourself.

Leof: Don't have to be.

Jenni: *finally comes up with what she's looking for* *to Maera* Here, catch. *tosses jar*

Maera: *catches* Right. So since you're so almighty and powerful that gives you the right to be a jerk. *kinda stares at the jar*

Leof: Pretty much.

Maera: *could have said something worse*

Jenni: Barring any interference...*that bit rather pointed* —that should help with the weeping and itching.

Maera: Yeah, well, sorry, but I don't buy it. *directed at Leof*

Leof: Well... I'm the most feared entity in my universes. Really. Sooo... I get to say what I want. Unless I feel like being charming.

Maera: *frowns at the jar*

Jenni: And you might want to bandage the worst ones.

Gwen: *weighs about three pounds*

Maera: Yeah. I'm afraid. I'm trembling.

Jenni: You know, you should be.

Maera: Seems to me that people are really stupid when it comes to fear. Really selfish too.

Henry: *probably can only find a hand-towel or somesuch*

Maera: *still just peering at the jar*

Gwen: *probably doesn't matter as long as can breathe*

Leof: I don't fear much I don't have to. But many things fear me. *shrugs* Apparently it is not an even scale.

Henry: *yayness* *rigs a hood*

Maera: You, precisely?

Leof: In one form or another, names differ... But it boils down to me, yes, and my creation.

Maera: It's only cuz people make themselves afraid.

Gwen: *much more relaxed with a hood—what one cannot see does not exist*

Leof: Either way, it is fear. And any fear can be worked into an advantage.

Jenni: —For example, looking at that jar won't make it work.

Maera: *itchy* >.o *fine* *applies some of its contents*

Jenni: *is pleased*

Maera: Some people see death as an escape.

Erik: *finds he doesn't know whose side he's on anymore* *goes back to being indifferent*

Leof: Very few, however. And all living things exist to survive. There's a basic, dark instict for survival that I can manipulate every time, no matter what they think.

Maera: Some people just go on living anyway without worrrying about it.

Henry: *settles Gwen near Sang and Lupe*

Gwen: *practically motionless*

Leof: *smiles* And some worry enough for two, or five, or a entire community of people. In the end, all is even.

Erik: *summed it up in three words at some point... preservation, procreation, and power*

Leof: *exactly*

Jenni: *eyebrow at Leof* *rather senses some insinuation*

Leof: *never!*

Jenni: *that, and the "even" comment, because she was trying to make that point earlier... so hah!*

Leof: ...Except, in the end, it all will end. So I win.

Maera: Personally I don't even really care. It's kinda all the same to me. If existence continues after death, then it's pretty much the same. Otherwise, if you simply cease to exist...well then you wouldn't know it. It all just seems kinda dumb to me.

Jenni: *decides to join the discussion* How about when you end?

Maera: Seems rather pointless either way. But then, so is life. So....

Leof: I can't. It is an invention I wound into the universe, but without the other Powers accepting it when I did it... No death for me.

Maera: What happens when the universe ends?

Jenni: But you get tired, and if all the energy goes out of the multiverse... what's left?

Leof: My... spirit, I suppose. I'll never end. I'm already tired, Jenni. But they don't let me stop, and I won't let myself.

Jenni: ... *sigh* I know.

Gwen: *warbles*

Maera: I don't even get why all of that is such a bad thing.

Leof: Because it's something They didn't like. That is the only reason.

Jenni: Best I can figure, everyone was so damn preoccupied they didn't stop to ask other people's opinions.

Maera: Why? Everything just starts all over again anyway, doesn't it? Besides. I'd hate to imagine what would happen if people never died but kept on procreating.

Leof: We don't know. We won't know until the universe ends.

Maera: Hasn't it already?

Jenni: See, the problem is the insistance that things have to be good and bad. Nothing can just be.

Leof: But all we are are the Powers That Be.

Maera: *smirk* They're probably just jelous cuz they didn't think of it first. After all, there needs to be some kind of balance.

Jenni: *eyebrow* Oh, come on. Almost every sentient species has a "Tree of Knowledge" story.

Leof: I like fruit, okay? >.> <.<

Jenni: ... *blink* *cracks up*

Leof: *grins charmingly* *if oddly*

Gwen: *falls asleep*

Lupe: *pets unconciously*

Maera: How much knowledge could there have been to obtain at the beginning of the world?

Jenni: *controls self* Knowledge of Good and Evil. Don't tell me you don't have a story like that. The Fall?

Gwen: *ruffles feathers*

Maera: The fall?

Leof: *smirks* Eat the apple...

Jenni: ... Ye-e-es. You know you want to.

Leof: It's only an apple...

Jenni: It is oh so shiny and juicy.

Leof: *grins again* Who's going to know?

Jenni: And hey, sharing is always nice.

Leof: *laughs*

Jenni: *grin*

Maera: e.e

Gwen: *chirps in her sleep*

Lupe: *mrrr*

Maera: More specific. Which "fall"?

Jenni: *is now tempted to quote the Buggre Alle This Bible* *but won't*

Leof: *smooths fur idly*

Jenni: And, for the record, any one you like. It's all a reflection of the same thing.