It Came From the Lounge: June 2005
Summary:In which our young authors are entirely too casual with the Lone Power, Erik and Sang go looking for the group, Henry's first attempt at cooking goes horribly wrong, and in the end a fight breaks out. This pretty much sets the tone for everything to come.
Timeline:June 2005.
Players: Neshomeh (OCs: herself, Jennifer Robinson | Canons: Henry Jekyll, Erik)
Blayze (OCs: himself, Lupeias, Sanguine | Canon: Lone Power, Psymon)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.

JUNE 13ish

Neshomeh: Meh. Anyway, the Shoulder Angels story is entertaining.

Blayze: I know. *huggles it*

Lone Power: *grumbles* I don't like it...

Neshomeh: Well, you wouldn't. It's fanfic.

Blayze: That, and it's small, squeaky, fluffy him.

Neshomeh: Yeah.

Lone Power: I don't do fluffy.

Neshomeh: *shrugs* *pokes*

Lone Power: *is poked* ...?

Neshomeh: Squishy.

Lone Power: ... -_-

Neshomeh: Hey... *looks around at currently un-defined chatspace* Are we still on the beach, or what?

Blayze: ...Sure. It's pretty there.

Lone Power: *blinks at the sand*

Neshomeh: Okay. Because I was pretty sure Jenni was still stuck to This One like a limpet.

Jenni: *is*

Lone Power: *blinks at her* ...

Neshomeh: *pats character* She's funny when she's sleeping.

Lone Power: *rolls eyes and lays down* I am going to have sand in my clothing.

Blayze: Complainer.

Neshomeh: Aren't we all? Going to have sand in our clothing, that is. My shoes will never be the same.

Blayze: Innit great? ^_^

Neshomeh: ^_^

Neshomeh: Heh. It's funny how the exact same thing can look really different in different fonts.

Blayze: Yep...

Neshomeh: *makes designs in the sand and reads more fanfic*

Lupeias: *wonders if she's still talking to Jekyll, or if she's randomly wandering*

Jekyll: *probably found a place to sit somewhere*

Lupe: *ah. Then is probably sitting somewhere near him*

Jekyll: *ponders Life, the Universe, and Everything*

Lupe: *draws in the sand*

Erik: *is back in the lounge, wondering where the hell everyone got to*

Psymon: *is currently being sulky, but still sitting in bed*

Jenni: *snuggles like a little kid*

Lone Power: *pets hair*

Neshomeh: *can't resist* Aww.

Sanguine: *trots into the lounge* ...Eh? Wot the...?

Erik: *pins him with a LOOK* *it fades* That seems to be the question of the hour.

Sang: Hunh... I bet Lupey took them to FFX-verse. She's been mopey lately, and she likes it there...

Erik: ... What, pray tell, are you talking about?

Sang: It's like this. We work in a fandom. Our fandom is Final Fantasy Ten. Lupe's been out of sorts, and so she'll go to Final Fantasy. ...So I know where she is, but I don't know where she is. And she'd've taken whoever else was with her there, too.

Erik: *oh yeah, fandoms* Ah. *gets thoughtful, stares into the middle distance*

Sang: *seems to be looking for something*

Erik: *watches him*

Sang: Aha! *has found his backpack under a couch* Success...* digs through it*

Neshomeh: (( Hmmm. Which couch? ))

Sang: *the pink one* *Because the not-plaid one is now, apparently, pink*

Neshomeh: (( Hehe. In that case... )) *piece of paper wafts out from under couch*

Sang: ...Eh? *shrugs* *pulls his portal generator out of it* *the backpack, that is*

Erik: *grabs paper out of boredom* *glances at it* *double-takes and reads with narrowing eyes*

Sang: Wot is it?

Erik: *growls* *stiffly* Nothing of consequence. *summarily shreds it*

Sang: *chews lip thoughtfully* Zanarkand? Kilika? Luca? Dammit, where'd she go...

Erik: *quietly counts to one hundred and watches Sanguine*

Sang: *staring at the portally thingy* *mumbles to self* ...Look, we're gonna hop pretty randomly if we wanna find them. I dunno where Lupey's going or who she has with her. And Lupey's good at blending in...*shakes head* We'll... hit Zanarkand first. Ge the more dangerous one out of the way. *glares at typist, who evidently is to lazy to type his accent*

Erik: Hmm. Fine.

Sang: *tugs a broadsword out from under the couch, as well* *presses coordinates in* Woo-hoo, dead city here we come...

Erik: *recovers lasso* Let's just get it over with.

Sang: *grins* *jumps through the plothole* C'mon, den!

Erik: *follows*

Neshomeh: *on the beach* I sense a disturbance in the Force.

Blayze: Yoda! *glomps her*

Neshomeh: Eek! *is glomped* *falls over backward*

Lone Power: *chuckles*

Lupe: *looks up* *shakes her head* My author is odd...

Jekyll: *looks over* Indeed.

Sang: *steps through onto an odd sandy, dirt-like ground*

Erik: *kicks it and looks around warily*

Sang: *blinks as a pyrefly spins around his head* Hum...*walks up a hill, tense* I don't see them. I hope they aren't in the temple.

Erik: *follows, with prepared action to destroy anything that jumps out at them*

Sang: *sniffs the air* ...They aren't here. Calm down. We're going to Kilika, before— *a Kusariqqu jumps out* ...Dammit. *hefts sword* I get real tired of this real fast. *chops at it*

Erik: *reflexively takes a flying leap at it with the lasso* *dodges the broadsword and subsequently misses* Damn it! Watch where you put that!

Sang: *growls* Watch where you jump! Move! *the fiend slashes at Erik*

Erik: *dodges* *Reflex = YES*

Sang: I hate black magic... *does something complicated* Waterga! *a rush of water hits the icky thunder-fiend*

Erik: *eyebrows* *wonders if he should be feeling woefully inadequate yet*

Sang: *shrugs* It's— *dodges a snap* —really hard. Took me— *ducks* —years. Dammit, die already! *slices at it again*

Erik: *decides he needs a better weapon*

Sang: *gets zapped by thundara* OW, DAMMIT! *uses waterga again* Die, die, die, die...

Fiend: *it slices at Erik* *it seems to think Sang is more annoying*

Erik: *is looking for a likely tree branch or something* *doesn't quite dodge in time to avoid getting his arm sliced* *RAGE!*

Sang: Fuckin' a... *stabs monster* WATERGA! *the fiend screeches again, and dissolves into pyreflies* ...Stupid smegging... We're leaving. *opens a portal to Kilika*

Erik: *glares* *looks at arm* I LIKED this shirt... *follows*

Sang: *jumps through and stumbles slightly on the dock*

Erik: *lands nimbly* Is this sort of thing a regular occurrence?

Sang: Yep.

Erik: I might have known. Where can I find a weapon?

Sang: Kilika's better than Zanarkand. And... Over here. *wanders up to a stall*

Erik: *eyes the... architecture* *eyes the weapon selection*

Sang: Hi. *grins charmingly at stall keeper* I was wondering, if I wanted a Nightbringer... ...Ah. That much? ...Fine. *reluctantly pays the woman* *hands Erik a long, dark sword with a hook on the end* Don't touch the blade. It's got deathtouch and silencetouch. *hefts his sword over his shoulder*

Erik: *takes it, tests its balance* Hmm.

Sang: And... *tosses him a hi-potion* Drink it. It's for your arm. *downs one himself* *muttering* Shoulda known Zanarkand woulda been trouble...

Erik: *eyes potion suspiciously, but figures he's got nothing to lose and follows suit* *in retrospect, probably liked the look of it*

Sang: *grins as his own burns heal* My healin' factor hates the lightnin'. 'S real inconvenient.

Erik: *watches cut close up* ... Fascinating.

Sang: *looks around* Hmmm... Luuupey, where'dya go? You're probably at fire temple if you're here, ain'tcha? *sighs* Get ready to use that sword. The fiends are easier here, but more annoying.

Erik: Wonderful.

Sang: But we can probably just plothole jump there. Shouldn't be any Sinspawn, or anything. *opens a portal*

Erik: *makes self ready*

Sang: *jumps through* ...yep, all clear.

Erik: *follows* *keeps eyes open*

Sang: *rambling* This is where you get Ifrit... he's a fire aeon... *trots inside the temple*

Erik: *ignores ramble and goes along* *wonders if he should mention that he doesn't sense anyone he knows around or if that would sound idiotic*

Sang: Actually, Naza looks kinda like the FF8 Ifrit. It's weird... *growls* She's not here. *thinks* ...Besaid. *facepalms* You are truly an idiot, Sangy... A complete idiot... *opens anther portal* C'mon. Wrong island.

Erik: *shakes head and goes along*

Sang: *jumps through*

Blayze: *blinks at Erik and Sang* ...Dude, what took you two so long? *spots Nightbringer* Sang, are you handing out sharp objects again?

Erik: I was ill-equipped for the situation. *leans sword against a tree and looks around* *eyebrows at Jenni* *quietly calculates the air-speed velocity of an unladen (European) swallow*

Lone Power: *looks at Erik in a 'Mind getting the sleeping girl off me?' way*

Blayze: *hums along to the newest Brooks & Dunn song*

Neshomeh: *shakes sand out of hair*

Jekyll: *looks around again* Oh, god... *crosses self*

Lupe: *looks up from a doodle of Auron* Mm? ...Oh.

Jekyll: *pretends not to exist*

Erik: *stands there for a moment, making sure he's not misinterpreting things, then goes and pries Jenni off the Lone One* *mutter* I would apologize on her behalf, but it would be a lie.

Lone Power: I just wish they would stop squeezing the air out of me...

Blayze: *glomps him* Snuffy!

Lone Power: Ack!

Jenni: *muzz* *clings onto Erik* *zzz*

Erik: *sigh* *sits down and continues doing figures in his head*

Sang: *wanders over to sit by Lupe*

Jekyll: *forgets he's pretending not to exist* Good day.

Sang: 'Allo.

Neshomeh: *snickers at Erik*

Erik: *glare* You have something you would like to say?

Lupe: *sets her head on his shoulder* Heya, Sang.

Sang: Hey Lupey.

Neshomeh: Not saying nothing.

Lupe: You didn't damage Erik, did you?

Sang: *brightly* Only a little. He's fine now.

Lupe: Good.

Erik: *through clenched teeth* Do mind the double negative. ... Incidentally, I came across a very interesting little piece of paper in the lounge. I don't suppose anyone would care to explain it?

: ... *meeps* *hides behind Neemish*

Erik: *eyes lock on Blayze* Yes?

Neshomeh: *is discomfited at being stared through*

Blayze: *points at Neemish* She made me!

Neshomeh: I did not!

Blayze: Did so!

Neshomeh: Didn't! You wrote it!

Blayze: You mentioned it first!

Neshomeh: So?

Blayze: So you implanted it in my brain. It's your fault.

Neshomeh: I didn't MAKE you write it out.

Blayze: But... but... It's still your fault.

Erik: SILENCE! I don't particularly care which of you pathetic children is responsible. Allow me to make it abundantly clear that I am NOT amused and that NO such thing will ever be allowed to happen. I am... what I am.

Blayze: It was more curiosity, anyway. We like you the way you are, too.

Neshomeh: *nodnodnod*

Erik: *glares daggers to drive home the point* *looks out at the water*

Lone Power: *looks happy that Blayze is no longer hanging on him*

Neshomeh: ... *glomps him*

Lone Power: ...I asked for that, didn't I?

Neshomeh: Yes.

Jenni: *part of brain finally decides what to do with that shout of Erik's* *muzz* Mrr?

Erik: *blinks* *stiffens uneasily*

Jenni: *no idea where she is* Wuzz goin' on?

Lone Power: We're on a beach. *slightly amused*

Jenni: Oh. Tha's nice. *zzz*

Erik: *relief* ... *realizes she's still hanging onto him* Er...

Lone Power: Better you than me.

Erik: *glare*

Lone Power: ...Actually, I think you're luckier. She's asleep. The thing hanging on me isn't.

Neshomeh: *grin*

Erik: ... No. I don't suppose she has any idea what she's doing.

Blayze: *grins* *glomps Snuffy as well*

Lone Power: Ack!

Neshomeh: Hehe. ^_^ Glomp-wich!

Lone Power: ...Oh, for pete's sake...

Erik: *flatly refuses to sympathize*

Lone Power: *just looks slightly annoyed*

Lupe: *draws mountains and trees, people, unholy sigils...*

Jekyll: *chucks a rock into the water*

Sang: *chuckles* You are a weird one, Lupey.

Lupe: *...combustion spell diagram...* *BOOM!* ...Oops. Man, sand can fly.

Jekyll: *standing up five feet away* O.o;

Sang: ... *shakes sand out of hair* Stop hanging out with Satan, he's detrimental to your doodling.

Neshomeh: *wonders that he hasn't turned up to complicate things* *You know, just because he could*

Lupe: *is blinking at the hole in the ground*

Blayze: He's at Wrath's swimming thing.

Jekyll: *gets breath back* ... Don't do that again.

Neshomeh: *snicker* I still think that's hilarious.

Lupe: I didn't meeean to...

Blayze: They do provide great comic relief, don't they?

Neshomeh: *nodnod* It's like some weird, dysfunctional family. With seven kids.

Blayze: Even if the male twins never show up...

Neshomeh: Oh, I thought they were all girls.

Blayze: Nah, Sloth and Gluttony are male.

Neshomeh: Heh. Let's see, in FMA, Lust, and Sloth were female... Envy was kindof androgynous, but I think was meant to be male... I think the rest were male. Sort of. Gluttony was more of a creature than the others.

Neshomeh: *looks for picture(s)*

Blayze: *chuckles*

Neshomeh: Well, here's Gluttony, Lust, and Envy (from back to front).

Blayze: ...Interesting.

Neshomeh: Those are the images I'm having trouble shaking out of my head. ^_^

Blayze: Heheh.

Lone Power: *shakes head* Are you two gonna hang on me all day?

Neshomeh: Depends. As of now, probably.

Lone Power: ...Joy.

Neshomeh: It's good for you. Build character. ^_^

Erik: *has heard this more times than he cares to count* *rolls eyes*

Lone Power: Having kids hang on me builds character?

Neshomeh: Yes.

Lone Power: ...Riiight.

Erik: *drily* I imagine it's meant to be something like full immersion in a foreign culture.

Lone Power: *snorts*

Lupe: *yawns* *ear twitches* *looks up from doodle* Huunh?

Neshomeh: Author!babble. ^_^

Lupe: *no, heard something else*

Sang: Wot is it?

Jekyll: Hm? *looks around*

Lupe: I dunno. *stands up*

Erik: *alert* Another creature?

Lupe: ...It's from the forest. Sounds little and weak. *runs around the bend to the woods*

Sang: *rolls his eyes* If you pick up another baby bird...! *follows her*

Jekyll: *gets up, but doesn't follow*

Lupe: *trots around the old machina* Sounds like a kitten...

Sang: There are no cats in this fandom!

Lupe: Says you.

Neshomeh: Kitty? *goes to investigate*

Lupe: Aha! *picks up a tiny grey tabby kitten* Issocute...

Neshomeh: *squee* ^_^

Sang: *facepalm* You've picked up another pathetic creature?

Neshomeh: Hey! Cats are not pathetic.

Lupe: *thbbts* You sound like Obi-Wan.

Sang: Besides, you hate cats. Hello? Dog?

Lupe: *cradles it* Shaddap. *walks back to where the others are*

Erik: *suspicion*

Kitty: *meows*

Lupe: It needs a name.

Blayze: Ek.

Neshomeh: "Ek" is not a name.

Lupe: Ek? That's just weird.

Blayze: *pouts*

Neshomeh: I had a gray tabby called Rocket once. She was awesome.

Lupe: It's a he.

Neshomeh: 'Kay. *scritches kitty ears*

Kitty: *purrs*

Neshomeh: Hmmm.

Blayze: Neko?

Neshomeh: Sounds familiar.

Blayze: *shrugs* My aunt's cat is named Neco, and I call him Neko-Neko.

Neshomeh: Maybe I'm thinking of Necco candy.

Blayze: Maybe. *is drawing kitty*

Neshomeh: ^_^ *is still looking for pictures of the Homunculi*

Lone Power: *peeks over her shoulder* Not bad.

Neshomeh: *...because Authors have the Internet in their heads, apparently*

Blayze: You're interrupting my creative genius. Shaddap.

Neshomeh: *snicker*

Lone Power: *amused* You're missing a stripe.

Blayze: Geh weg!

Erik: It speaks in tongues.

Lone Power: Shouting in foreign languages does not fix the stripe.

Blayze: *growls* Dummkopf. *sketches another stripe in*

Neshomeh: Hehe

Blayze: *mutters unflattering things in broken German*

Lone Power: *glares* I am not fat!

Blayze: *cackles*

Neshomeh: *grin* *dive-slide-poke* Squishy!

Jekyll: *sweatdrop*

Lone Power: -_-U

Blayze: *continues sketch*

Lone Power: It's rather cartoonish, isn't it?

Blayze: Do you WANT me to whack you upside the head with a frying pan?

Lone Power: ...Not particularly, no.

Blayze: Then. Shut. Up.

Neshomeh: *musses the Lone One's hair and goes to play with the kitten*

Lone Power: Loony...

Blayze: *takes frying pan out*

Lone Power: *shuts up*

Kitty: *is wiggling to get out of Lupe's arms*

Lupe: Ungrateful wretch...*sets kitty down*

Neshomeh: *grabs a random stick with which to distract the kitty*

Kitty: *pounces on stick*

Neshomeh: *drags it around*

Kitty: *chases it happily*

Lupe: *ponders* We should name it after a famous philosopher. It'd be amsing.

Neshomeh: *comes up with picture, sorta* Here, if you can track this one... *link*

Blayze: *looks at Pride funny*

Neshomeh: Yeah, he's got an eyepatch.

Neshomeh: So, hS has the next part of the Celebrian MST up. So absurd...

Blayze: Heheh. Chickens.

Neshomeh: *nodnod*

Lone Power: *doesn't want to know*

Neshomeh: No, you don't. Unless you have a particularly robust constitution or you're already insane. ... Or you like that sort of thing... *shudder*

Lupe: *shakes head* *picks kitten up and wanders back to where she was doodling*

Jekyll: *is still there* *looks up, smiles, looks out over the water*

Lupe: *sets kitten on his lap*

Jekyll: *blink*

Kitty: *yawns and curls up*

Jekyll: O.o

Lupe: *grins* *doodles in sand, carefully not drawing combustion diagrams* *Unholy sigils, however...*

Sang: *follows her* Lupey, you're weird. *rubs out a more lewd one*

Jekyll: *stomach growls* *sweatdrop*

Lupe: *snickers* *scribbles in what Sang should do with his propriety*

Sang: Luuuupe. Knockitoff. *rubs it out again* Ten year olds play this game.

Lupe: Ah, but I wanna see what reaction it gets from the Sues.

Neshomeh: *blink* Sues? Where?

Lupe: Not here.

Sang: You have problems.

Lupe: *to Sang* Yes, I do.

Neshomeh: Good. *adjusts glasses ('cos she has them)* *homicidal glint in her eyes fades*

Lupe: If they were here, they'd be dead.

Neshomeh: *nodnod* Y'know, I haven't been looking for one, but I haven't seen or heard of a Jekyll-Sue. It's interesting.

Lupe: Stay away from the LXG section. Thy're as rampant as the Skinner and Tom ones.

Neshomeh: Bleh.

Sang: Not really... there aren't as many Sues...

Lupe: Chah. You just read the humor stuff.

Sang: True.

Neshomeh: Humor is good.

Sang: *nods* There are great song parodies.

Neshomeh: Yeah?

Sang: Read Ash De Brie and Clez's stuff. They did Cats, popular songs, Mary Poppins, The Grinch...

Neshomeh: *grin*

Blayze: *sings* You're a mean one, Dorian. You reaaaally aaare a heel!

Lupe: *rolls eyes*

Neshomeh: *crosses fingers for the search to work*

Kitty: *yawns again*

Jekyll: *looks at it* I never really understood cats...

Lupe: Me neither. Odd creatures...

Jekyll: *nod* It's so difficult to tell what they want. One minute they might adore you; the next, tear a hole in your arm.

Lupe: *makes a face*

Kitty: *disgruntled 'I will NOT' noise*

Erik: *rolls eyes at this conversation* *bites back snide comment*

Kitty: *jumps off Jekyll's lap and stalks away from the cat-haters*

Lupe: *amused* See?

Jekyll: *shrugs* In my experience—albeit limited—most cats gravitate toward the ones who want them least.

Kitty: *climbs on the Lone One*

Lone Power: ... -_-

Neshomeh: ^_^ Everybody likes you! Feel special!

Lone Power: You're not supposed to like me!

Erik: *drily* Hear, hear.

Blayze: *pouts at Snuffy* Why not?

Lone Power: ... *looks pleadingly at Erik* Tell me they're not that stupid?

Erik: Humans have an innate knack for stupidity.

Neshomeh: *shrugs* You are what you are. As long as you're not an ass about it, whatever.

Lone Power: *siiighs*

Blayze: *snuggles him* 'Sides, you're nice.

Neshomeh: *nodnod*

Lupe: *chuckles* Now that's something he's probably never heard before.

Neshomeh: There's a first time for everything.

Lone Power: I think Mike called me nice once, but it was probably sarcastic.

Jekyll: *stomach growls again* *sigh* Erm, I hate to bother, but might we think of getting back?

Lupe: Hungry?

Jekyll: Rather, I'm afraid.

Lupe: *opens up a portal back to the lounge*

Erik: *mutters something about pathetic soft-bellied aristocrats*

Jekyll: *nods to her* Much obliged. *gets up, goes through*

Lupe: *leaves portal open so everyone can come and go*

Jekyll: *winds up in the kitchen and remembers he's never cooked for himself his entire life* *mutter* Well, how hard can it be? *pokes around*

Sang: *heard this* *amused, follows him*

Jekyll: *aware of this* There must be a... a recipe book in here somewhere...

Sang: *slinks after* Y'know, ye could jest ask fer help.

Jekyll: *blink* Nonsense. It can't be so different from chemistry.

Sang: Trust me, it is. Some stuff may mix, but it tastes nasty. 'Sides, the baest stuff innit in de cookbooks. *has that gleam in his eye that means he's going to do something FUN*

Jekyll: *curious now* Oh? Such as?

Sang: Well, dere's dis one type o' cake... and trust me, embellishments are fun—and the different breads... *could go on for hours* But most o' that takes hours, ye ken?

Jekyll: I was thinking more of soup, actually.

Sang: Ah. Wot kind?

Jekyll: *shrugs* Haven't the foggiest. *continues to poke around*

Sang: *rubs temples* Potato, tomato, chicken...?

Neshomeh: *pipes up* I make a mean chicken pot pie.

Sang: Ah. That's good. Get in 'ere, yeh? We can 'ave a picnic, o' sorts.

Neshomeh: 'Kay. *trots in* Of course, I don't remember how it goes exactly. *digs out the Betty Crocker cookbook* Trust me, you don't want me to improvise.

Jekyll: *looks at open page* That doesn't look so complicated.

Sang: 'Enry, if we give ye a nice soup recipe, can you try not to blow i' oop?

Jekyll: *draws self up* Really now!

Neshomeh: *snickers*

Sang: 'Twas ah joke, 'Enry. Cahlm daen.

Jekyll: *waves it off* Fine, fine. *eyes Neshomeh* If you're doing that, mine had better be something light.

Sang: *ponders making spinach pie* *remembers that Blayze hates it*

Erik: *wishes he dared move to go observe this disaster-in-progress*

Sang: *opens the fridge to search for fruit* Strawberries, Apples... Dae ye 'ave any av'cados?

Neshomeh: Probably. I mean, this isn't your standard kitchen. If it isn't there, it's probably a plot point.

Sang: *searches more* ...Nae. Nawt many people lahke av'cados, ah think. Looks like dey were all kidnapped.

Neshomeh: I like avocados.

Blayze: *innocence*

Neshomeh: How else do you expect to have guacamole?

Sang: *shakes head* Ah well. Bananas, pears... aha! Yogurt. *pulls fruits and plain yogurt out* *sets them down by a large glass bowl* And... *opens freezer* Vanilla ice cream! *happiness* Nae... Yogurt or vanilla...

Neshomeh: Both?

Blayze: I hate yogurt!

Sang: You're a picky wretch! *grumbles* Just ice cream, den. *slices fruit*

Jekyll: *observes*

Neshomeh: *goes about boiling chicken for the pot pie*

Sang: *mixes fruit and ice cream, ignorng Jekyll*

Erik: *drums fingers on the sand*

Kitty: *pounces on his fingers*

Erik: Oi. *takes hand away*

Sang: *mixes, mixes, adds more ice cream...*

Jekyll: ... I could do that.

Sang: *glares at him* Don't you have a soup to do?

Jekyll: I lack a recipe.

Sang: Neemish, give 'im a recipe.

Neshomeh: *eyes Sang* You're one of those "get out of my kitchen!" people, aren't you? *looks for a good soup*

Sang: Yes. Or a' leas' stahp peerin' over me shoulder.

Jekyll: Pardon me for trying to learn something... *steps back*

Neshomeh: Tell ya what, you can have my extra chicken stock and we'll go from there. Just wait a bit.

Sang: *is humming a Garth Brooks song*

Jekyll: *sighs and decides just to get out of the way* *sits on the pink couch*

Sang: *is done* *puts it in the freezer*

Erik: *calls through portal* Are you finished already?

Blayze: *peeks in* Yater Enu Dore...

Jekyll: *knows when he's being needled* *silence*

Neshomeh: *snicker* Ah, Neopets.

Lupe: *shakes head* *walks in* Sang, are you abusing other people in the kitchen?

Neshomeh: *brightly* Not me!

Sang: *shifty* Wot d'ye mean, abusin'?

Jenni: *picking up on the increased activity* *muzz*

Erik: *looks at her* Eh...

Lupe: Stop bein' a kitchen-tyrant.

Jenni: *muttermutterfuzz*

Sang: *ducks head* Yes'm.

Neshomeh: *whistles to self while digging out vegetables*

Lupe: *sits by Jekyll* Sorry 'bout that. I stopped tryin' to help years ago. I'm surprised he hasn't eaten Neemish yet.

Sang: Lupey, your idea of cooking is shoving meat in a fire!

Lupe: *sticks tongue out at him* Is not!

Jekyll: *shrugs* *half-smile* We all have our little obsessions.

Erik: *decides to take matters into his own hands* *collects Jenni, stands up, carries her to the plaid couch and attempts to pry her fingers loose from his shirt*

Lupe: *chuckles*

Jenni: *blinkblink* Whur? Whuzzit?

Erik: *quietly* You're going to wear holes in the fabric if you don't let go.

Jenni: *blink* *stare* Oh. *lets go* Sorry. *embarrassed, then puzzled* Wait... how... ?

Erik: *straightens up, idly smoothes shirt* I was obliged to rescue that one *gestures at Lone One* from the same treatment.

Lone Power: *is currently being clung to by Blayze* -_-

Erik: ... more or less.

Jenni: *peers through portal* *things start making a little more sense* Ah. *calls through* Sorry!

Lone Power: Oh, don't mention it. You were better than him. *glares at Blayze*

Blayze: *cuddles him* ^_^

Jenni: *shakes head at self* Jeeze...

Psymon: *from other room* CAN I COME OUT NOW?! Or do I gotta STAY here and ROT?!

Blayze: ...Oooh, he's cranky.

Lone Power: *grins* Leave him there.

Jenni: *blinks* *thinks back* *blinks again* He actually listened to me? After waking up, even?

Blayze: Considering the last time I opened the door he chucked a pillow at me and told me to fuck off... pretty much.


Blayze: That too.

Neshomeh: *snicker*

Jenni: *shakes head* Yah, let him out. He oughta have an appetite by now. I'll have to worry otherwise.

Blayze: *runs to his door, unlocks it, and runs away*

Psymon: *slams door open* Bloody annoying author...

Erik: *sits on couch* *pointedly ignores odd look from Jenni*

Blayze: You sound like Moby.

Psymon: GOD forbid THAT. *twitch* And—oooh. I smell food. *peeks in kitchen*

Neshomeh: *waves* It's almost food.

Sang: *waves a spoon at him* If you so much as touch my salad—

Psymon: Calm down, puppy.

Neshomeh: Oh! Hey, Henry! Come over here.

Psymon: *searches* *pulls out turkey and a beer*

Jekyll: *looks up* I require safe conduct, miss.

Neshomeh: *eyebrows at Psymon* Bleh.

Psymon: *glares* Feck you, I'll eat what I want.

Blayze: You haven't taken your meds yet, have you?

Neshomeh: It's just that I'm pretty sure alcohol and closed head wounds don't mix.

Psymon: Feck that. I'm not takin' 'em.

Jenni: *calls* No, they don't!

Blayze: At least drink some milk...

Psymon: ...Fine. *puts beer back and gets a glass of milk, grumbling*

Jenni: *sighs* *notices the tear and blood stains in Erik's shirt sleeve* I didn't do that. What the heck did you do? *examines arm*

Erik: *pulls arm out of her hands* Nothing. It's fine.

Sang: 'E's fahne. 'E'll need ah new shirt, though.

Lupe: No, really?

Jenni: *gives Sang a look that compels explanation*

Sang: *shrugs* Zanarkand. Fiend. I gave him a hi-potion. He's fahne.

Lupe: You went to Zanarkand without me? Are you really that suicidal, or are you just stupid?

Erik: It was only a scratch anyway. I didn't move fast enough.

Sang: *growls* Ah was 'opin' you were dere, mum.

Lupe: I am NOT your mum!

Sang: Den stahp actin' lahke ye are!

Lupe: ...!!! Uuuugh! *sulks*

Jenni: *cringe* You came looking for us?

Sang: *sulks*

Erik: ...

Neshomeh: *calls to Jenni* Quit angsting already! Jeeze.

Blayze: *hops through portal, dragging Snuffy with him* They're all angsting.

Jenni: Don't complain to me. I'm reasonably certain we were set up for it.

Neshomeh: *whistles*

Erik: *notion* Hold on... *gets up, goes through portal, retrieves sword* I don't suppose I ought to leave this lying around.

Jekyll: *sweatdrop*

Sang: ...Prolly not.

Jenni: Woo. That looks right nasty.

Erik: Indeed. *likes it*

Sang: *stows his Thunderblade under the couch* Dere nice, ain't dey?

Lupe: Don't zap my knight's lance, now. I like it.

Erik: *follows suit and tucks Nightbringer (?) under the plaid couch*

Sang: Yew got fahve different spears.

Lupe: And you refuse to get rid of that Katana. We're even.

Neshomeh: Henry! Are you gonna do this or not?

Jekyll: Coming! *goes into the kitchen*

Erik: Thus spake the herald of our woe.

Lupe: *would whap him with a pillow, if he wasn't so far away*

Jenni: *gives him a look*

Erik: *shrugs and sits on the couch again*

Sang: *just to clear things up, has a sword like Auron's and Erik has one of Tidus', and Lupe has Khimari's Spear*

Neshomeh: *Auron is spiffy-looking*

Sang: *Kimarhi is spiffy, too*

Neshomeh: *pokes link, which doesn't seem to work*

Sang: *spiffy, dammit!*

Neshomeh: *there we go!* *was a Red XVI fan* *Or was it XIII? Dammit*

Sang: *is of the opinion that the Meg Ryan Clone is never spiffy*

Neshomeh: *too blonde*

Sang: *Chah.*

Lupe: *sits on the back of the couch*

Neshomeh: *points Jekyll at a recipe titled Two-Pea Soup with Fresh Mint and lets him play while the pot pies cook*

Jekyll: *several minutes later—very colorful cursing*

Others: *look up in alarm*

Sang: I knew something bad would happen... *rushes over* What? What now? What did you do?

Blender: *is not exploded, per se, but contents are*

Jekyll: *sulk*

Sang: *facepalms* You. Out of my kitchen.

Jekyll: *grabs hand towel and mops self up* *proceeds out*

Jenni: *bites lip and makes some funny faces*

Erik: *outright smirks*

Sang: Now! *ushers him out*

Jekyll: I'm out, I'm out!

Sang: Stay that way! *grumbles and fixes mess*

Erik: *opens mouth* *gets an elbow in his side* *closes mouth, but continues to look smug*

Lupe: *looks sympathetically at Jekyll* Not like chemistry?

Erik: *can't resist* Oh, I'd hazard to say exactly like.

Lupe: You. *shakes a finger at him* Don't make me come over there.

Sang: *also can't resist* YES, MOTHER!

Neshomeh: *collapses in giggles*


Sang: *cackles*

Jenni: *facepalms*

Lupe: *grumbles angrily*

Jekyll: *mostly at Erik* Like to see you do better...

Erik: Please, don't tempt me.


Neshomeh: Don't let my pies burn!

Sang: You can come in. Just not them.

Lupe: Kitchen tyrant!

Jekyll: *slumps in armchair and continues mopping pureed soup off his front*

Lupe: *reaches over and pats him on the shoulder* It's okay. Erik doesn't even have a blender. *referencing Whose Lair*

Neshomeh: *snickers madly*

Erik: *glare* They hadn't been invented yet.

Lupe: *shakes head* *is an imitation of a different Erik version* NO BLENDEEEEER!

Neshomeh: Shoot, I gotta read that again now.

Lupe: *imitation of Gerry!Phantom* ...That was my next guess. *gives fic*

Neshomeh: *glee!* Poor, poor Leroux!Erik.

Lupe: *nods*

Erik: *glare*

Lupe: *cackles and gives him a copy, too. Hands Jekyll one, for good measure*

Erik: *reads a few lines, considers shredding it, but decides that forewarned is forearmed*

Jekyll: *tries very hard not to cackle* *succeeds*

Lupe: *is cackling, quite happily*

Jenni: *reads Erik's copy*

Erik: *splutters* "What is a Punjab?" The gall!

Lupe: It gets worse. *snerks* *pokes Jekyll* You can laugh, y'know.

Jekyll: I dare not. *definitely amused, though*

Erik: Damn right!

Lupe: *grins toothily at Erik* I think it's funny.

Erik: You are a lunatic.

Lupe: *quoting* I AM NOT MAD!

Jenni: *claps hand over mouth*

Erik: Et tu?

Jenni: ... You know, I was fairly certain there was a sense of humor in there somewhere... *pokes his shoulder*

Erik: *sigh*

Lupe: *is reading and giggling madly*

Jenni: I mean, it's not like any of them are YOU, particularly, right?

Erik: *grumble* I should certainly hope not...

Lupe: Kay!Erik's not so bad. But Gerry!Phantom never had hope anyway.

Neshomeh: *pipes up* Actually, that one's mostly based on Kay!Erik.

Erik: I am myself!

Lupe: *got lost in all the Eriks* Eh?

Neshomeh: This Erik. The one on the plaid couch.

Lupe: Ah. *shakes head* Author needs a copy of Kay's novel...

Neshomeh: Yes. Yes, he does.

Blayze: I can't find one under 60 dollars! *twitch*

Neshomeh: 60 dollars?!

Blayze: *nods*

Neshomeh: Ebay?

Blayze: 88.

Neshomeh: Must be because of the movie. I don't think I would have mine if Mom had had to pay that much.

Blayze: *shrugs* We assumed it was 'cause of the fact that it's out-of-print. We got the Leroux novel at a reasonable 7 bucks.

Neshomeh: Huh. Actually, I have to get my copy back from my brother. I converted him. *g*

Erik: *not pleased with this discussion* DO you MIND? *makes it plain that he is in the room*

Blayze: I have to get my Leroux novel from my friend Chelsea. I gave it to her to read at the end of the school year, and haven't gotten it back yet... *doesn't mind*

Neshomeh: Hehe.

Jenni: I keep telling you you're popular. ^_^

Erik: *glower*

Blayze: *is going into withdrawal* *thus, is watching the movie over and over and over, with nasty/humorous commentary*

Neshomeh: I need to re-read the original, actually. OOH, I totally got Barnes & Noble money for my birthday! I'll get a copy! *does happy dance on the spot*

Blayze: And she has my comic book.

Neshomeh: Comic book?

Blayze: *shifty* Aye, comic book. *in a rather good imitation of Gibbs from PoTC*

Neshomeh: Heh. Hmm.

Blayze: *shoots a nervous look at Erik* Don't let him see my story. Or the comic book... Dammit, that was out loud.

Erik: *eyebrows dangerously close to becoming visible over the top of the mask*

Jenni: *gingerly pats his shoulder* Easy...

Blayze: Eep. *hides behind Jekyll's chair*

Jekyll: Hey!

Blayze: Shhh. Be quiet, or we'll write a Jekyll and Hyde one.

Jekyll: What?! Look, you just chose a hiding place very inconvenient to me. *nervous looks at Erik*

Erik: *seething* *remembers the long discussion after the other night* *does advanced calculus in his head*

Jenni: *keeps hand on shoulder*

Blayze: Fine. *scuttles behind the pink couch* Read the Van Helsing one. *amusement* It's finished.

Neshomeh: Hehe. *pokes oddly quiet Psymon while the page loads*

Psymon: *is eating, dammit*

Neshomeh: *taking a long time for just turkey, that's all* *unless it was a whole turkey, in which case... O.o *

Psymon: *was a whole turkey, and is hungry*

Lupe: *still chuckling* *nudges Blayze and Gen's phic to Erik*

Erik: *exudes air of "do I want to know?"*

Lupe: *exudes air of 'Yes, you do.'*

Erik: *skims with all the patience he can muster* *blink* Nadir's in this...

Blayze: *meeps* *attempts to actually be invisible*

Neshomeh: *realizes she hasn't actually read the second part of this and does* *snicker* Owner's manual...

Jenni: Sometimes, I wish.

Erik: *glare*

Blayze: *really wishes he was invisible, as he wrote that part*

Erik: *mutters something along the lines of "like you can talk"*

Jenni: *eyebrow*

Erik: You know, "Persian" ought to be capitalized.

Blayze: Ack! *rushes over* Dammit... *peers at the fic and mumbles about stupid typing and not having grammercheck on his word processor*

Neshomeh: Notepad = teh icky. Hmm, I bet you can download OpenOffice...

Blayze: Wordpad, actually. *sniffs* It works. *hasn't seemed to notice that he's standing right by Erik, who he was hiding from a minute ago*

Neshomeh: *OpenOffice download*

Erik: *is considering what to do with fanfic*

Blayze: *is mumbling and scrutinizing phic for other mistakes*

Erik: *rather forcefully hands it to Blayze* I believe this belongs to you.

Jekyll: *eyes kitchen hopefully*

Blayze: *takes* Unfortunately, yes. *meanders over to couch and continues studying it*

Psymon: *finishes eating and just glares around the room*

Neshomeh: *pokes head in kitchen* Hey, Sang? You get stuck in the fridge or something?

Sang: *is still sulking. Geh weg.*

Neshomeh: *goes and pats him on the head* You have no excuse for this behavior, you know. *checks pies*

Sang: The pies are almost done.

Lupe: *sing-song* Drama king, drama king, draaama kiiing...



Neshomeh: *rolls eyes and gets out of the crossfire*



Blayze: Children! Be nice!

Lone Power: *shakes head*

Jenni: ... This lot suffers from a deplorable dearth of hugs.

Erik: Oh, and hugs fix everything, do they?

Jenni: *stubborn* Most things.

Lone Power: *twitches* I am not hugging anyone!

Neshomeh: Pity. Why not? *can't remember what she's quoting, as usual* *... until she says something about it. Zazu. Lion King*

Blayze: *walks into the kitchen and starts humming*

Sang: *perks up* *sings, with a pronounced southern drawl* My pickup truck is her limousine, an' her fav'rite ridin' dress is her fav'rite blue jeans...

Erik: My ears, they bleed.

Blayze: *joins in, with more twang and less drawl* Yeah, we're two of a kind workin' on a full house!

Jenni: You're at the top of my hugging list, pal.

Sang: *laughs*

Erik: ...

Blayze: *switches songs* Now I ain't saying it's right or it's wrong, maybe it's the only way... Talk about your revolution, it's Independence Day!

Jekyll: *languishes* *because he can*

Sang: *whacks him* Stop singing depressing Martina songs.

Blayze: *grins* That's not depressing.

Sang: ...You wouldn't dare.

Blayze: *sings, again* She walks to school with the luch she packed, nobody knows what she's holdin' back. Wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday, she hides the bruises with linen and lace... Her teacher wonders but she doesn't ask, it's hard to see the pain behind the mask. Bearing the burden of a secret storm, sometimes she wishes she was never born.

Neshomeh: *breaks in* ... She wore dark glasses and long-sleeved blouses and make-up to cover her bruise. ... Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce; she let the law take it from there. But Earl walked right through that restraining order and put her in intensive care...

Blayze: But her dreams give her wing and she flies to a place where she's loved... Concrete angel!

Neshomeh: Right away Mary-Anne flew in from Atlanta on a red eye midnight flight. She held Wanda's hand and they worked out a plan and it didn't take 'em long to decide... that Earl had to die! *lalalas*

Blayze: Somebody cries in the middle of the night—the neighbors hear but they just turn out the light. A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate, when mornin' comes it'll be too late.

Erik: *cringing at the clashing songs* *finally stands up* Stop, stop, STOP!

Blayze: *shuts up*

Neshomeh: *also shuts up*

Erik: *glares around the room* Thank you! One might think you were trying to test my patience. *stiffly* I have little enough.

Blayze: Meep.

Neshomeh: *goes to sit in a corner to enjoy Dixie Chicks in the privacy of her own head*

Blayze: *joins*

Jenni: Erik?

Erik: What?

Lupe: *yawns*

Jenni: Would you prefer to provide better music for our entertainment and elucidation?

Erik: ...

Jenni: That's what I thought. Please sit down. *tugs on his hand*

Erik: *mutters* Sometimes I think perhaps I ought to, really... but then I remember I'm not insane. *sits*

Neshomeh: *holds up Yodeling Vet score* *grins*

Erik: *appears to be trying to set it on fire with his eyes*

Blayze: *whops her*

Neshomeh: Ow.

Blayze: Not nice. At least give him something not... weird.

Jenni: ... If it wasn't summer, we could do "'Tis Winter Now."

Erik: *sidelong look at her* Hm.

Blayze: *eyes Josh Groban stuff, but puts it off as being more in Sang's range, anyway*

Neshomeh: *gets "Facade" going in her head for some reason*

Blayze: *has a radio on*

Neshomeh: *decides she needs ice cream and goes to get some* *comes back and sits on pink couch*

Blayze: *wants ice cream now*

Jekyll: *stomach: is empty, dammit!*

Blayze: *blinks* *runs and gets him ice cream*

Neshomeh: *also blinks* That food oughta be done by now.

Blayze: *shrugs and hands him a large bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream*

Jekyll: *sheepish smile* Thanks.

Blayze: *nods* *also has a bowl*

Erik: *entertains himself with all possible snide comments he could make, but doesn't fancy getting chewed out by anyone at this juncture*

Blayze: *sits on the arm of the pink couch and scarfs ice cream*

Lupe: *wonders why she and her author have issues about sitting on the couch cushions*

Neshomeh: Hehe. I do that, too.

Blayze: *has to go in an hour*

Neshomeh: *same*

Blayze: *jumps up and down, somehow managing not to fall or spill the ice cream* Brainfreezebrainfreezebrainfreeeeze!

Neshomeh: *wince* Ow.

Jenni: Go drink warm water.

Blayze: *does so* *returns to eating ice cream, a touch more slowly*

Lupe: *shakes head*

Jenni: *watches* ... Dammit, they got me. *gets up and goes for ice cream* Anyone else, while I'm up?

Lupe: ... Oh, fine. Strawberry sorbet?

Psymon: *perks up* Chocolate?

Erik: *mutter* I suppose I'll take a little sorbet...

Jenni: ^_^ Great. *goes in kitchen; pokes Sang* Wanna hug?

Sang: *shakes head* Nae. *wanders out of kitchen*

Jenni: *reminds self never to ask that question* *weilds ice cream scoop*

Sang: But Ah am gettin' HHG flashbacks.

Jenni: *blink* I can't think of a connection.

Sang: *as Ford, movieverse* Would you like a hug?

Sang: *as Arthur* ...No.

Jenni: Ahh. And he needed one, too.

Lupe: *prods author* The voices are creeping me out.

Blayze: *as Stitch* Blue punch buggy!

Lupe: ... -_-

Neshomeh: *snicker*

Blayze: *rapid switch to Moby voice* We are the Moby boys, we are the Moby boys, we follow Moby!

Psymon: *glare* Shut. Up.

Jenni: Sycophants are scary!

Psymon: I hate that fucking song he made up.

Blayze: *different voice* Dennis, there's some lovely filth down 'ere!

Lupe: *rubs temples*

Neshomeh: ^_^ Dangit... there's no direct response to that line, so I can't think what comes next.

Lupe: He's just showing off.

Neshomeh: And it's fun.

Blayze: *moved along to insane bird-like voice* HELLOOOOO? HEL-loOOO! HELLO!

Neshomeh: *lost*

Blayze: *is being Peach, insane prophetic macaw*

Blayze: And I did the deed that all men shun—I shot the albatross!

Neshomeh: *John Cleese* Albatross! Albatross!

Blayze: Peices of eight! Peices of eight!

Erik: O_o

Blayze: *Larry the Cucumber* We are the Piraaaates who don't do anything! We just staaayyyy home and lie around! And if you aaaaask us to do anything, we'll just teeeell you—

Blayze: *Mr.Lunt* We don't do anything.

Neshomeh: *frown* Aw hell, what's that silly pirate song...? It starts, like, 'Oh we are a ferocious pirate gang...' Or something.

Blayze: Weeeeell I've never plucked a rooster and I'm not that good at ping-pong, I've never kissed a chipmunk and I don't look good in leggings...

Blayze: *Pa Grape* Wait, wait. What does that have to do with being a pirate?

Blayze: *Mr. Lunt* *giggles*

Blayze: *Pa* ...What?

Blayze: *Lunt* You look like Captain Crunch.

Blayze: *Pa* ...No I don't.

Blayze: *Lunt* Yes you do, Captain Ceeeer-unch!

Blayze: *Pa* Look, I'll have you want to walk the plank!

Blayze: *Lunt* Says who?

Neshomeh: *snicker*

Blayze: *Pa* Says me, I'm the Captain!

Blayze: *Lunt* Whatever you say, Cap'n! ...Ceeer-unch.

Blayze: *Pa* Auuugh!

Blayze: *Larry* Weeeeell I've never shaved a squirrel and I've never painted daises on a big red rubber ball...

Blayze: *blinks* *bows awkwardly, as is sitting*

Lupe: *shakes head*

Neshomeh: *claps* *is met with odd looks from Erik and Jekyll* *stops* ... Well, I can't remember the words to that-one-song and I can't find 'em online. Maybe it's indigenous to my family. O.o

Blayze: ...Dudes, is nobody else impressed? *bows for Neemish*

Lupe: Weirded out, maybe...

Erik: I am not a "dude."

Blayze: *giggles helplessly*

Neshomeh: *shifty eyes* *a cowboy hat appears on Erik's head* *innocence*

Lupe: *quietly* Eeeerik's a giiiirl, Eeerik's a giiiirl...

Neshomeh: *snickers at Lupe*

Blayze: *bursts out laughing*

Erik: (O.o); What the...?! *snatches hat off head* *looks at it* *RAGE*

Jenni: *appears in kitchen doorway with tray* *blink* What the hell?!

Jekyll: *laughs into his hand*

Lupe: *still murmuring* Erik's a giiiirl, Erik's a giiirl...

Blayze: *magics it into a pink, sparkly bow*

Neshomeh: *falls about*

Blayze: *giggles*

Erik: ... *mathematics fail* *twitch*

Blayze: *ponders turning his cape pink*

Jenni: Oh, hell. *goes across the room, sticking the tray into the first available pair of hands* *removes bow from apoplectic Erik's head* They don't mean anything by it...

Blayze: *giggles*

Psymon: *is rolling on the floor, laughing*

Erik: Utter... humiliation...

Blayze: *flicks fingers and puts Lupe in an odd leather-and-pink ensemble* Now you're not alone. *grins*

Lupe: ACK!

Erik: *not impressed*

Lupe: *tackles Blayze*

Blayze: WARK!

Neshomeh: *points* Chocobo!

Blayze: *falls off couch* Gerriof!

Lupe: *tugs his hair* You little TWERP!

Blayze: OWOWOWOWOW! Not the hair!

Jenni: Hey. Better laughing than, you know, screaming, right?

Erik: ... *focusing on not exploding*

Lupe: *knees him in the stomach*


Jekyll: Oy! *tries to break Lupe and Blayze apart*

Lupe: AGENT ABUSE! AGENT ABUSE! *is having none of it*


Lupe: *snarls*

Neshomeh: *from behind armchair* Taffeta? Ew...

Blayze: *hisses* *scratches her*

Lupe: Hey! No animal-abilities! Cheater!

Blayze: I grow my nails this long on purpose!

Erik: ... *stands up, grabs a bowl of sorbet, and chucks it in Blayze's general direction*

Blayze: *yowls* COLDCOLDCOLD!

Lupe: *got it in her hair* AW, HELL NO! *glares at Erik*

Erik: *grabs ice cream bowl* Now, you! *chucks it at Neshomeh*

Neshomeh: *is not really protected by armchair* ACK!

Blayze: *also glares*

Lupe: *wipes strawberry out of hair* ...You are so dead when I catch you.

Jekyll: Sir, that was completely uncalled for!

Lupe: *stands up*

Erik: *deathglare* Don't you presume to tell me—

Blayze: *scrambles to his feet* *hisses at him*

Jenni: *burries head in hands*

Neshomeh: Grah! *wipes ice cream off self and flytackles Erik*

Erik: *eyebrow* *side-steps*

Blayze: *also flying tackles at him*

Neshomeh: *crashes into person with tray* @.@

Sang: Ow! *was crashed into*

Erik: *apparently stepped right into Blayze's path of attack* Argh!

Blayze: *is going kitty-claw on him*

Erik: STOP THAT! *grabs at his hands* *or paws, as the case may be*

Blayze: *hisses* *claws with back feet*

Erik: You had it coming! *grabs and holds at arm's length*

Blayze: *yowls*

Lupe: *slinks up to him and taps him on the shoulder*

Erik: *whirls* WHAT?!

Lupe: *right hook*

Erik: !

Jenni: *looks up* OY!

Lupe: *suckerpunch*

Erik: *drops Blayze and, ignoring all other concerns, makes sure the mask is still firmly attached to his face*

Jenni: *irate* That is QUITE enough!

Lupe: *grins and walks away* That felt good, though.

Blayze: Gotta go.

Neshomeh: Bad timing!

Blayze: Night, Neemish!