It Came From the Lounge: May 2006
Summary:Jenni's chat with Martin is interrupted from another visitor from AU!Nosgoth and the arrival of other Loungers. Henry continues to wrestle with the problem of 'Fer's vampirism and goes in search of a proper lab to work in. Later, Jenni gets in over her head with the Lone Power.
Timeline:May 16, 18, 21, 23, 29, 2006.
Players: Neshomeh (OC: Jennifer Robinson | Canons: Henry Jekyll, Erik)
Hawkelf (OC: Gwen | Canon: Jubilee)
Blayze (OCs: Lupeias, Nosferatu | Canons: Riddick, Leofric)
Phoenix (OC: Martin)
Oracle (OC: Vengeance)
Nightsail (OC: Travis)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.

MAY 16

Jenni: *probably on a couch in the Lounge, on her back, one arm draped over her eyes*

Martin: *I'm assuming you mean the nexus room? ;-)* *guy's about nineteen or twenty...same age as Victor, looks like. :3 Got that slightly darker skin around his eyes and everything...permanent makeup, basically. XD He's definitely more of a pretty baby for it, too. Wingless wonder. lmao...and looking like he wasn't expecting to end up in here.* ...? *looking around for a min...then sniffs a lil...he smells her over there, and wanders over to take a look.*

Jenni: *meh, tired, napping* *overworked and underpaid, recently turned into a guy against her will, didn't like it*

Phoenix: ((....XD; zomg, she was -what-?! XD))

Neshomeh: (( Yeah, April Fools' Day prank. Everyone got genderbent. ^__^ ))

Phoenix: ((XD))

Martin: ... *lil sniff at her again, just making sure she's alive.* Hey... *gives her a lil poke. XD*

Jenni: *well, is breathing, has a pulse, etc... must be alive* *shifts away from poke* Mrrghmm?

Martin: *doesn't say anything, just goes around to the back of the couch, and tilts it carefully towards him...a lil more..lil more...then lets it go, making it fly back to its starting position. XD Let's hope she doesn't fall off...*

Jenni: *oh, very much with the falling off, complete with wide-eyed, just-woke-up, what the PLAGUE is goingonhere?!!?* (O.O);

Martin: *smiling at her, arms resting on the back of the couch, leaning on it slightly.* Hi. ^_^ *ooooh, he's in for it. XD Such a nassy prankster.*

Jenni: *manages to get her eyes looking in his general direction, not quite focused, though* Muh? Who're you? Wha's goin' on? Who's dying?

Martin: 0_o; Uh, nobody, that I know of. I'm Martin. Who are you? *getting around the couch to try and put her back on it. lmao Figures he prolly gave her brain damage, by causing her to hit her head or something.*

Jenni: *not brain-damaged, just sleep-deprived* *is picking herself up now, having regained some sense of equilibrium* *blinkblink* Hullo, Martin. 'M Jenni. *peers at him* Hm. You guys just love to pop in at random, huh?

Martin: 0_o? Huh? *completely lost here, and it shows. XD*

Jenni: Heldrad and friends. ... Sounds like a bad sitcom. *straightens shirt out*

Martin: *lil bit of a snort, rolling his eyes* As if him dragging in weird things from other worlds wasn't bad enough... *quiet, looking at her oddly* What's a sitcom?

Jenni: *quirks an eyebrow at him, almost awake enough to be amused* I guess that makes me a weird thing from another world. True enough. "Sitcom" stands for "situational comedy." It's a sort of... play, if you like, based on a group of people confronting their problems in an amusing or humorous way.

Martin: Sounds more like a minstrel show to me. *looking her over a bit* Well, you're not as weird as some...definitely not as weird as that Charell guy. >_<

Jenni: *partial smile* Something like that. *looks him over again* You're not quite... well... I mean you've no wings. How old are you? *trying real hard to understand this species* *hopes she's thinking right here*

Martin: *lil peek over his shoulder, sighs* It's a long story. I was found behind one of the Doors in this place, dead. *shudders* I...would rather not talk about that. I'm from a time when even Heldrad and the others were still human, right after the other Razielim... *frowns...doesn't want to talk about that much either.*

Jenni: A greater part of my existence has been devoted to hearing long stories. *sits down on the couch, regarding him with a decently alert and interested expression*

Martin: *quiet, just watching her for a min* I became Razielim to pave the way for my brother Madoc to become one too. He's older than me, but weaker...he was always getting sick. I was going to bring him to Raziel, but somehow Turel found him. *bit of a scowl* One of the idiot humans let him in on the lure that he would get immortality too...and instead became Turel's next meal. I came in just in time to be forced to watch Turel turn him into one of -his- instead. I don't know much about what happened after that, because they were kind enough to break my neck for me, instead of torturing me with a slow death. -_-;

Jenni: *nods—she's listening and understanding* Not a good time of it. Are you glad of a second chance, as it were?

MAY 18

Martin: *nods* Definitely. I at least found my brother again...he's one of Turel's, but at least we're together. *bit of a thoughtful look at that, like he's not really sure he believes that himself. :S* I get the "softie of the year" award or something? *lil grin—he's trying to be humorous, at least. ;-)*

Jenni: *smiles back* I don't see that you're soft. Being resurrected isn't pretty by most accounts, but you seem to be taking it well. Kudos. *has been born and died a few times, but she's a different case entirely* *mostly just builds her body from raw energy, as it were*

Martin: *shrugs* I try not to think about it. *looking her over some more* So what were you doing in here all alone, besides napping?

Jenni: *wryly* Waiting for something to disturb my nap, actually. I should be extremely worried if I ever got a full night's sleep, because that would probably mean the Multiverse had stopped turning. Then I'd have to go and see what happened to my friend Leof, who invented the concept of entropy in the first place...

Martin: 0_o; And I have no idea what you just said, really. So... *pauses...thinking about what she's said so far* Wait. You know the turkey?

Jenni: *eyebrow* Which turkey?

Martin: *lil bit of a snicker* I thought Heldrad was the only one that really resembled one. ^_~

Jenni: Hah. *grin* Resemble, yes. Act like... I can think of several. In any case, yes, I know Heldrad. I walked through a freak Door and ended up in his version of the Lounge. His and mine seem to have merged since then. We've done a fair bit of dragging each other around now. *has clearly enjoyed this a great deal*

Martin: Hmph. *uh...clearly not impressed. XD Why does the -hen- get to pick up chicks? And -not- the peeping fluffy kind either. ¬_¬* You know he pulled a nasty prank on Vedast once?

Jenni: *he needn't worry, really—as much as she'd like to be "picked up," is rather inhibited by her personal ethics* I'm given to understand pranking is a favorite past-time around the castle.

Martin: Just about. *grins* He handed two eggs to Vedast and left without saying a word...a few days after a rather lengthy discussion on just how bird-like they'd become, and told Heldrad they were starting to worry a little about his...tendencies.

Jenni: *wonders if she's heard this before* *smiles* And?

Martin: Vedast kinda freaked. *more snickers...I'm sure she gets the joke here? XD*

Jenni: *yeah, it took a minute there* *still a little brain-dead* *joins in the snickering* I can imagine. ... *mock-thoughtful, mock-revelation* So it was actually the turkey that came first.

Martin: *actually starting to laugh now* God, could you -imagine- if that actually happened? Talk about something coming back to haunt you...I could just see the look on his -face-.

Jenni: *grin* Are you kidding? He'd be thrilled. His face might break from smiling.

Martin: 0_o Now that...would be a little disturbing. More than a little, actually. *lil shudder* I guarantee you everyone else would be -petrified-. *peeks over his shoulder* As if turning blue, getting wings and growing feathers wasn't bad enough. 0_<;

Jenni: *senses a change of topic and pursues it* I'm still curious about that whole process. I don't quite understand yet. You lot have a sort of chrysalis phase, and pop out with something a little different each time? So is it gradual, or is it just bam! wings one day?

Martin: I wouldn't know, myself. *lil grin* I know when I was made, my hands and feet changed, and a little in appearance, but not that much different from being human, really. When the other elders make their fledglings they have it far worse off. The new ones shell up for a little over a year, and come out looking like the others. They're pretty exhausted, as you can imagine. After that, it's more little changes at a time. New gifts, more feathers, things like that. *shrugs* A summary of what Vedast told me, anyway.

Jenni: *digesting this* Hrm. Right, time travel issue for you. Sorry. Usually I track this stuff a little better. Still, that helps. Clearly the genetics have changed since your time. That's fascinating.

Martin: *nods* It was gradual for the elders though. They gained their wings, and that's when things got...interesting. Like how Armandus found out he could screech like they do. *snicker* Or how Heldrad's nesting habits started kicking in.

Jenni: *chuckle* An incredible natural history, to be sure. ... You wouldn't know what triggers a "shelling," would you? *has heard a little about this, but wants his thoughts unmuddled by suggestion*

Martin: *nods* It seems to be related to how much we feed, and the quality of the blood we ingest. Orel...that's one of Heldrad' doesn't really use the bottles of Dumahim they bring him from the arena. Heldrad kinda... "nurses" him, if you get my drift. ^^;

Jenni: *nod* Got it. *shakes her head for the silly, adorable bird-brain, all affection* I ask because I'm trying to solve a puzzle. You've met Elsiar?

Martin: ... *starting to think he knows where this is going, heh.* Yes. And I know what you mean...he's more content to play with his food than actually -eat- it. -_-;

Jenni: *remembers the one time she fed Elsiar—or tried. pudding everywhere but the kid's mouth* Yeah... that doesn't help. Right now I'm just trying to learn as much as I can so I can work with him without further breaking him.

Martin: *grins* Way ahead of you, actually. I'm thinking of a way to get that pudding into a different container...a tube or something, so he can suck on it instead. Far less messy. *the Nosgoth version of Go-Gurt, in other words. XD*

Jenni: That would be a start. *smile—is thinking more along the lines of total cure* *ought to enlist Henry's help analyzing blood samples, really, because it might be useful to know their chemical make-up—mad science to the rescue* *would need a lab and volunteers, though*

Martin: ...? *interested too now, looks like* What else did you have in mind?

Jenni: *musing, complete with one hand at her chin and staring into the middle distance* I'm not quite sure yet. The biology is only one side, you see. I have to learn his psyche—learn it better than he knows himself and use it without him knowing what I'm doing. I don't like to be underhanded, but I doubt if explaining it to him will be any use. And I can't very well involve Heldrad because he frets too much.

Martin: So you're looking for a way to restore his body -and- his mind? *quiet, thinking about that* I don't even know if that's possible. Kid hasn't even had a changestate since he was -made-. >_< That group ruined him...

Jenni: *focusing on Martin again, all keen green eyes deeper than the average human's* The mind is much more in my line of work, as it were. And that's not quite my understanding of the situation. I was told he goes into changestates, but infrequently and comes out more depleted each time. But you know what happened, then. I haven't had the heart to ask anyone else for details. *expectant, hopeful*

Martin: .... 0_o; I didn't know that he had... That's what I get for assuming, looks like. -_-; *feels like an idiot...this lady knows more about his clan than he does. XD* *soft "hem" noise...change of subject for the guy with the wounded pride! 8D* What -is- your line of work?

Jenni: *stifles a sigh—hoped she was about to get some more vital info* *ah well, can detour for wounded pride, particularly since she's just had a nice little boost* In a word, I'm a healer. Have been since I came into being, in varying degrees. *murmur* Of considerably less power, of late, but much more experience. *resettles self* So, a puzzle like this gets put in my lap, and I'm bound by the Powers That Be to solve it if I can.

Phoenix: ((in other words, she believes the 'sues can be rehabilitated? XD))

Neshomeh: (( Hah, no. Not her jurisdiction at all. Fixing mangled canon characters is, which is why she works in FicPsych. *g* ))

Phoenix: ((oh, so she mends the minds of those -affected- by 'sues. 8D))

Phoenix: ((or would she be working in the Canon Sue department? XD))

Neshomeh: (( Mostly she just wants to make people feel better. She was probably a borderline 'Sue herself for some time, hanging around the anti-heroes and such. {= ) ))

Neshomeh: (( Her remark about less power is due to the gradual stripping of her supernatural abilities, actually. As far as she's concerned, she's just running out of energy and doesn't like to waste it on such things anymore. ))

Martin: Oh. *scratches at his hair a bit* Well...if you need help with the Elsiar situation, I guess I could do -something-...I am kind of an evolving specimen, after all. *lil grin* Besides, he's practically my nephew, so it's worth doing. ^_^;

Jenni: *big ol' smile* Thank you—I appreciate that. For the moment, anything you can tell me is valuable. As I said, I haven't really had the heart to pick Heldrad's brain. ... *chuckle* I've been instructing him more than the other way 'round.

Martin: *nods* I can understand that. *lil snerk* Let's see...starting with how we're turned...? I was actually alive during that, so I still remember most of it.

Jenni: *thinks about it, shrugs* Sure, why not? For is it not written, "'Tis best to begin at the beginning?" *the Sweeper rocks her socks*

MAY 21

Jenni: *sitting on the couch, being generally in need of a vacation but not so out of it that she can't carry on a conversation* *is, in fact, in the middle of one* *thinks about it, shrugs* Sure, why not? For is it not written, "'Tis best to begin at the beginning?"

Martin: *the one she's having that particular convo with, actually* ... *has to think about her question a min* It sort of feels like getting drunk, actually. *bit of a snerk* Except it's driven by hunger more than anything else. When a vampire's blood is in you, it's all you can think about to get more of it, until you can't take anymore. *quiet again* It's -very- addicting, in a short amount of time. It felt like -hours- to me, but it was really only a few minutes, I was so intoxicated by it...

Jenni: *nods, just taking it in, interested* *wonders what the chemical mechanism is, if there is one, but doesn't feel it pertinent to ask rhetorical questions*

Travis: *cause he's in, and why the heck not... :D* *opens the Door there and starts to head in, eyes mostly closed and not looking where he's headed so well... carrying a bucket that's probably heavier with water than he should be lifting in his apparently exhausted state, but he's carrying it anyway, a used scrub brush and some dirty, wet rags on its sides... and as testament to his prior activities, the skin on his fingers actually looks quite raw, still regrowing and thus still thin enough to be purple, the pink coming from blood just below the surface... he pauses when he notices something off and looks up, face not changing much from what appears to be a tired, sullen state* *muttered, quiet* Sorry... didn't mean to intrude. *starts to step back out again, and nearly trips on the black rags he's got wrapped around his feet, but regains his balance before he spills the bucket... kid's maybe 14ish or so, sleep-deprived, about as skinny as Elsiar, and his wings are hidden in his raggedy clothing, the parts barely sticking out looking -plucked-...*

Martin: *looks up at that, has to blink...dude. 0_o; Starved-looking burd there!* Wait. *looking him over...ew. Poor kid.* intrusion.

Travis: *tries picking the bucket back up after having to set it down there for a sec* ....I was just trying to find the closet, is all...

Jenni: *ditto with the looking up and the blinking* *hey, kid looks familiar* It's all right. These things happen. *smile*

Martin: *looking around at this Room here* All too often, looks like. *quiet, eyeing him...bit of a stupid question, but eh, whatever.* okay?

Travis: Yeah, I am... sorry again... *manages to pick it up again; he's gonna leave unless they stop hi—* *manages to slip and drops the bucket there, to the hall... and hops away a tad slowly, stumbling again and getting the bottoms of his feet wet with a small hiss before falling on his butt in the Lounge Room... though most of the water's in the hall now* ....oh, -man-... >_< *shoulders slump*

Martin: *winces himself, getting up and going over to him, careful of the water himself*, it's okay. *moves to pick him up, to get him out of there...ew...burd must be -light-.* God, when was the last time you fed? You weigh less than my brother did when he was human. >_<; And that's saying a lot.

Jenni: *thinking about it... something about shelves?* *oh* *also gets up and goes over there*

Travis: *tries to help stand upright... prolly weighs only, like, eighty? ...wings included? :S no muscle on those either, it looks like, when the cloth isn't covering them there... they're definitely unusable, even at a glance.* ....I'll be fine.... >_< ....just... need to mop that up now... *not looking forward to it; he's tired as it is*

Jenni: I don't think so. It's only water, and you're in no condition.

Martin: *bit of a snort, going over to the couch and setting him down there* You're about ready to pass out from -starvation- as it is...stay there. *lil nod to get it up? *grabs a blanket from off the back of the couch and puts it down over the water to let it soak up. Better than getting his fingers burnt.* It's not that simple. like acid to us. We can't touch it or it burns us. *grins* But since you know Heldrad, you already knew that, right?

Jenni: *blames her typist for that little faux pas. >.< *

Travis: *sighs, tries getting back up from the couch* You shouldn't; it's my job... I'm the one that spilled it in the first place anyway. *drags a corner of the blanket over and presses it to the floor, pushing it over the water... and blatantly ignores the hiss at his hands when it finally soaks through as he does, but he does adjust the blanket to push a dry part after a sec*

Martin: *eyes go -wide- at that, jerking the kid's hand back* What is -wrong- with you? 0_o; Don't you even -feel- that?

Travis: ....yeah, so? *just looks at him like he doesn't understand what the issue is*

MAY 23

Jenni: So what good does it do anyone? I'd really like to know. *muscles in between Travis and the blanket and shoves it around with her foot, mopping up the spill*

Travis: ...I'm supposed to clean it up, though... *just this sorta blank look, like he isn't even thinking there's some other option here*

Martin: 0_o; *looking at the kid, wondering wtf, really... and turns the kid's head toward him so he can check his eyes..see if he's on anything. XD;* ...Your pupils are -dilated-. You've been starving yourself too?

Travis: *slight frown* No... I feed... *not much, obviously*

Jenni: And I get a full eight hours of sleep every night. *sarcastic tone clearly implies otherwise*

Travis: .... *just looks like he's totally lost here, not a clue how to reply to that* .....

Martin: ... *quiet, looking around* I'll be right back. *heads to a Door that's been bookmarked with a strip of cloth, someone's sash most likely, and steps through...gone for a few minutes...and then back with a big bottle with red in it* Here you go. Drink this. *removes the cork and gives it to him, sitting right next to him to make sure he -drinks- it.

Jenni: *water mostly soaked up, turns to face them both* I don't suppose what goes on in that castle is truly my business. But this, for all intents and purposes, is my Lounge, and I make it my job to see that the people in my Lounge are looked after. Got it? So do as Martin says.

Travis: *his ears sink down an inch, as does the rest of him.... very submissive kid here. :S* ....yes ma'am... *quietly takes the bottle and puts it up to his mouth... starts to take a little drink, but quickly enough makes a face and quits that attempt, looking like... he doesn't know -what- to make of it, but it isn't what he wants...* .....this isn't Melchahim..... *all worried now, like they're telling him to drink oil or something. :P*

Jenni: *yeah, can be bossy ^_^; * *but it's for a good cause* *doesn't know how to respond to that, though, as she has no idea what the differences are between vampiric blood types*

Martin: It's Turelim. It'll get your strength back up... *checking over the rest of the kid here, wincing as he feels over the kid's wings* Who -did- this to you? I don't even have -wings- yet, and I share your pain. >_<;

Travis: *apparently ignoring the comments on his wings, trying to tuck them more up against his back... they're just skin and bone, really.* ....I'm only supposed to have Melchahim.... *tries to give the bottle back*

Jenni: *still lost, so busies herself gathering up the sopping blanket and putting it somewhere out of the way* *HQ must have laundry somewhere, but she's never actually seen it ^_^; * *might be a myth like the pool and things just get clean automagically*

Martin: *raises an eyebrow* And apparently, that's what's killing you, among other things. Just drink it. Jeez, you're nothing but skin and bones... *puts both hands around the kid's middle to demonstrate...ew. :S*

Travis: *tries to stand up to leave* I don't want Turelim... >_< *ends up on his knees again, though, off balance from getting held any like that... that, and he's exhausted*

Jenni: *returning* *eyebrow, thinking these people really have a thing for strong mental conditioning, but not going to comment on that* So you do have opinions, wants, even needs? *also restraining self from further sarcasm—is annoyed at the situation*

Martin: *is rapidly getting there, too...and holds the kid down* Hey. Believe me, there are people -far- worse off than you are in this world. Would you rather be a Melchahim yourself? A rotting, thoughtless walking corpse?

Jenni: ... Zombies? *ew*

Travis: *some hints of tears... doesn't know what to say to any of that* but....

Nightsail: ((grr to rl, I needa run. :P *hugs*))

Neshomeh: (( Aw. Catch you later! *hugs back* ))

Neshomeh: (( A couple other regular Lounge denizens are about. Want to meet? ))

Martin: *lil glance over at Jenni* No. Vampires...they're all vampires. Well, they were. Then their bodies started to deteriorate. -_-; They were immortal, but their souls couldn't keep their bodies healthy. *turning back to Travis* Then why do you insist on starving yourself and working yourself to -death- by wallowing in self-pity?

Phoenix: ((Sure. :D))

Neshomeh: (( Yay! ))

Blayze has been added to the conversation.

Hawkelf has been added to the conversation.

Neshomeh: (( Blayze, Hawky; Phoenix. {= ) ))

Blayze: ((Speeshul.))

Phoenix: ((Hi! 8D *waves*))

Neshomeh: (( *stashes Travis in a wandering plothole* >.> ))

Neshomeh: (( Ah, dinner for me. brb ))

Lupe: *Just miiiildly bored over here, dammit!*

Gwen: *yeah, lurking here, bosses*

Lupe: *lurking and throwing popcorn at people*

Gwen: *flicking milk duds*

Lupe: *bored because there is nobody THERE* *what happened to the drama?*

Martin: *is REALLY REALLY hoping he doesn't turn out to be a Gary Stu. 0_o; In the presence of two seasoned PPC agents...doesn't want to be a Stu, dammit! >_<;*

Lupe: *ohperson!* *flicks popcorn*

Martin: 0_o; *stares at her* What?

Gwen: Who be ye an' who be ye padre?

Lupe: Aye! *grins*

Martin: ...was that even English you were speaking just now? -_-;

Gwen: Ye makin' fun o' me accen', boy?

Lupe: I think he is. Not that I don't, but he is.

Gwen: But ye're me mum, Mum.

Lupe: Not your mother.

Gwen: T'ank de 'eavens.

Lupe: Indeed.

Martin: *creeeeeping back a few steps. Doesn't want to get speared...or sporked. That would hurt worse.* Uh...answering your question, I'm Martin.

Gwen: And yer fat'er?

Lupe: *rolls eyes* Gwen..

Gwen: Wha'?

Martin: ....uh... *trick question, maybe?* Which one? 0_o; Real father...or sire? *is a vamp, XD;*

Lupe: Look. Hi. Welcome to the lounge. Don't piss off Erik, the gods, me, or anyone with pointy things. Or the crazy little men who hide in the rafters. And don't listen to Gwen.

Gwen: 'Ey now! Ah resen' dat!

Lupe: *is a werewolf* *dumb author shoulda thought of that, silly thing...* I know.

Gwen: Gen'ral rule - don' piss nobo'y off.

Lupe: Especially the gods. And Erik.

Martin: There's crazy men in the rafters? *looking up to see now. XD Poor guy's about to -bolt- for his life. Blinks, and gives a quick nod to the other two* Let me know if I start to, and I won't.

Gwen: It'll be too late by den.

Teatime: *not crazy what!* *look, hiding here*

Jubilee: *takes this as a cue and pounces on Martin from above*

Riddick: *amused*

Martin: *completely lost here* But...what should I do to make sure I'm not— *pounced, hitting the floor with his face. Hi, floor! :D* ...? 0_o; *trying to get up to see what hit him, plenty freaked...baring fangs a lil here! By no means a -powerful- vampire....he's still a youngun. And his dark gifts are fully proportioned to that fact. ;)*

Jubilee: Well, hidy there, pardner!

Fer: *is lurking around..a vampire of a different sort. probably napping, actually*

Phoenix: ((heh...he's an LoK vampire. They go through evolutions periodically that give them new abilities. Martin's still a fledgling, so he's got a -long- ways to go to channeling lightning down from the heavens. ^-^ Not Gary Stu-ish, I hope?))

Blayze: ((Nope! A lot of our characters bounce around the power spectrum, so it's not a problem.))

Hawkelf: ((We're collecting variations of vampires, it seems... *amused*))

Blayze: ((Indeed.))

Martin: *blinking* ....who are you? 0_o; *trying to get away from this crazy pouncing person at this point*

Fer: *wants her damn cure!* *and her pillow. Which has disappeared.*

Jubilee: Jubilation Lee, ex-X-man, ex-Gen Xer, and all around adorable teenager!

Lupe: She likes to pounce on people, I think.

Gwen: Noticed dat too.

Martin: I, uh, see. *getting up again, plenty tense here...crazy people getting to him. X_x;*

Neshomeh: (( Back! *reads backposts* ))

Riddick: Jubilee...*amused headshake*

Jubilee: *really fast* You new here? I used to be new here too, but I got used to it really quick. It's nice. You'll like it. Probably. I mean, they're a bit weird, but they're /funny/ too. And Riddie's really nice. Want something to drink? Eat? Slobber on?

Phoenix: ((gotta go to work, sorreh. XD; *flees*))

Blayze: ((See ya.))

Jubilee: ...Riddie! Didn't see you there!

Hawkelf: ((Adios.))

Neshomeh: (( Ack. Bye-bye, then. ))

Fer: *snooze*

Henry: *prolly off doing something scientific and obscurely alluded to, because that's how his canon works*

Fer: *misses pillow*

Henry: *is a busy pillow*

Fer: *wah.*

Lupe: *wants to torture something*

Jubilee: *isn't volunteering*

Henry: *has experience being tortured in non-physical ways...*

Ducks: *wanders in innocently* Oh, back here again? Did I leave my bag here last time? *it's Ducks! because the typist can't leave well enough alone!*

Lupe: *To torture, not be tortured! Stupid author* Not that I've seen...

Jenni: *exists* *will curl up on the couch again if she's not needed*

Gwen: Ducks! *yes, likes him simply because his name is birds*

Ducks: *has no problem with that* Hey, Gwen!

Gwen: Wha' ye been doin' wit' yersel'?

Jubilee: *looks at Ducks* it's /your/ clothes I've been using. Dude.

Ducks: Oh, not much. It's pretty quiet on the homefront - Hey! You've been wearing my clothes?

Henry: *wanders in, because his typist doesn't feel like messing with anyone else* *muttering to himself and scribbling in a notebook*

Jubilee: *shrug* I didn't have any of my own, and spandex is totally /not/ comfortable wet and cold, dude. Just so you know.

Ducks: ..Ah. All right. *blinks*

Henry: *must have found a lab somewhere* *Mary-Sue Experiments, maybe*

Fer: *would be mucho interested if awake*

Jubilee: Who /are/ you, anyway?

Ducks: Just..Ducks. I'm one of Lupe's old friends.

Henry: *that's okay* *will just sit somewhere and be oblivious anyway* *might even sit on someone's leg by accident*

Fer: *nooooo! pillow!*

Jubilee: Dude! You know Lupesy?!

Henry: *well, didn't say "somewhere" wasn't within pillow-distance*

Fer: *mrf* *innate pillow-snuggling instincts*

Ducks: Yeah.

Lupe: Yes, he does. Okay, introductions made. Moving on.

Henry: *used to it* *keeps up with the muttering and writing* *God knows WHAT he's thinking about... his typist sure doesn't*

Fer: *mrf, comfy* *well, at least he's thinking about it*

Henry: *said he would, didn't he?*

Jubilee: Dude!

Fer: *yes indeed!* *yay!*

Henry: *is very much Dr. Jekyll right now*

Fer: *shiny*

Henry: *yesyes* *glinty eyes and such* *refuses to ever shout "Eureka!" or anything, so that's okay*

Fer: *good.* *didn't worry at all, nopenope*

Ducks: *feels awkward standing there*

Jubilee: Like bubble tea?

Ducks: ...I can't say it's my favorite. *is a boring person, what can we say?*

Jenni: ... *zzz*

Jubilee: Dude. So uncool.

Ducks: Mmm. o-o;

Neshomeh: (( My Weyr people think I should post over there, so I might zone out for a little bit. ))

Blayze: ((Mkay.))

Jubilee: *stares at Ducks*

Ducks: *uncomfortable*

Jubilee: Dude. I'm so sorry about the shrinkage on that one top... It should so totally have a label for warning.

Ducks: ...O-oU Ah. Quite.

Jubilee: Dude. You're gonna have to use more than one word, or conversation? Ain't gonna happen.

Ducks: ...*argh, now he can' think of anything to say!*

Lupe: *weighs options..* *rescue Ducks, watch him squirm, hmmmm...* *sighs* Hey Ducks, how's reconstruction going?

Ducks: Huh? Oh, pretty well, actually. I think we're nearly finished.

Jubilee: Watcha buildin'?

Ducks: We're rebuilding, actually. Again. The city got burned down. ...Again.

Lupe: How many people died this time? *being nasty? never!*

Ducks: *shrugs sadly* *knows enough not to try being reasonable with Lupe*

Jubilee: Dude. That stinks. 'Cause, I mean, my school totally blew up... before I came here. Um. A while ago.

Ducks: Yeah...We're used to it now.

Lupe: It's happened, what, ten times in the last two hundred years?

Ducks: *tetchy* Thirteen.

Jubilee: Dude. Xavier's blown up a lot too, y'know? Totally stinks.

Ducks: *nods*

Jubilee: But yes. I'm going to go... pester Riddie. 'Cause that's what I do when I'm homesick.

Ducks: *nods again*

Riddick: *sigh*

Jubilee: *bounces over* Yo, yo.

Riddick: Hello.

Jubilee: Yo.

Riddick: ...

Jubilee: Yo.

Riddick: ...Amazing conversation.

* Phoenix is now Offline

Phoenix has left the conversation.

Jubilee: Totally.

Blayze: ((dead air. Um. Dead air.))

Hawkelf: ((*crickets*))

Neshomeh: (( *koff* I'm back. ))

Blayze: ((yay!))

Henry: *is probably catching up on a century of biochemistry, come to think of it*

Ducks: *is once again feeling awkward*

Jenni: *is napping*

Fer: *is waking up from nap* *muzz*

Henry: *muttermutterscribble* *probably has his magic book open, too* *instant textbook on anything!*

Fer: *woo!* *yawns*

Henry: *oblivious*

Fer: *peers over shoulder*

Henry: *notebook = full of formulae and otherwise indecipherable scrawls*

Fer: *blinks* *shrugs* *wonders if Henry would like tea*

Henry: *would love tea, but he might not notice it unless it's put directly into his hand*

Fer: *will work on that* *goes to make tea* *and to put ice down her back because it's about ninety degrees and /no heat regulation/!*

Henry: *better make it iced tea, then* *probably won't sleep nights until this is solved, you realize*

Fer: *might have to insist on naps, then* *indeed*

Henry: *is bothered by his typist's eagerness for his new partner* *is worried*

Fer: *comes back with iced tea and a miniature fan and ice for her*

Henry: *has pencil in one hand and notebook in the other* *one item will have to be removed*

Fer: *snerches pencil* *replaces with tea*

Henry: *bwuh? can't write with this* *oh, tea* *perfect!* *drinks* M'fanks.

Fer: *giggles* You're welcome. *sits down again*

Henry: *drinks it down* *blinks, looks around* ... Where's my pencil?

Fer: ...*shakes head* *hands pencil* *grins*

Henry: Thanks. *scribblescribble* *but stops after finishing the thought and looks around again* I'm going to need a better workspace eventually.

Fer: *nods* ....We could attempt to ask Makes-Things for space or something...

Henry: *peers at the Doors* I've noticed those opening seemingly at whim. Perhaps one could be turned to my purposes.

Fer: Maybe. Or they'll get snarky. One never knows.

Henry: Hrrm.

Fer: ..We can try, though! *beams*

Henry: *smile*

Fer: *bounces up* So! Where do we start?

Henry: *puts notebook aside (the pencil migrates behind his ear without any apparent action on his part) and gets up* Hmm. *appears to do a form of eeny-meeny-miny-moe* ... That one. *walks up to it*

Fer: *follows happily*

Henry: *opens Door* *looks* ... *closes it* I don't know what I saw and I don't want to. *next!*

Fer: ..Mkay...*peeks quickly* *raises an eyebrow* *moves on* *following him, that is*

Henry: *would really be spiffed to find his own laboratory, but doubts if he's that lucky* *will probably end up somewhere dangerous and weird, like Van Helsing!Frankenstein's or something, and then there'll be peasants with torches and pitchforks and bleh*

Fer: *or..a nice, clinical, average modern setting* *b'cos, y'know, sometimes the world is convenient*

Henry: *... that'd do*

Fer: *if you'd prefer the scary castle...*

Henry: *no, no, clinical is fine*

Fer: *m'kay* *clean environment and everything...*

Henry: *yep* *hell, probably got mold or something in his original formula and that's what caused the problem*

Fer: *it is possible*

Henry: *dank British laboratory and whatnot*

Fer: *yep*

Henry: *well, anyway* *opens Doors until he finds something interesting* Hullo... *wanders in*

Fer: *follows*

Henry: *looking out a window, it appears this lab is set up in a converted farmhouse or something* *no, wait... the house is over there, so maybe this was the barn* *sweet! middle of nowhere, too!*

Blayze: *or..there's a barn* *amused*

Neshomeh: (( The place I'm thinking of is from the Robin Cook novel Acceptable Risk, which is perfect because the plotline was partly inspired by Jekyll & Hyde. *g* ))

Hawkelf: (( I tuned out for a long time. *still alive, y'all*))

Neshomeh: (( Yay! ))

Blayze: ((woo!))

Blayze: ((And..never read it.))

Neshomeh: (( Robin Cook = the master of the medical thriller. ))

Blayze: ((...Mkay!))

Blayze: ((*writes it down somewhere*))

Neshomeh: (( So, yes. This place exists because this group of scientists was researching this new drug and illegally testing it on themselves, 'cos their funding was for crap. *nodnod* Someone owned the farm, so they all went out there and made it work. ))

Blayze: ((Interesting.))

Neshomeh: (( Or something like that. It's been a while since I read the book. *is now looking for a decent description of the place so she knows what she's doing* ))

Neshomeh: (( Ack, I forgot I have a D&D session tonight! Gotta go. ^_^; ))

MAY 29

You have just entered room "zeemenuitreadsangst."

Hawkelf has entered the room.

Oracle has entered the room.

Neshomeh: (( "But I don't like angst!" "Well, there's the ham, angst, egg, sausage and angst, that hasn't got much angst in it..." ))

Oracle: ((...ftw.))

Blayze: ((XD))

Hawkelf: ((*snerk*))

Neshomeh: (( ^_^ ))

Erik: *the typists are being especially annoying this evening*

Oracle: ((*is tired and likely to be going out sometime soon*))

Lupe: *indeed they are*

[Big OOC snip.]

Hawkelf: ((I'm multitasking too much. Seey'all.))

Hawkelf has left the room.

Lupe: *moving on...*

Jenni: *indeed* *did she get around to suggesting that Leof and Vengy go off, tell each other about their day, and commiserate?*

Leof: *no, she hasn't* *would just throw things anyway*

Jenni: *is absolutely serious* *for "commiserate," read "have healing sex"*

Leof: *will absolutely..throw things*

Jenni: *is massively confused, then*

Vengeance: *would not object, also would be massively confused*

Leof: *wants to sleep and then destroy every person to mention terminal diseases in a 20-mile radius*

Jenni: *shan't mention life, then*

Leof: *...specifically cancers, not in mood for jokes*

Jenni: *... somebody had better stop her before she starts being borderline snarky out loud*

Lupe: *ze tension, ah must habe ein knife to cut eet with!*

Erik: *could be worse* *could be in the middle of it*

Lupe: *true, true*

Jenni: *meh* *gonna go over there and give the man a head massage, so there*

Leof: *no touch!*

Jenni: *oh, just hold still, you'll get your nap*

Erik: *the sparks, they begin to fly*

Leof: *grrr*

Lupe: *I demand poopcorn!*

Blayze: *popcorn *dies laughing*

Neshomeh: (( ... *dies* {X D ))

Vengeance: *'kay, drinking coffee grumpily over here*

Blayze: ((Best. unintentional. joke. EVAR.))

Neshomeh: (( Zomg. ))

Oracle: ((Must go eat.))

Jenni: *well, was sick of not doing anything and didn't see anyone else stepping up* *so smoothes the hair back and starts from the temples*

Neshomeh: (( Do hurry back. ))

Leof: *squirms* ~Gerroff!~

Jenni: ~No. Don't be childish.~

Leof: ~...Off. Now. You're irritating me and I'm not happy to start with.~

Jenni: ~*calm* I noticed. *makes a pass at soothing that irritation, too*~

Leof: ~*grumpy* I lost again.~

Erik: *damn these silent movies!*

Lupe: *no freakin' subtitles, either!*

Jenni: ~*empathy* I know.~ *keeping at it, mostly petting just for the moment, lightest pressure*

Erik: *would throw popcorn, but there's no service up here* *we should speak to the managers*

Leof: ~*mental scowling/pouting* *totally not gonna fall for it*~

Lupe: *indeed we should! crappiest service ever!*

Jenni: ~*nothing to fall for—no trick* *wide open*~

Erik: *wouldn't tolerate this bullshit in his theatre, dammit*

Leof: ~*grumpy still!* *you are /not/ going to ruin my bad mood!*~

Lupe: *I say we leave out the tip!*

Erik: *yeah!* *...but there was no admission*

Lupe: * ruining my rant mojo, Erik!*

Erik: *koff* *no tip for you!*

Lupe: *Thank you!* *now, where's our drama?*

Jenni: ~*why not? feels good, dunnit?*~ *pet, rub*

Erik: *seriously, drama?*

Leof: ~*no*~ *squirm*

Lupe: *boooooored!*

Erik: *grumblemutter*

Jenni: ~*a little amused* Liar.~

Erik: *ooh, see that? that little bitty smile on her? she thinks she's just been terribly clever about something*

Leof: ~Yes, but what else? *smug*~

Lupe: *Oooh, and he's just shot her down* *he's smirking again*

Jenni: ~Master of aforesaid? *still amused* *can do ego-petting, too*~

Erik: *oh? no visible effect there*

Leof: -No, just the Prince.- *can also do self-hate*

Lupe: *..all right, bored again*

Jenni: ~Semantics.~

Erik: *bah*

Leof: ~What else is there?~

Lupe: *I vote we go get popcorn*

Erik: *... sure, not like we'll miss much*

Jenni: ~Everything.~

Lupe: *not like we can miss anything when they're not speaking aloud...*

Erik: *or doing anything much...*

Leof: ~Hmmmm...nah, tried it, didn't like it.~

Jenni: ~Then I guess that leaves me.~

Leof: ~...Nah, not even going there. C'mon, off. I'm sleepy.~

Jenni: ~So relax.~

Leof: ~You are not helping me relax. Don't make me get nasty.~

Jenni: ~*sigh, sad-ish* I seem to recall it's worked before. You're resisting.~

Leof: ~Yes.~ *sprouts wings*

Jenni: *sheilds face, naturally* ~Why?~

Leof: *flaps violently* ~Because I feel like it.~

Jenni: *stands still*

Erik: *... dammit! popcorn now!*

Lupe: *ho-kai, popcorn, rafters, watch!*

Erik: *finally!*

Leof: *squirms away*

Jenni: *tilts head* ~I'd like to know what's going through that mind of yours. Not everything has to be complex.~

Leof: ~Would you? Somehow I doubt you could keep up.~ *looks insufferably haughty*

Jenni: ~Try me.~ *looks like she's seen a helluvalot more than she talks about*

Erik: *hey, there go the sparks again*

Leof: ~Fine. Come here.~ *motions for her to rest her forehead on his* ~Just so you know, you should probably have an anchor out here.~

Jenni: ~Meaning?~ *comes 'round*

Leof: ~Wouldn't want you to get lost, would we?~ *smirk*

Jenni: ~*darkly* Not bloody likely. I know my way around the multiverse, thanks. *this could be a two-way thing, if you're interested*~

Leof: ~*has a hard enough time remembering who he is in his own head, thanks*~

Jenni: ~*fine*~ *full eye contact, cups the back of his neck and leans in*

Erik: *... what the hell...?*

Leof: *grins* ~You /did/ ask...~ *opens up* *of course, you have to realize that he's only one small part of the Lone Power, constantly aware of the /other/ Lone Powers and exactly when and where they are, what they're doing, and what emotions are running through their minds* *along with everywhen in the universe, every life in the universe, every death in the universe, and everyone who is about to die* *and, of course, where the other powers are, where the wizards are, where Pillars are, and can often get quite confused about which him is which...*

Jenni: ~*rather than sit there and tamely take it, dives in, 'cos it would be stupid to let him make all the rules, wouldn't it?*~ *infinity? been there, got the t-shirt—is designed to filter the bloody thing, 'kay? ...*

Leof: *and then there's /detail/, like all the molecules and atoms and the beating of every person in the room's hearts, which is quite headache inducing...

Jenni: *thing is, came straight from the Void itself—the place all the timelines begin, end, twist, twine, divide, what have you—every little thread* *was made to look at it, comprehend, and get her incorporeal ass in there*

Leof: *...the feeling of being a small part of a whole but also being incomprehensibly big, crammed into a vessel that is not adequate in the least, leaking out, pouring out ... and barely existing at the same time, not knowing if he's alive until someone else is dead ... the beginning of Creation, what will be the End and what will come after when even he no longer exists and how it will feel when he dies...*

Hawkelf has entered the room.

Jenni: *... and that's the difference, the thing she's not made to see* *can't see her own end, only knows that it's out there somewhere—someday she'll just run out of energy, and who knows if any of it will have mattered?* *but that's why she has to try, just like anyone else has to try*

Leof: *..and then..oblivion, ice, walls and walls of strength and areas he will not allow her or himself into ... areas that have the stamp, the feel of the One's intervention ... the idea that there will be some things none of them are allowed to know or think or imagine until they catch up to themselves at their deaths...* *and we're getting out now before something actually happens, like that week I spent with no idea who I was, what my name was, or how to stay in one shape*

Jenni: *can just about feel the burning chill of it... ow! some barriers are better left untouched, knows that, couldn't go there if she wanted to... but knows that feeling, experienced that same sense of disconnectedness* *understands*

Leof: *good. That was about a fourth of it, just so you know.* *the nice fourth.*

Jenni: *yeah* *to be honest, is probably clinging and weeping anyway* *but that was expected*

Leof: *yes indeed* *off now*

Jenni: *oh, shut up, you need it as much as I do*

Leof: *not really, no*

Jenni: *not giving up*

Leof: *you might as well* *emotions are fun, but I really don't need them*

Jenni: *so might you—that's where we're the same* *and there's where we're different* *but then again, still don't quite believe you about that*

Leof: *well, just don't try this with any other me you meet*

Jenni: *deal* *wouldn't want the PPC on my ass, would I?*

Leof: *not if they got you before I did*

Jenni: *come on—they'd leave me at your lack of mercy anyway, lovers of poetic justice that they are*

Leof: *I thought they weren't allowed to torture*

Jenni: *they might not see it that way... but, point*

Leof: *is far too nice on this plain of existence*

Jenni: *everyone needs a break sometimes* *as for me, I am what I am... always trying to get close to the flame without being burned too badly* *one day I might just plunge in*

Leof: *it's not that interesting, really*

Jenni: *but I don't have a choice—the dark is just as deadly*

Leof: *but there's so many more fun people out there*

Jenni: *yes, everyone has their own spark* *some are brighter than others* *some just need fanning*

Leof: *sigh* *this metaphor is just weird now*

Jenni: *works, though* *are you shocked that I'm not entirely altruistic? that I want something?*

Leof: *no, but it does make you tedious*

Jenni: *guilty as charged, and now you know* *life would be easier if I didn't have to bloody spell it out...*

Leof: *quite.*

Jenni: *sigh* *so now what?*

Leof: * let me nap?*

Jenni: *... yeah, I guess so* *just do try not to get bitchy if I can't help wanting to help*

Leof: *well, I'll do my best*

Jenni: *and I'll be content with basking in the glow, to continue the metaphor* *no scenes*

Leof: *mmhm* *settles back down to sleep*

Jenni: *might have to let go, then, huh?* *does so* *might need a rest herself, after that... was rather overwhelming... and that damn icy bit, ow*

Erik: *okay... the peanut gallery would like to know what the fuck just happened now*

Lupe: *Yeah, I'm utterly confused*

Erik: *seems to have seen a lot of things he didn't see, which makes no sense unless they weren't there... and... ow*

Lupe: *..yeah, ow*

Jenni: *look, took a lot of backlash but isn't perfect, 'kay? shaddap now, passing out*

Leof: *hmmm, that might be a problem*

Jenni: *body can't hack it, don't wanna bother with a new one, gotta eat the consequences*

Leof: *well, don't hurt yourself*

Jenni: *knew it was going to hurt, didn't care* *it's just that it takes less energy to heal naturally, and I'm quite limited in the energy department—is why I play high stakes*

Leof: *ah*

Jenni: *yeah* *like most beings, had more when I was new and foolish and thought I could afford to be flashy* *know better now*

Leof: *always had it, always will have it* *is amused by the little wizardlings who think they can be flashy and big*

Jenni: *would say lucky you, except we both know better*

Lupe: *...somebody'd better say something aloud soon, 'cos this silence is disturbing*

Gwen: Moo.

Jenni: *sorry*

Lupe: *...snerk*

Erik: ... What the fuck.

Gwen: *here to please*

Lupe: *sniggering uncontrollably*

Erik: *folds arms and looks mightily annoyed—disturbed and annoyed at being disturbed*

Gwen: *sniggers*

Erik: Well I don't see anything funny here. *is aware that this will do no good*

Gwen: ... *just sniggers harder*

Lupe: ...*tries to stop* *can't*

Erik: *has a sense of humor, just can't laugh* *doesn't recognize the breaking of the tension, is the problem* *is still tense inside*

Lupe: *woo, breathe* Sorry, Erik. Gwenny can be a bit random. *giggle*

Erik: So I observe.

Gwen: Ain't not'in' wrong wit dat.

Erik: *just not happy with any of this*

Lupe: *would help if she could, but not sure how*

Erik: *is perhaps suffering from the sense that he's a flame that was caringly fanned, but that guttered anyway*

Lupe: *those that burn the brightest burn the fastest, isn't that the saying?*

Erik: *something like that*

Lupe: *there's a song along those lines, but I think it's about Beethoven or some other composer*

Erik: *but I'm not entirely dead yet*

Lupe: *me neither. there's that, at least, huh?*

Erik: *yes*

Gwen: *people are speaking in asterisks again*

Lupe: *yeah, we're talking without talking. We should stop that*

Erik: *'cos we're not technically supposed to be equipped to have that conversation* *but it's over now*

Gwen: *then stop, already*

Erik: ... *long sigh*

Lupe: ..This popcorn is burnt.

Gwen: Den don't eat it?

Erik: I don't even like popcorn.

Lupe: Me neither.

Erik: ... *now that is effin' hillarious* *cracks up*

Lupe: ..*snerk* God, we're pathetic...*laughs*

Erik: *through mad laughter* Whose... stupid idea... was this?

Lupe: Yours! /So/ yours!

Erik: Lies! My ideas are never stupid!

Lupe: Riiiight. You wanted the popcorn. *grins*

Erik: I never! ... *sly* I don't have to stand for this slander. *dumps the bucket of popcorn on her head*

Gwen: *bursts into laughter*

Lupe: Augh! *flails* Oh that is cold! I hate you all, too! *brushes it off*

Erik: *laughs*

Lupe: I will so get you back for that.

Erik: *laughs harder*

Lupe: *flicks a piece at him* This crap is all in my hair and down my shirt. /Ew/.

Erik: *is hit with piece* ... That's horrid popcorn butter on my good shirt, wretch. *still terribly amused, though* *all his shirts are good*

Lupe: Yeah, well, it's all down /my/ good shirt. *except has /no/ good shirts*

Erik: *archly* What? That rag? Not fit to black my shoes.

Lupe: NO, but it hasn't got so many holes as to be indecent. Therefore, good shirt. *grins*

Erik: Hah! *tone of so there, you admit you're a disgrace to yourself and your country* *or whatever*

Lupe: *sticks tongue out*