It Came From the Lounge: July 2006
Summary:The Loungers hear of the PPC Badfic Game. Ginger attempts to exorcise people, then fills the sprinkler system with Bleepka and sets off the fire alarm, drenching everyone. Henry thinks he's finally found a way to cure 'Fer's vampirism. Jenni, Martin, and Madoc try to comfort Travis, but Martin suddenly goes into a changestate. Despite Jenni's misgivings, Madoc leads Travis to the Disneyverse in the hope of finding a way to make him human again. Avitus wakes up in Erik's secret lair, much to Erik's annoyance.
Timeline:Around the start of the 2006 Badfic Game; 28 July, 2006.
Players: Neshomeh (OCs: Jennifer Robinson, Supernumerary | Canons: Henry Jekyll, Erik)
Hawkelf (OCs: Gwen, Mr. Happy Pirate)
Blayze (OCs: Lupeias, Nosferatu, Mr. Happy Bounty Hunter | Canons: Mr. Teatime, Riddick)
Phoenix (OCs: Martin, Madoc | Canon: Hades)
Oracle (OCs: Ginger, Reria)
Nightsail (OC: Travis, Avitus)
Notes:(1) We used to use colors to tell which character was which. I have converted this to the much more user-friendly name-tagging way, with colors to show which player is which. (2) I've snipped out all OOC chatter that isn't RP-relevant, PPC-relevant, and/or funny.

JULY 10ish

You have just entered room "swashswashbucklebuckle."

Oracle has entered the room.

Hawkelf has entered the room.

Oracle: ((Hallos))

Neshomeh: (( *wavewave* ))

Hawkelf: ((Hello!))

Oracle: ((Where's teh Blayzedude?))

Neshomeh: (( He's invited... ))

Blayze has entered the room.

Blayze: ((...XD))

Neshomeh: (( *g* You recognize the quote, perchance? ))

Blayze: ((Stupid Bloom moments. Hee.))

Neshomeh: (( Indeed. It entertained me. *g* ))

Blayze: ((*prefers the 'Or is it to be bare breast and ankles all the way? *HUGE INNOCENT GRIN*' '..*must..not....SPORFLE*'*))

Neshomeh: (( That was good, too. ^_^ ))

Oracle: ((So, hasn't the PPC been having that influx of badfic about them?))

Blayze: ((Have they?))

Hawkelf: ((Yeah...))

Neshomeh: (( I haven't noticed, but I don't do that continuum. ))

Oracle: ((I checked the boards because I noticed Kips writing about it.))

Hawkelf: ((I noticed on one of my rare lurk-throughs. It looks like a nightmare in there.))

Blayze: ((*curious now*))

Oracle: ((I guess hS reprised an idea from a couple of years ago—a fanfiction site put up a category for stories about the PPC and they're flooded with Sues, etc.))

Neshomeh: (( Oh yes. It's awful and terribly funny. I've got my own in the works. ))

Oracle: ((We should do that. :D))

Hawkelf: ((Ye gads... o_O))

Neshomeh: (( Have you seen the page he put up for it? ))

Oracle: ((I read the story about Jaycacia's funeral...))

Neshomeh: (( *snicker* ))

Oracle: ((*laughs*))

Neshomeh: (( The page, for the curious: m ))

Oracle: ((Oh. My. God.))

Neshomeh: (( My inner Suethor is brandywine_baby89, who is deathly allergic to Spellcheck and has utterly wrong ideas about what makes originality. ))

Hawkelf: (( Speechlessness...))

Oracle: ((*giggles*))

Neshomeh: (( ^_^ ))

Ginger: Clearly, I need to kill people. Many, many people.

Jenni: Just be glad you aren't in any stories there. *shudder*

Gwen: Ah'll 'elp.

Ginger: I am. Very. This way I get to fix things. Yaaaay.

Jenni: I'm sure the ward will be full to bursting with lately exorcised Agents for a while...

Ginger: *grins and holds up a copy of 'the Elements of Style'* Anyone want to go huntin'?

Jenni: *will be seeing a lot of Agent Suicide, she can tell*

Ginger: *hey, look, isn't drunk or asleep for once. is, however, slightly manic*

Blayze: ((...XD))

Blayze: ((*finished reading profile, so, yeah, XD*))

Lupe: **

Neshomeh: (( Hee. ))

Gwen: *hanging around Lupe, as ever*

Ginger: *coughs* I should make sure no one here is possessed, first. Just in case. *griiiiiiiiin*

Jenni: *blink* *eyes narrow* Do I look possessed to you?

Lupe: *glares at author, who is drawing nude portraits..again. Sigh.* Where'd the whiskey go?

Ginger: You could be sneaky and well-written.

Jenni: That's already the case. >.>

Gwen: Look. Ah'm possessed. Ah'm so possessed Ah've got a nahce, new machete that needs breakin' in. C'mon. Exorcise meh.

Ginger: Great! I love a challenge.

Jenni: *fixes people for a living; is therefore automatically on the brink of Suedom at all times*

Mr. Happy Pirate: *is, liek, MHP!!1!!!* *and, liek, soooo sneaky!*

Ginger: *runs, tries to smack Gwen over the head* Out! The power of grammar compels you!

Nume: *exists* *eyes MHP with deep suspicion*

Gwen: *draws machete* An' dis 'ere's an empass.

Mr. Happy Bounty Hunter: *is MHBH, and is ticked* *follows MHP with extreme amounts of annoyance*

Ginger: An impasse?

Gwen: Righ'. One o' dem t'ings.

Ginger: Don't you want to be exorcised? *gringringrin*

Jenni: *deadpan* Be careful, Ginger. Looks like a Warrior!Sue.

MHBH: *waves frantically* *exorcise MHP! Exorcise MHP!*

Ginger: *catches the waves* Ooh, something more important. *stalks MHP*

MHP: *and is liek sooooo sneaky is totally stealing MHBH's heart! wif cute bunny love!*

MHBH: *points frantically* *my boyfrie—buddy is being a DOLT!*

Ginger: *SMACK* Out! The power of grammar compels you!

Gwen: Ye know... Dose two gotta get outta de closet sometahme.

Jenni: *sees MHP* *raises eyebrow*

MHP: *noooo! dont hurtz meeeee! i just want to love MHBH!!!!*

Jenni: ... *nod*

Ginger: *smackity!* Out! I can see the text, dammit!

MHBH: *is not in a closet. Clearly, the bird thingymajigger is nuts.*

Nume: *closet? what closet?*

Ginger: *smack!* Out!

MHP: *noes!!!!!*

Jenni: *grabs a copy of the PPC Manual from somewhere* Shall I help? *threatens*


MHBH: *attempts to pickpocket Nume. Badly.*

Jenni: *joins* OUT! The Flowers That Be compel thee! *WHACK*

Nume: *glare* *puts hand protectively over flask of Bleepka*

MHBH: *adorable theif pout(tm)* *wasn't doing nothing, officer!*

MHP: *but i loves mhbh!!111!!!!!* *Stu exits MHP*

Ginger: *threatens it with a mister of bleepka* Get the hell out!

MHBH: *NORMALNESS! GLOMP!* *Yay, yay, yay!*

MHP: *Yaaaaaay! I'm back to being me!*

Nume: ... *right, go over there*

Ginger: *grins* Job well done!

Jenni: *dusts hands off* Excellent.

Ginger: *takes a swig from her bleepsinthe flask*

MHP: *glomps MHBH*

Ginger: Sooo, who's next?

MHBH: *bounces gleefully*

Jenni: Hmm. *looks around*

Ginger: *gringrinworryinggrin*

Jenni: ... What?

MHP: *is exceedingly gleeful that is returned to normal and to his boyfri—best buddy*

MHBH: *snuggleyey*

Ginger: *peers at Jenni* How're you feeling?

Jenni: Um. Like I ought to be backing away slowly about now?

Ginger: How's your grammar?

Jenni: Grammatic?

Reria: I'd say someone should get the book away from her, but this is pretty funny.

Lupe: I'll drink to that.

Ginger: Any misplaced apostrophes recently? How's your spelling? Or your desire to go '^_^'?

Fer: ...I, for one, am supremely...confused. *but awake for once!*

Jenni: I don't make a habit of spelling out loud, or emoting, for that matter.

Ginger: Hmmm. *suspicious staaaare*

Gwen: don' emote? Since when?

Henry: *is leagues away and having potentially disturbing notions regarding the nature of his blood*

Jenni: I don't emote out loud.

Ginger: *takes another swig of bleepsinthe*

Gwen: ...dat's be'er.

Jenni: *rolls eyes*

Ginger: Dammit, I want someone to smack with the book.

Jenni: You could always try Gwen again. You know, when she mysteriously drops her accent.

Ginger: Ooh. *watches Gwen like a hawk*

Lupe: *..bad pun.*

Gwen: ...dat's jes' a bad pun.

Jenni: *ooogh, Ginger! Bad!*

Ginger: *yes. yes, it was*

MHP: *...I liked it.*

Jenni: *gets enough of that from her typist*

MHBH: *you're a dork, dea—bud.*

MHP: * think I'm a dork?*

MHBH: *in the nicest way possible. We both are.*

Ginger: *drinkwatchwatch*

MHP: *...alright, then.*

Fer: *..still confused, here*

Ginger: *mm, bleepysinthey bleepsinthe*

Gwen: ...wai'. I drop my accent all the tahme!

Jenni: *innocent*

Ginger: Hmm. Obviously a warning sign. I can't believe we haven't seen this before.

Jenni: ... *sporfle*

Gwen: *facepalm* Jenni, Ah hate ye. Ye ken dat, ragh'?

Jenni: *nodnod* Sorry?

Ginger: *stalkstalkstalk*

Gwen: Neh ye're no'.

Jenni: ... *more snickering into her hand*

Gwen: *to Lupe* Mum, Jenni's pickin' on meh!

Reria: *snort* Get the book away from her or violence will ensue...

Lupe: So...don't drop your accent. Y'do it less than Sang, anyway.

Gwen: Still! Ye migh' as well take me callin' ye Mum all de tahme as ano'er sim'larity te 'Sue 'abits.

Jenni: *responding to Reria* I'm not getting between Ginger and... well, anything, really. That's just plain silly.

Reria: But she'll hurt something. *giggle*

Jenni: And I rather don't want it to be me.

Ginger: *evil grin, sneaking up behind Gwen*

Jenni: No fast healing, you see.

Gwen: ...hearin' o' a 'awk, Ginger.

Ginger: *smacks!* Out, you damned Suvian spirit! Out, the power of HQ compels thee!*

Gwen: ...Ginger?

Lupe: *sigh* *jerks Gwen behind her* Rar, grr, leave my buddy alone, etcetera etcetera.

Henry: ... *random!jump to feet!* I've GOT it!

Lupe: ...O-o

Ginger: Oh, come on, Lupe, she's clearly possessed.

Jenni: *blink at Henry* Whurr?

Lupe: Her? What about bouncy 'Eureka!' man? *severely O_o*

Fer: ..o-o Eh?

Ginger: He's just being Henry.

Henry: *scrabbles for paper and writing utensil.. .where'd it go?!* ... *oh, behind ear, duh* *scribblescribblescribble*

Gwen: I say, dear chaps, I'm being possessed, and I'm so happy about it that I thought I'd declare it to the world! ...yeh righ', Ginger.

Ginger: *grumbles*

Henry: If I just... and then... yes!!

Gwen: ...Ah'm all fer bonkin' de braniac o'er de 'ead, though.

Jenni: ... That was a double exclamation if I ever heard one. Something's up.

Ginger: Okay. *sneaksneak*

Fer: ..*ambles over* *stands on tiptoes and peers over shoulder* Yes what?

Henry: It's me. D'you see? The answer's me! *gestures wildly with the paper, disregarding the fact that people can't read what's waving in the air*

Gwen: ...yeh. Ah'd say 'e's possessed.

Ginger: Yup. *sneaks a little further...*

Gwen: *joins Ginger*

Ginger: ...hey, anyone got a copy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

Jenni: Actually, I think that's in character. Mad scientist? Major breakthrough?

Fer: ...I'm cutting down your coffee allotment. *glowers at sneak-ers*

Henry: No, look. *flattens page on nearest hard surface* See? *grinning like a maniac and nearly double-punctuating*

Ginger: *smacks*

Gwen: *joins smacking*

Henry: *bzuh?*

Ginger: Out, you demon of... fiendishly Sueish intelligence! Out!

Fer: *smacks them* No touch, man's brilliant and crazy.

Gwen: Ah'm jes' smackin' 'im fer prej'dice 'gainst de illiterate! *smacks again for good measure*

Jenni: Henry, just take a deep breath and try to speak in layman's terms?

Fer: ...X-x Shoo, birdie.

Henry: *shakes head, brushes shoulders, gives smackers dirty look, fixes hair*

Gwen: Ah'm tired o' bein' discrim'nated 'gainst 'ere 'cause Ah canno' read!

Henry: *irritated* I wasn't talking to you.

Gwen: ...exactly.

Henry: *deep sigh and eye-rolling* I need to be in the laboratory. 'Fer?

Fer: Yeah, crazy-smart-man?

Henry: *blink* *was obviously wondering if you were coming* *you know, in that "Igor, come!" sort of way* *but not* *koff*

Gwen: ...MHP! MHBH! Stop neckin' in de corner!

Fer: *yeah, you'd BETTER not mean it that way* *dryly* Lead on, Oh Fearless Leader.

Jenni: *glances around* ... *to Henry and 'Fer* Now, wait! I wanna know what's going on!

Fer: Me too, but you try to talk sense into him...

Henry: *speaking to inferior intelligence* I've found the answer. It's very simple. It's in my blood. *gestures at self*

Gwen: Bu' wha's de question?

Fer: ...*squee!* Really really? Ya really got it? C'mon, then! *dashes off excitedly*

Henry: Quite right! *follows*

Lupe: ...I'm baffled.

Henry: *and disappears through the Door*

Jenni: ... Yeah.

Ginger: *flops on the couch and drinks* Baaaah. Stupid 'Suvians. Infiltrating.

Lupe: ...They need to communicate in our language more often.

Jenni: *furrows brow*

Henry: *meanwhile...* *makes beeline for lab and sets about wrapping a tourniquet around his arm and prepping to draw blood*

Fer: *bouncing on the balls of her feet* Are y'sure this'll work?

Jenni: ... Y'know, knowing Henry, this could be the start of something really dangerous.

Lupe: .../Could/ be?

Henry: *grinning, almost giddy* It worked for me. The basic principle should work for you if I can but isolate it. *okay, is giddy* *blood sample in centrifuge, spin!*

Ginger: *grin!* *scrambles up into the rafters to see if there's a fire extinguisher system anywhere*

Jenni: *grim look at Lupe* At least they're doing it somewhere else, I guess...

Lupe: ..Be ready for damage control?

Ginger: *whee, sprinkler system, sprinkler system tank...*

Gwen: Dis sounds potent'lly painful.

Jenni: *nod* Ye-e-eah.

Ginger: *will need bleepka. lots of bleepka*

Jenni: ... Ginger, what the hell are you doing?

Erik: *indeed, what the hell is Ginger doing?*

Ginger: *emergency Sue detection system!* *climbs back down, starts pulling things out of the bar*

Fer: *is catching the giddiness* Really? We've finally got it, you've got it, this is really gonna work...!*bouncebounce*

Gwen: world's gone mad. *climbs above the sprinkler system, as this sounds like a potentially wet situation*

Jenni: O.o;

Lupe: ..Exceedingly.

Ginger: *climbs back up with bleepka!* *repeats process*

Henry: Should! I have to test it first, of course... *did we ever get those lab animals?*

Ginger: *filling tank*

Jenni: ... When did we get sprinklers?!

Fer: *bunnies galore!* 'Course, course..

Ginger: *bwahahahahahahahahahaha*

Erik: O.o

Reria: *popcorn, anyone?*

Lupe: *please, thank you*

Reria: *hands it over*

Jenni: *right, that's it* *going up in the rafters* *minor staring contest with Erik on the way, but staying up*

Henry: *right!* *spends some time formulating and other technobabble, time which is compressed for the sake of plot* *now, let's have Bunnicula #1...*

Fer: *here is your cute fuzzy monster*

Henry: ... Well. Moment of truth. *sticks cute fuzzy monster* *waits*

Fer: *watches intently*

Ginger: *finishes filling up and drops to the ground*

Gwen: *goes to sleep perched in rafters*

Ginger: *pulls the fire alarm!*

Bunny: *convulses a bit, eyerolling and such, and basically exchanges one phenotype for another—not the most comfortable process, but what do you expect?*

Jenni: *claps hands over ears*

Ginger: *and there're the bleepka sprinklers! Whoo!*

Nume: ... *is sprayed* ... -_- *is rather put out*

Lupe: Argh! *does the same, but with more writhing and 'OW GOD MY SENSITIVE EAR(s)*

Erik: *snarl*

Fer: *makes a face* ...This is gonna hurt, isn't it? ...And do I hear a fire alarm out there?

Gwen: *wakes up and falls out of rafters* *thunks, covering ears*

Henry: Yes. It does. ... *listens* And, yes, I believe so. *whisky tango foxtrot*

Ginger: *laughs!*

Fer: Damn. ..And I don't wanna know.

Gwen: *writhing in pain here*

Jenni: *glare* Ginger, I'm gonna exorcise you for being too damn happy. Turn it off!

Ginger: *turns it off*

Neshomeh: (( Convenient timing, that. ))

Oracle: ((Aye.))

Gwen: ...when me ears stop ringin' Ah'm killin' Ginger.

Ginger: I object!

Fer: ...*shakes head* I vote we completely ignore the wackoes in there.

Henry: ... *nod* Right. *turns back to bunny* Well, we'd best wait a while and see whether the effects are permanent...

Lupe: I second that. *growl*

Ginger: The objection? Thanks!

Fer: *nods*

Nume: ... *is wet*

Lupe: No. Objection overruled.

Ginger: Dammit.

Gwen: *is wet and ears are ringing and ow not a happy hawk*

Ginger: *is wet and amused as hell*

Erik: *is crowded, dammit*

Lupe: *also wet and in pain* *rubs ear angrily*

Henry: *injects other test subjects in the meantime, for the sake of good science*

Gwen: *back on the floor, don't know what you're complaining about, rafters-hogger*

Erik: *people in my space, that's what*

Fer: *winces every time they get all painfully wriggly*

Ginger: *has loose knives in sheaths. will not be taken down easily*

Gwen: *has new machete and natural talons and a beak*

Henry: *is sympathetic*

Ginger: *is currently powered by bleepsinthe and insanity*

Jenni: *could almost enjoy the novelty of being up here if it weren't for the killer maniacs all around*

Gwen: *tackles Ginger*

Ginger: *rolls out of the way*

Jenni: *and speaking of, hasn't seen Teatime in a while—is he up here?*

Teatime: *is reading in a corner far away from everyone, thanks*

Jenni: *may I scoot over that way?* *I'll be quiet*

Teatime: *fine* *disgusted, but quietly*

Jenni: *yay* *scoots out of the way of the active killer maniacs* *also peeks at book title*

Gwen: *lays where she landed upon missing Ginger, contemplating next attack*

Ginger: *scootching to door*

Teatime: *has found a copy of Cather in the Rye* */bad joke*

Erik: *whips a knife at Ginger's sleeve, aiming to pin her there*

Ginger: *glares at the knife in her sleeve, pulls it out*

Fer: *watches rabbits*

Ginger: You put a hole in my shirt!

Gwen: *decides sleep is better*

Rabbits: *alternately nibble fresh veggies, groom, or sleep*

Erik: ... Oops? *no, not at all*

Jenni: *"Catcher," surely?*

Ginger: *grar* *throws it back and stomps out*

Erik: *rather expected someone to take advantage of Ginger being stuck for that moment*

Gwen: *asleep, shall get revenge later*

Teatime: *typos, typos*

Fer: *squirms a bit* So, think it'll stick? *repressed joy!*

Jenni: *indeed* *you might try "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" next*

Henry: Let's give it twenty-four hours at least to be sure. ... *smile* But I think it will.

Neshomeh: (( *finds online Sparknotes* *fascinating* ))

Fer: *grins* *hugs happily* *doesn't talk, for fear of squeeing*

Henry: *puts one arm around her and gives a triumphant sort of squeeze*

Fer: *grins madly* *scritches the bunnies' ears*

Bunnies: *scritchies!*

Neshomeh: (( J.D. Salinger is insane. ))

Fer: *glee*

Blayze: ((Who now?))

Neshomeh: (( Author of "Catcher in the Rye." I've not read that, but I've read some of his short stories. "Catcher" looks to be just as bizarre as those, by the Sparknotes. ))

Blayze: ((Ah. *needs to read 'Catcher'*))

Hawkelf: ((I tried to read it once... Didn't get very far.))

Neshomeh: (( "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a very good book, though. I read that recently. ))

Fer: *can it be tomorrow now? Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh?*

Henry: *well, the muns aren't doing anything else...* *cue sappy morning music?*

Fer: *indeed* *probably slept in the lab, then*

Henry: *sleep? what's that?* *watched bunnies and took notes all night*

Fer: *sleeps a lot*

Henry: *should probably sleep more* *might when this is over*

Fer: *sprawled on floor, still snoozing quietly*

Oracle: ((Gonna sleep.))

Hawkelf: ((Night.))

Neshomeh: (( Night-night. ))

Blayze: ((Night))

Henry: *'course you realize that it won't be 24 hours until this evening...* *will let her sleep till then if she's so inclined*

Fer: *not objecting, here*

Henry: ... *god, rabbits are dull* *so, anyway* *time* *wakey-wakey*

Fer: Mmm. *blinks sleepily*

Henry: 'Fer. It's time.

Fer: *bounces up eagerly, far too energetic* How're the bunnies?

Henry: They're quite all right. *smile* Come and see if you like.

Fer: *peeks over* Hello, bunnies...*grins*

Bunnies: *wiggle noses and ears*

Fer: Perfect, wonderful, veggie-munching bunnies...*beams*

Henry: *prepares injection while she looks at them*

Fer: *shakes off last-minute jitters*

Henry: *notices* ... It doesn't have to be now, you know. We could wait a while yet. *would be smart, too, but there should be advanced warning of any future complications anyway* *"Flowers for Algernon," anyone?*

Fer: The sooner the better—I don't need the extra time to overthink and mope.

Henry: All right. *can understand that* *preps her for injection* ... I can tell you a little of what you might expect. The first time I swallowed the formula, I thought it wasn't going to work for a few seconds. Then my heart sped up and I was flooded with a sort of light feeling—euphoria. That passed. What followed... *deep breath, looks her in the eyes* It's like my insides trying to tear themselves out. I thought I was going to die. And then it was the next morning and I hadn't. You shouldn't lose any time, though, and God willing you'll only go through it once.

Fer: *nods, bites lip*

Henry: I'll be with you, too. *grips her shoulders* Are you ready?

Fer: I'll be fine. *grins quickly*

Henry: *nod* Good girl. *final pat, then takes her arm* Now, on the count of three. One... two—*stick* ... Sorry. Old doctor's trick.

Fer: *wince* Yeah, ow.

Henry: Well, I couldn't have you tensing up. More, that is. *watching closely for signs of anything happening*

Fer: *shakes head slowly* This shit is weird... *doubles over suddenly* Ohbloodyfuck. *apparently has a foul mouth on medication/in extreme pain*

Henry: *catches, holds her tight* Easy now, my girl... easy! I'm right here. It will pass in a moment. It will pass. *for moment, read: minute or two*

Fer: *writhes* Shitshitshitow! *bites lip (read: through)*

Henry: *damn! should have thought to give her a bit of leather to bite down on* *just holds tight so she doesn't hurt herself convulsing and keeps talking comfort* *doesn't mind if he gets scratched or whatever in the process, either*

Fer: *dying is definitely preferable to this* *probably digs in too hard with nails, yes*

Henry: *deserves it for inflicting this on her, really, even if she was willing*

Hawkelf: ((Gack. I've got Family Syndicated Activities tomorrow morning at eight (read: church). Night, all.))

Neshomeh: (( Aww. Night. ))

Hawkelf has left the room.

Fer: *has a few last moments of intense writhing pain before calming down just a bit* *breathing heavily*

Henry: ... There... yes, that's it. Good girl. Take a deep breath now. Deep breath.

Fer: *cling* *right, can breathe, remembers that* *uh-oh, have definitely hurt Henry with nasty finger-digging..* loosens grip*

Henry: *oh, doesn't even feel it (yet)* Right... well, you've done it. *big grin*

Fer: You've done it, I've bled all over you shirt. *weak grin*

Henry: Nonsense. 'S what the lab coat is for. *g* And it was your ordeal, your accomplishment. Now let's see what you've accomplished. *summon standard check-up equipment!* *and uses it, naturally...*

Fer: *note the eyes as the biggest change—obviously, normal pupil. And light blue, standard normal blue eye color. Yay! And human ears, too.*

Henry: *notes, and takes notes, too* *continued big grin* Everything seems in order. How do you feel?

Fer: ..Actually, rather tired and my lip hurts like hell. But, y'know, makes sense.

Henry: *nod* Perfectly natural. I'm an idiot for not thinking to give you something to hold between your teeth, though. I'm sorry about that.

Fer: I've had worse. They just normally fix themselves...*grins in a rather unsure, worried manner* This is all..really weird.

Henry: It will take some adjusting. But I'll help you, and I'm sure the others will, too. Don't worry about it now. Just rest a while, hm?

Fer: Mhm. *frowns, cling* *tries to doze off* *is really exhausted, so probably succeeds*

Henry: *smile* *carries her to bed and tucks her in, then goes to get Jenni to look at his back* ... *a little later, this is going to call for a great thumping party*

Fer: *with much bad music and wild dancing and booze. yes.*


Jenni: *chuckles* Well, that explains a bit. *uses the hem of her sleeve to dab his cheeks dry* No one's going to make you fly. But they ought to make you take care of yourself.

Travis: ..... *shakes his head a little* ....I don't want that.... *quieter* I'd rather have stayed dead..... >_< ....but they made me this, and....

Martin: *clearing his eyes a lil more, goes back to just silently watching...trying to figure out just what happened to this kid to make him hate vampires so much, besides getting turned... :S*

Jenni: And that's just how it is. There are lots of people alive who would rather be dead, and lots of people who die would rather be alive. Most of them are silly. Everything happens for a reason. It's up to us to make the most of it. *doesn't mean to sermonize, it just comes out that way {= P *

Travis: *after a sec, another hiccup* maybe after I tell them everything I can remember about what I didn't stop them from doing to him... they'll let me kill myself and quit bringing me back? *sounds oddly calm about that, too... :S*

Jenni: *blink* I would hope for a different choice on your part. But I would like to hear it sometime. Not now.

Martin: *shakes his head more, putting a hand up on his head* ...mmh. >_<; I can't shake this...

Travis: *just quiet at that* ....

Jenni: *blink again, at Martin* *look, one crisis is enough...*

Martin: *crisis? What crisis? 8D* ... *shakes his head again, rubbing at his eyes some...I bet teh Sail knows what's going on here with this Martin, huh. XD* *tries turning to head back into his Door, but stumbles a bit, wobbling like he's gonna fall over...0_o; Eeep!*

Travis: *peeks over at Martin, watching him a moment... the mun has some clue, but will keep the mouth shut. ;)*

Jenni: *has no clue at all—joy!* *concerned* *shifts Travis off her lap so she can get up* I have to go see what's wrong, okay? *and goes over there, reaching out to steady Martin* Hey there... what's the matter?

Travis: *wipes his eyes again, sorta curls up where he's sitting* ....

Martin: I dunno. 0_<; Feel drowsy all of a sudden...and dizzy. *ends up having to sit down, putting his head in his hands....then peeks up at Travis* Don't suppose you know what's up? *sounding kinda hopeful here...worried, obviously! Vamps don't get sick! :S*

Jenni: *can only think of one thing offhand* Have you fed recently? Anything unusual, maybe? *sits by him*

Travis: *doesn't say anything for a min, watching him quietly* ....'ve you been really hungry for a while this last week?

Martin: Mmm...yeah, I've been feeding quite a bit...why? *blinking again, trying to clear his vision* This sucks... >_< *and would Jenni notice a lil bit of sweat standing out on his forehead? XD* ....think I'd better lie down...

Jenni: *typist has a clue now!* *and yeah, she would notice, being right next to him* Okay. Come on, then. *projecting lots of love and generally good vibes, gets under his arm and helps him over to a couch*

Travis: No... on the floor. He should lie down on the floor... *dun look too comfy here* ....and take his clothes off....

Jenni: *blink* ... Whuh?

Travis: *quiet* They'll stick to him if he keeps them on....

Martin: *getting kinda out of it here, but not so out of it that he still can't protest. Seems to have a lil trouble moving around, too* Uh-uh...not coming off... >_<;

Jenni: *whisky tango foxtrot?* Would someone care to... wait. *not totally dense, just worried—and knows basically how eggshells form* You mean... wossname?

Travis: *nods, quiet, closing his eyes and making a face* ....yeah, that....

Martin: *some sound, just being kinda limp for Jenni there, not wanting to really move himself anymore...and he's trying to wipe that stuff off his face now. o_o;* Wha's "that"...? 0_x;

Jenni: Oh. *that's all right, then* Martin, it seems you're about to go into changestate. *to Travis* That is it, right? *not wanting to run on an assumption*

Travis: *nods, still not looking, biting his lip — bad memory for him, apparently. :S*

Martin: *kinda just slumping to the floor a lil more now, more lying down than sitting up at this point* Oh.... Crap.... Knew it felt kinda weird... *raising up a hand, trying to get his shirt undone...dun want his wings ruining it when they grow in. Not to mention sticky eggshell stuff getting all over it...eewww. XD*

Jenni: *slumps along with him, helping out* I wouldn't have recommended doing it here... had I known what was going on... oh well. *sheepish grin* But hey, you were looking forward to it, yeah?

Travis: *being quiet as always, puts the bottle of blood over there near them, and sneaks off a lil ways, so he dun haveta watch... tries to go back to wiping up what little might be left of the water on the floor instead* ....

Jenni: *well, a little busy taking Martin's shirt off... {X 3 *

Martin: ....I dunno. Feels kinda....freaky. o_- *'bout ready to lose consciousness here, too...can't seem to move so well anymore...kid's not liking the method at all here. :S*

Jenni: *pets his hair—not too soggy yet, hopefully* I'm sure you'll be just fine. I'll stay with you, if it helps.

Travis: *finally sets the towel back down and stands up... he's not sure if he should look and help or try to think of something else and ignore those memories* ....for a few months...? ....m-maybe I should go get someone....

Jenni: ... Well, I meant 'till this bit is done. And that might be a good idea.

Travis: *nods... isn't sure who to get or anything, but heads out quickly back through one of the Doors* I'll hurry.

Jenni: *nods* *if it needs saying, does whatever other undressing needs doing* *without knowing the facts, can only imagine the havoc foreign matter might wreak on this process*

Martin: * nakie. 8D* .... *fairly well out of it now...even his breathing seeming to slow down...gonna be completely out pretty soon here. And if Travis went through Martin's Door, he might spot Madoc heading down the hall there. :3*

Travis: *pauses there seeing the prepup... can we assume that he gets him to follow back through the Door?*

Jenni: *well, not sure she ought to touch anymore, even to be reassuring* *settles for a light mental contact, 'listening' and keeping up the caring feelings*

Madoc: *well, yeah. 0_o; tis his twin in there! Not gonna leave him to go through changestate in the Room. XD* .... *peeks into the Room there, all timid as always* ....what's that red stuff all over him? o_o *referring to that liquid that's covering the poor's gotten thicker, turning a slightly red color...*

Martin: *pretty well out now, not even responding to Jenni's telepathy anymore. :S*

Jenni: *yeah, not touching that O.o; * *doesn't need a response to keep tabs on basic condition—brain still working, etc., if only at a hibernatory level* *blinks up at Madoc* Er? Ah, well, I'm a bit short on technical terms. Pre-shell stuff?

Travis:'ll get hard... *trying hard not to look right at any of it, hugging himself tightly here, and steps away from them to curl up against the wall, eyes closed... kid's got serious Issues with this too, it looks like. :S but what doesn't he have issues with?*

Jenni: *... y'know, was hoping for someone who actually knew how to deal with this*

Madoc: Um...We should wait till then, I guess. I'm Turelim, so I don't shell up like that. 0_o; *his features do seem heavier, although he still looks just like Martin...not too far apart, the only differences are clan ones.*

Jenni: *wondering if she ought to give Heldrad a 'shout,' hen that he is... stilll—* I don't suppose there's a lot to be done until then. But I don't know anything. *doesn't seem too anxious, though*

Madoc: *nods, then looks over at Travis* Hey, thanks for... *stops when he sees him curled up there* You okay? 0_o

Travis: *quiet, off in his own world again or something, face buried on his knees, rocking a lil* Just wait for it to be over with and hope no one messes with you too bad while you're shelled, or locks you in the chest under the bed.... *prolly had the latter happen to him, by how he's acting here, digging his claws into his sides hugging himself too tightly, and starting to cry again... Issues aplenty. -_-;*

Jenni: *bloody one-track mind of hers, missing things... well, not like Martin's going anywhere* *walks over to Travis and hugs him up again* Hey, you're all right. Hm? There's nothing bad right now.

Madoc: ..... *quiet* And hope nobody kicks you or anything while you're unconscious, or throws you into the Abyss for taking too long... *has his own Issues with that, kid. :P Thanks.*

Jenni: *sideways look at Madoc—oy vey, not you, too?*

Travis: *leans into the hug, burying his face on her and going back to crying quietly, though he's calming down again now that she's got him* ....never want to have one again....

Jenni: *rocks* You've had a rough time of it. And it sounds like you're not the only one.

Madoc: .... *watches his brother there for a min, then goes to hug on Travis too. A lot sweeter than his bro, that's for sure. XD* But y'know what? We always turn out okay afterwards, right? At least we have that much. We're still alive.

Jenni: *yay for cuddle puddles*

Travis: .... *doesn't answer that bit, just bites his lip harder* .... *yeah, he'd prolly say something to Madoc's efforts at comforting him, but he figures he'll shut up instead. -_-;*

Nightsail: ((Travis: At least you're alive, you mean. ¬_¬ ....I wish they would've just killed me when I was like that, and got it over with...))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: Yes, well, we're working on that. {= P ))

Jenni: *but actually says: * Well, I'm glad someone's glass is half-full.

Nightsail: ((Travis: *dumped the rest of his out — can he throw away the glass now, please?*))

Madoc: ....? *looks at her kinda funny at that, but quietly goes back to hugging on Travis. He gets the hint...he'll just shut up now. XD*

Travis: *quiet* I don't want any more... >_< always feels wrong....

Jenni: That's because you think it is, I bet.

Madoc: *nods* I know it does. *quiet* when you're half awake and you can't move, because it feels like someone's sitting on you. >_<

Jenni: ... *follows a hunch, works a hand free and runs her fingers through the hair behind Madoc's ear*

Phoenix: ((XD I guess she's heard about the puppy phenomenon, huh? lmao))

Neshomeh: (( Yep. Met Elsiar's, even. ^_^ ))

Madoc: ..... *quiet at that, after a sec or two just closes his eyes and leans into it, some lil sigh...itty hint of a purryish sound in there too. XD Pre-pup!*

Travis: *quiet* Or when you're getting covered up, and all you want to do is curl up, like you're going to be sick if you don't, and you can't seem to breathe enough... *eyes tight closed still... sounds like something that'd traumatize those that've had a really bad experience their first time. :S*

Jenni: *pwnz* *kinda nuzzles Travis, cos she only has the two hands* I recommend not thinking about it anymore. Hm?

Madoc: ...right. ^_^ *purring more, even putting his throat on Travis's shoulder....gonna try and have that vibration tickle the kid. XD*

Travis: *quiet, tries wiping his eyes again... and lets up on his lip finally, to take a better breath here, but it looks like he must've bitten right through it or something; even with his fast healing, it's pretty bad. 0_< getting better by the second, but man...*

Jenni: *probably can't see that as he's pretty well stuck between her and Madoc now—not much room for sitting up ^_^; * *but speaking of seeing things, looks over in Martin's direction to check on him*

Martin: *getting fairly well covered at this point, can't make much of anything out on him...looking way more like an egg now. :3

Madoc: *smelling that, looks up, inspecting that lip* ..... o_o'll be okay. *tries wiping the blood off there* Please don't hurt yourself like that?

Travis: *quiet, serious* I'll quit taking my ears off when they quit putting them back on. *in other words, very blatantly doesn't care about his physical appearance or well-being. :S quite self-destructive...*

Jenni: *damn, that goes fast!* *shakes head* Just relax. Everything is fine right now. Just fine. *sounds like a brainwashing machine, but maybe that's a good thing*

Madoc: .... *has no idea how to react in this kind of situation...he'll let Jenni do the talking. :S Right now he's just nuzzling on Travis's hair, purring...come on kid, cheer up. ;_;*

Jenni: *kid needs a shot of Bleep-esteem, really*

Phoenix: ((XD Bleep-esteem?))

Neshomeh: (( One of many Bleeprin derivatives. {= ) ))

Neshomeh: (( ))

Travis: *quiet — hey, Jenni, how about that disguise machine that ya had Heldrad try for the trip to yer Earth? XD*

Jenni: *if she thought that would fix something, she'd go for it*

Nightsail: ((hehe.... she isn't thinking being made human again for a while would help the kid?))

Neshomeh: (( Well, it's just a veneer. ))

Neshomeh: (( Easy answer isn't always the right one, sort of thing. ))

Nightsail: ((even so, kid's obsessive. ;)))

Nightsail: ((so her idea of the desired end result is?))

Neshomeh: (( Him accepting who and what he is, of course. On the other hand, didja read the transcript yet? ))

Nightsail: ((ah, I knew I forgot something! hehe...))

Neshomeh: (( It probably takes a little explanation anyway. In a nutshell, Henry Jekyll thought to himself, "Hey, if I can throw off one form and persona, there must be something in me that enables it. Who needs a formula when I can make a blood serum? I'll just modify it so it does what I want this time. Voila!" ))

Madoc: *yawns a bit...getting put to sleep by Jenni's pets. XD* 's gonna be okay. ^_^

Travis: *staying quiet, not gonna speak up against it again — apparently, these two don't much like that when he does.*

Jenni: *keeps it up* *can tell Travis isn't buying it, but doesn't expect him to at this point* ... Y'know, we could move someplace a little more comfortable. Wha'd'you say, boys?

Travis: *itty nod, staying quiet* ...

Madoc: Hm? *looking up, a lil groggy, and points over at the couch* How about over there? ^_^ Or...can we see your world, you think?

Jenni: *blink* Where'd that come from? *aside from left field, that is...*

Madoc: *shrugs* It would be fun to see. Besides, maybe they can help him there? *hugs on Travis a little*

Jenni: *snort* First of all, it's not my world any more than yours would be. I don't have a world. Second of all, Earth is not the best place for anyone different—and, while blending in is possible, it's not so easy.

Madoc: .... ;_; *uh-oh, the Sad Puppy Face. XD*

Travis: *just curls up a lil more* .....

Jenni: *aww* ... It was a nice thought. *pet* I just think it's a bad time.

Madoc: ....Oh. *hugs on Travis more...well, he tried. ;_;* Maybe we could look through the Doors for someone that can help you get back to normal. ^_^ *um...he means what by that, exactly? 8D*

Travis: *quiet* Maybe... *not putting much hope in it, though, it sounds like*

Jenni: *would facepalm under other circumstances—people, please stop trying to help!* Normal is vastly overrated.

Travis: No it isn't.... normal people can go to school and have friends and grow up to be something.......

Jenni: Whereas other people can learn where- and whatever they want, also make friends, and grow up to be somebody, which, I think, is a much better deal.

Madoc: 0_o *blinks* Being human is overrated? *quiet, listening to the two of them there, and gives his hair another lil nuzzle* We'll find someone. I'm sure of it. *gets up, putting him on Jenni's lap, and goes to open a Door...then shuts it quick.* 0_o; .....big cat...

Travis: *trying not to cry again* .....

Jenni: Who said human is normal, anyway? There are lots more things that aren't human than things that are. Human is only one possibility. Human is flexible, that's why I like it, but that's about it.

Madoc: *looks back at her* That's not the point. He liked being that way, and it was taken from him. It's the least we can do to make it better. Next time, he'll have a choice of who and what he wants to be... *opens up another Door, and puzzles over it a min* .......?

Travis: *staying out of it, just peeks up more at Madoc.... finally someone admits to getting it.... 0_o* .... *and actually manages a hint of a real smile for once, though he has to wipe his eyes again*

Jenni: *sigh* I oughta introduce you to Erik sometime. *glances upward* The vessel is so unimportant.

Erik: *oh, is up there* *not going to be show-and-tell, though*

Nightsail: ((Travis: So're clothes, until you're forced to wear ones that're so uncomfy they hurt, and not allowed to take them off...))

Neshomeh: (( Erik: Yeah. So there. ))

Madoc: him, it is. *peeking in that Door more, looking around...they might catch a glimpse of an odd-looking lil cave scene there...all dark gray stone, and an odd mist flowing along the ground and up on the ceiling...lil white puffs of fog drifting around too, almost like those lil ghost-orbs.* ...this place is odd. 0_o;

Phoenix: ((*has more ebilness in mind. X3*))

Nightsail: ((ohgods. not gonna put poor Travis through SH, are you? o_o))

Phoenix: ((NO. XD))

Phoenix: ((that would be WAY too evil, even for me. I said a cave....see any caves in SH? :P))

Nightsail: ((*raises hand* SH2. Where you get the board and radio.))

Jenni: If that's how it is, that's how it is. *getting tired of useless arguing* *peers at the Door out of curiosity and is reminded of the Dead Marshes, only without the marshes*

Phoenix: ((what EVER. XD *baps* I have something else in mind...think Disney. ^_^))

Nightsail: ((.........wait.... what movie?))

Phoenix: ((I'll give you a hint. A demigod faces the evil villain and gets the girl, and is immortalized in the stars. 8D))

Nightsail: ((ahahaha...))

Phoenix: ((oh, and it has James Woods. *snicker*))

Neshomeh: (( I only saw that once, and a long time ago. {= P ))

Nightsail: (("We dance, we kiss, we shmooze, we go home happy, what do you say?"))

Phoenix: ((yup. lmao))

Neshomeh: (( Ori plays a Hades... ))

Phoenix: ((So do I. X3))

Neshomeh: (( Ohgods. Not ANOTHER Dark Lord incarnation. {X D ))

Phoenix: ((:P Hey. Gotta love the hothead and his flaming hair.))

Nightsail: ((Mem: *is a fun demon, kthx. 8D*))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: *doesn't neeeed thiiiis* *has a history of getting on entirely too well with evil* ))

Phoenix: ((well, Hades is a ladies' man...or thinks he is. 8D But only dead chicks dig him. XD))

Neshomeh: (( 'Course, Jen doesn't believe in evil... and she has it bad for Leof, though I think the entire multiverse is oblivious. ))

Madoc: *whoever said they were arguing? XD* .... *steps into the place, looking around, and ends up going down that tunnel to have a look around*

Jenni: ... *whatever* *this looks creepy* Where are you going?

Madoc: *from down the tunnel...sounds no more than three feet* Have a look around. ^_^

Jenni: *gets up* I can't fix you if you get eaten. Just so you know.

Travis: *dares to let go of Jenni to step after Madoc, when she gets up too... he likes Madoc enough to wanna follow him around, at this point. :3*

Jenni: *does facepalm* *with a glance at Martin, goes after them*

Madoc: *laughing sound from further down....he kept walking. 0_o; He can hear her that far away?* I won't get eaten, promise. ^_^ *hears someone following him, turns and sees Travis and Jenni...just smiles and waits for the skinny burdie and the PPC agent to catch up with him...looks like they're heading downwards. 0_o;*

Martin: *all shelled up now. :D Big Razielim-burd egg!*

Jenni: *reaches out to try and get her bearings... has she been here before? no, would recognize the 'feel' of it... does have a vaguely familiar flavour, though* ... This has "bad plan" all over it...

Travis: *stepping over to Madoc, looking around a lil too, though keeping behind the much stronger vamp* ....?

Madoc: How so? *putting an arm around Travis, giving him a lil snuffle on his hair...goof prepup. XD He's not worried!* Seems okay to me. Reminds me of when I woke up all covered in those other runaways. ^_^ ....they were really nice, all of them. They even gave me their blood to eat, even though they were hungry too, because I was just a baby, to them...

Travis: What other runaways? 0_o

Jenni: *shuts up and keeps all senses alert*

Madoc: *quiet, walking with the kid* From Turel's clan. I tried running away once, and I succeeded for about three days...but then I went out and got captured again. Everyone else was safe, though. *thinking about that* ...I dunno if they made it or not...

Travis: *silent a sec* Someone should go check on them, then, huh....

Jenni: *quietly* One adventure at a time.

Madoc: Right. ^_^ They were really careful about when they went out and everything. *looks like the tunnel opens up further down, a soft green light shining from beyond that* ... *sniffs a lil, smiling* Fresh air coming up. ^_^ *well, is a bit stuffy in that cavern with the mist and all. XD*

Travis: *quiet, trying to see what that light is without having to go further than he has to, hanging back with Madoc* .....yeah....

Madoc: *peeks into that cavern... huge opening there, and that green light seems to be coming from below...the path going up to the tall castle-ish thing is wide enough for four average-height people to lie across without falling off, so they shouldn't worry about that either. :3* ....wonder who lives up there. 0_o; *staring up at that castle, man. All Greek architecture, of course. X3*

Jenni: *dimensional phenomenon, anybody?* *eyes the light, then the castle* ... Someone with a taste for tragic plays, no doubt.

Travis: *quiet* This place is creepy... *trying to hide behind Madoc some more*

Madoc: ...'s a lot better than in Dark Eden. That's all covered in lava. 0_o; *kneels down, turning to look at the kid* Hey. I'll give you a ride, okay?

Jenni: *sets mouth in a line* *is actually getting less nervous, but would still prefer an about face—if she thought anyone was listening to her at this point*

Travis: *shakes his head a lil, taking an itty step back... and has to grab onto Madoc anyway to keep from tripping on his own feet here, not stepping carefully enough... eh, just carry the kid. ;)*

Madoc: *nope, not listening to the Voice of Reason. 8D What kid does?* ^_^ Here. *picks him up, keeping the kid on his back, keeping his arms around his neck* Lot better, huh?

Jenni: *yes, must remember she's dealing with kids—adolescents at best, which is in fact worse* *sigh* *well, better just make sure they don't get into too much trouble*

Travis: *is tall, but that's mostly 'cause of his being a burdything... he's only what, 14ish? :S* ....yeah.... *telling himself it is, hugs on tighter* ...

Madoc: *heading up to the castle, peeking inside* Hello? Anyone here? *when he gets no answer, steps in a lil more, looking around* Hellooooo....

Voice: Ehhh, go figure. The minute you start in on your schedule, somebody shows up without calling... *lil puff of blue flame, and there's the big guy himself on that big throne at the end of the hall...flaming blue hair and everything. XD* So....what is it this time? Daddy got you down? Wanna have power over all the known world? Hey...just don't ask to drive Helios' chariot, okay? Because the last guy that did nearly filled this place to occupancy. *lil grin at his joke there...guy's got nasty teeth. 0_o;*

Madoc: Um...actually, we were just exploring... 0_o;

Jenni: *stare* ... -_- Oh, brother.

Travis: 0_o; .... *tries to hide on Madoc there, his ears going down too* .....

Hades: Exploring? *actually laughs a bit at that* Geez kid, this isn't a playground, you know... *has to peek over at Jenni's outburst...hey now!* of you guys. Can't you leave a god in peace for once? ¬_¬;

Madoc: o_o You're a god?

Hades: *has to snerk at that, waving one finger at him and making that tsk-tsk noise* Well of course I am. *and in a blink he's right there next to Madoc, holding his hand out to him* Name's Hades, Lord of the Dead....maybe you've heard of me.

Madoc: .... o_o *just ends up giving him a blank, guess not. XD*

Jenni: *eyebrow* "You guys?"

Travis: *tries to look smaller there on Madoc's back* .... *nervous lil peep, very quiet*

Hades: know. Cactus freaks. *snerks, then looks up at that itty peep up there* Aww, wouldja look at that. You've got a talking blue fungus. *has to snerk* Don't be scared, kid. Here, how 'bout a sucker for the lil sucker... *summons up that same lil skull-shaped sucker that he tried to give baby Herc and offers it over. XD Showoff.*

Jenni: *rolls eyes* It's not them you have to worry about. Unless you LIKE having a bunch of improbable daughters trying to usurp your tyrannous rule, or mysterious women with impossible proportions overrunning the place for a scrap of affection, or insanely overpowered heroines overrunning the place to usurp your tyrannous rule.... Am I wrong?

Nightsail: ((Hades: Well, the middle option doesn't sound so bad; I might even get to like that once in a while...))

Phoenix: ((XD You! Out of my brain!))

Neshomeh: (( Jenni: It's all fun and games till someone puts an eye out. ))

Nightsail: ((Hades: Right... then it's hillarious. And hey, free eyeball!))

Neshomeh: (( {X D Jenni: Right, well. In that case, enjoy. ^_^ ))

Phoenix: ((*baps the Sail* Out, I said! XD))

Hades: Eeeeh, good point. *shudders, slicking that flame of his back...of course it goes right back to the way it was. XD* Although I like the sound of improbable proportions...Persephone had a nice face, but almost no urns on the shelf, y'know what I mean? Might be nice to have a girl that won't run home to mommy either. *makes a face at that* Puhlease. Like it was my fault she went on hunger strike?

Jenni: ... *slow smile* *this could be fun after all* Did I mention the part where they turn you into an angsty, urply wreck with no sense of humor?

Travis: .... *just stays hugged onto Madoc there, not sure if he should keep being scared, or relax, or what....*

Hades: Y'know, you really know to kill a guy's mood. *grins...still offering that sucker over at Travis, btw. XD*

Travis: *just staring at him... hasn't taken his claws off Madoc's shirt yet, so he hasn't grabbed it... hasn't even finished wiping his eyes, either. XD*

Jenni: *shrug* Eh. I trust you'll recover. *amused, oh yes*

Hades: ...granted. *dissolves that sucker in a lil blue flame, looking over Travis again...then smiles* Let me guess. I'm good at this. Ready? Here goes... *putting his fingers on his temples, makes a corny lil "telepathy" sound* Oh, got it! *grins at him* Unhappy with the way you look, huh kid?

Travis: *blinks... looks like he'd say something, but ends up just looking back at Jenni — help, he's speechless. 0_o;*

Jenni: *yep* You don't wanna answer that, Travis. See, it'll start out nice enough, but you can always trust a god—and especially a dark one—to be devious and basically untrustworthy. ... Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Travis: .......but..... *but he's tempted!*

Hades: Hey now, watch throwing around all that "dark" stuff. *snerks* I'm just a businessman, you know that.

Jenni: *pretends shock* Why, that's even worse!

Travis: .....but.... *:(* *is gonna start giving everyone the Puppy Dog Eyes if this keeps up* ...

Neshomeh: (( ... Why do I have the feeling there should be a musical number about now? *g* ))

Phoenix: (('d hate my singing voice. XD))

Nightsail: ((Hades: Heyheyhey, no musicals right now. That's for saps and wussies and Disney's efforts to appeal to the diapers audience when they water down the To Kill A Mockingbird stuff, you know?))

Phoenix: (( :P Sail has invaded my head! Run away!))

Nightsail: ((yuss. I've stolen your Hades, and left Heldrad, it seems. 8D))

Neshomeh: (( {X D "But, Father... I'd rather...." "Rather what?" "I'd rather... just... sing!" ))

Phoenix: (("No, stop that! Stop that right now! No singing!"))

Hades: ....honey? *turns to her, grinning...makes like he's gonna toss something at her...and ala Beetlejuice sends a big clamp flying to cover her mouth* Do keep your mouth shut for just a few minutes? Thanks. *snaps his fingers...and Travis is right beside the guy, with Madoc whimpering a lil, backing up, not at all sure what to do here. ;_;* See, kid...making deals is what I do for a living. *itty grin* And I can tell you're in the need of a drastic makeover. Whaddaya say we strike one, you and me? *putting an arm around the kid's shoulder and everything...oooh, smooth salesman. XD*

Nightsail: ((Hades: Any and all spontaneous renditions of well-rehearsed but entirely too specific to be coincidental songs will be PUNISHED SEVERELY! Capiche?))

Jenni: *meep?* ... *right, doesn't have to put up with this cartoon crap* *reality check!* Ahem.

Travis: *probably getting half carried by the arm around him, he's so underweight and weak... haha.* what.....? *looks back at Jenni — input?*

Hades: *looks back at that, rolling his eyes* You guys are really stubborn, aren't you? You gonna be the kid's lawyer or something? *peeks down at Travis* You know what. You wanna be human again, right? Well, you gotta do a lil something in return for me. Nothing big, I'm not gonna ask for your soul or anything... *snerk* Bad incidents in the past of people breaking out of that one. I just need you to do a teensy lil thing for me, and you're home free. A messenger service to those mortals walking around up there. *grinning*

Jenni: Ha. The only thing worse than a businessman is a lawyer. Travis, "teensy" is relative. Think about it.

Travis: *trying not to be so nervous here* well... what do I have to tell to who? *wants to know before he agrees. but he's already leaning toward agreeing, it looks like... kid really wants it!*

[Continues in August.]


Avitus: *gets put down by his evil mun in Eric's lair... burd wakes up enough to figure out he's on something soft — prolly Eric's bed — and curls up more, a wing over him, and goes back to sleep, cooing*

Erik: *spell it right or be Punjabbed* *and, by the way, WHAT IN THE SEVEN BLOODY HELLS?!* *wasn't IN the bed, 'cos he tends not to sleep, but had just come in and is now rather livid*

Avitus: *er, right, Erik with a k! ....burd's oblivious, just one small ball of black feathers there on the bed, some of his light green dresslike overshirt peeking out from under it, cooing in his sleep with a few lil burdysong notes* ....

Erik: *sees red for a minute there, but manages not to fly into a blind rage* *instead, will fly into a 20/20 rage* *stalks over there and overturns the bed, yelling something very rude in French, all glowy-eyed*

Avitus: *a high burdy screep as he gets dumped, completely unprepared for any of that.... and climbs out from under the bedding, eyes wide and hair now totally messed up — all tossed around, it's managed to get curly again. and thanks to the way all the vamps look in that world, the burds ended up looking especially girly-pretty, so plus the fact that Avitus wasn't very old as a human, prolly early 20s at most, and he's kinda small anyway.... one might mistake him for being a somewhat flat-chested female. 8D yay for embarrassing the burd!* *guy's clothes don't help the impression either — wearing a very long overshirt-ish kind of robe over his clothes that looks remarkably like a dress on him...* .... *just stares at him a good moment, trying to breathe properly... scared him plenty there!*

Erik: *too pissed to notice much except that somone's in his space, dammit* *only beginning to be scary here—very twitchy fingers, curling up just like they would around someone's neck—and speaks now with The Voice* How did you get here? *think of it like a truth serum*

Avitus: *gonna cry if he keeps it up!* I don't know....

Erik: *good!* Don't know?!

Avitus: *shakes his head, tears already started.... lookie, Erik, ya made the girlyburd cry! XD*

Erik: *goddammit... cannot have this* How can you not know? There's only one way in here—my way! How did you get past the traps?

Avitus: What traps? I was in my bed, and you woke me up here! *wiping those tears*

Erik: You most certainly were not in— *wait a sec, just remembered where he is... plothole central* *turns away in utter disgust and slams his fist into the wall—check out the cracks* DAMN! I should have known. *whirls around again and starts checking the place out, completely ignoring the burd as he searches for something like a portal*

Avitus: *gonna just sit there and cry for a few, then, wiping his face and curling all up in his wings.... still quite hard to tell that this isn't a girl, I'm sure!* ....'m sorry....

Erik: *grumblemuttersnarl... gotta find the damn thing, it's here somewhere... Probably pushes Avitus out of the way at some point to check around the capsized bed*

Avitus: *scoots into a corner, curls up there instead, just hiding in those big feathery wings* ...

Neshomeh: (( Think author intervention would leave residual plotholes? ))

Nightsail: ((sure.))

Neshomeh: (( Schweet. ))

Erik: *finally puts his hand through the mattress—aha!* *cautiously leans in to see what else he might have to deal with until it's closed up*

portal: *getting smaller as it is.... though looks like it might lead to the burds' castle somewhere, if he can get it open enough before it shrinks too much*'

Erik: *doesn't have that technology... so, no chance of stuffing Avitus back through, then* *pulls out before he gets decapitated or something* ... *got a weepy mass in the corner* Well, you're not staying here. Get up and keep close, or you'll regret it. *heads out into his labyrinth, not at full speed, but not caring too much whether Avitus trips spikes or pitfalls or any of the various other nasties along the way*

Avitus: *gets up, still wiping those tears off, and tries following, still sorta crying as he goes, a few absent lil sad burdysounds and all... haha, Erik's kicking out one of the singers he'd wanted to mess with before...*

Erik: *nobody gets in his lair, dammit* *assuming he manages to follow without too many mishaps and/or getting lost, he'll eventually find himself in the rafters above the Lounge, Erik perched somewhat below, looking for someone who might be useful*

Avitus: *sits down there on the rafters, curls up... that wasn't a good wakeup!*

Heldrad: *not here. :D*

Nume: *is here, reading something and sipping from his flask of Bleepka*

Avitus: *just staying curled up there in the rafters, hiding in those big wings again, wipes tears off once more, still making the odd lil chirps quietly once in a while*

Erik: *... not who he wanted to see, but the geek will have to do* *glances upward, annoyed* Come down from there—and if I ever catch you trying to get back, you won't live to regret it. *jumps down himself*

Nume: *blink* *bzuh?*

Avitus: *peeks down... and curls up again, clinging onto the rafter now; hadn't realized how high up he was!* .... *peep....*

Nume: ... So. The elusive Phantom. No target practice today? *referring to the time when Erik and Teatime were throwing knives at newish people*

Erik: Spare me. I have enough problems without making you one of them. I found that— *well, was going to point at Avitus, but he's not there* *looks up again*

Nume: *also looks up* That? What about it?

Erik: ... *will clear Avitus out later—turns back to Nume* It was in. My. Room. I know you have ways of preventing portals from appearing. I must know how.

Avitus: *turning around a bit up there finally, trying to figure out how to best get down... about to try jumping off forward, but decides otherwise and tries to turn the other way to get down backwards, only to get his claws caught up on the rafter a bit — dratted heel-claws! — and end up falling down anyway, with a surprised squeal of a lil screep and a few hasty, ineffectual flaps that just stir up the air in the Lounge a bit at most... burd ends up on the floor in a bit of a heap, after hitting a beanbag and falling off of that too... right on his — her? haha... — bum now* ..... *tears renew* .....